Guides to Implementation of the (Revised) PSI Directive in Croatia
In Croatia publication of open government data is coordinated by the Ministry of Administration and the Information Comissioner. The published data are grouped on the open data portal. Localised guides have been jointly developed by University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics and the Information Commissioner who attended the final face-face meeting of Share-PSI 2-0 and the W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group. They comprise the entire open data lifecycle. These guidelines are going to be further developed in following months and accompanied by relevant workshops in order to motivate public bodies for further publication and increase the quality of published data.

- Preporuke o prilagodbi skupova podataka za javnu objavu i ponovno korištenje
- Open Data Guide, Croatia
- Language: HR
- Applies to: Croatia
- Access: Home page
- Date: 2016
- Creator: The Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FoI) University of Zagreb/Office of the Information Commissioner
- Provenance: This guide was created by, or with the direct involvement of, the relevant Share-PSI partner(s), during the project.