Provenance Working Group Teleconference

28 Feb 2013


See also: IRC log


pgroth, Curt_Tilmes, +1.661.382.aaaa, ctrim, smiles, GK, stain, TallTed, +1.818.731.aabb, [IPcaller], Satya_Sahoo, dgarijo, +44.131.467.aacc, jcheney, Ivan, Luc, SamCoppens, TomDN
Luc_Moreau, Stephan_Zednik
Paul Groth
Curt Tilmes, Curt


<trackbot> Date: 28 February 2013

<pgroth> Scribe: Curt Tilmes

<ctrim> ctrim: Zakim, aaaa has me

<stain> (love it when zakim just gives up before asking for the code..)


<pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2013-02-21

<Curt> scribe: Curt

<pgroth> Minutes of Feb 21, 2013

<smiles> +1


<stain> 0 (not there)

<hook> +1

<dgarijo> +1

<GK> +1

<pgroth> accept: Minutes of Feb 21, 2013 telcon

PR update

pgroth: scribes, need them
... director's call for PR coming up
... next friday
... everything should be staged by then

<pgroth> prov:hasProvenance

pgroth: need to update link headers to lowercase for link relations

<pgroth> prov:has_provenance


<pgroth> http://lhasts.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-prov-wg/2013Feb/0289.html

pgroth: reviewer hassue with primer description of wasQuotedFrom, proposed response circulated

smiles: changed example to be very clear about the quote relationship

pgroth: any objections to that response?

<smiles> OK, thanks, will do

pgroth: smiles should send the response


<pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/PublicationRequestMarch12

pgroth: All notes should be ready for synchronized release on March 12
... need to be sent by March 5 to be ready to publhash on March 12

<pgroth> sub-topic: prov-dc

dgarijo: some small hassues will be addressed today or tomorrow

<pgroth> PROPOSED: to publhash prov-dc as a WD Note.

<ivan> +1

<dgarijo> +1

<smiles> +1

<stain> +1

<SamCoppens> +1

<Dong> +1


<TomDN> +1

<hook> +1

<dgarijo> +q

<satya> +1

<jcheney> +1

<GK> (abstain - not reviewed)

dgarijo: Kai engaged DC people to solicit feedback after release

<pgroth> accepted: to publhash prov-dc as a WD Note.

<GK> Is thhas being released as NOTEW or WD?

<GK> Ah, thanks. Then +1

pgroth: will be a working draft, not yet a released note
... We will refer the WD to the DC community for their review and for them to recommend as part of DC recommendations

<dgarijo> Also, we have to explore the relation between dct:provenance and prov:has_provenance

<pgroth> sub-topic: prov-sem

<TomDN> @Graham: everything has WD-NOTE except PROV-DM, -Constraints, -N and -O I think

jcheney: current version has clearly marked places for more work, released monday, some reviews in, waiting for Paolo
... general consensus to release WD, some questions remain to resolve

<satya> @James, Paolo also sent comments on Feb 27

<GK> @Tom thanks (proposal was originally just NOTE)

<Paolo> I can send them again

<pgroth> proposed: to publhash prov-sem as a first public working draft

<smiles> +1

<satya> +1

<dgarijo> +1


<hook> +1

<khalidBelhajjame> +1 (University of Manchester)

<TomDN> +1

<pgroth> +1

<GK> @Tom, or so I thought p- I read "WG Note" ;)

<GK> +1

<Dong> +1

<ivan> +1

<stain> +1

<TallTed> +1

<Paolo> +1

<SamCoppens> +1

<pgroth> accepted: to publhash prov-sem as a first public working draft

<jcheney> @Paolo: I found it, no need to resend.

<jcheney> thx

<pgroth> sub-topic: prov-xml

<GK> Curt: believes most comments have been addresses

<GK> … Question about whether qnames have to be qualified … in examples?

<stain> <:fred> has not a valid qname, but <fred> has

<GK> I note that http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#Conformance defines a notion of namespace-well-formed separately from XML well-formed

It would be fine to go either way, it is a minor issue

pgroth: have tim and stain reviewed yet?

<GK> "Namespace constraint: Prefix Declared

<GK> The namespace prefix, unless it is xml or xmlns, MUST have been declared in a namespace declaration attribute in either the start-tag of the element where the prefix is used or in an ancestor element (i.e., an element in whose http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-content the prefixed markup occurs)."

stain: I have not yet done so, but I don't think there are major problems

pgroth: Other issues with PROV-XML?

<pgroth> PROPOSED: to publish prov-xml as a working draft note

<TomDN> +1

<SamCoppens> +1

<stain> +1


<ivan> +1

<GK> +1

<jcheney> +1

<satya> +1

<Dong> +1

<dgarijo> +1

<stain> which thread describes this qname issue btw..?

<hook> +1

<smiles> +0 (not reviewed)

<pgroth> accepted: to publish prov-xml as a working draft note

<khalidBelhajjame> +1

<stain> ah, but that would just be the empty namespace if there is none defined. That's a valid qname, but probably does not make much sense in PROV-DM land.

@stain subject "Re: review of prov-xml"

<pgroth> hard to hear you

<stain> it's xmlns=""

<TomDN> we get about 2 words per sentence

<stain> it breaks out as if there's auto-mute

GK: PROV-AQ has mostly editorial work, 2 major issues: service description, a property relating to the service document
... a change to the ping back specification, discussed, changes being documented in the WD
... ping back is really another discovery mechanism for provenance
... change target uri to entity uri, changing back to target uri, fundamentally editorial, but pervasive

pgroth: We have already voted to release PROV-AQ as a working draft, but there was an objection by stain, but that has now been addressed
... By Monday, people who did review it, take a final look for blockers to releasing as a WD
... If there are no objections, will release as a WD

<GK> BTW, I've one more thing to do: update the revision log (copied from mercurial log) - but that shouldn't affect reviews

<stain> what does "by Monday" mean in clock sense?

<pgroth> proposed: release prov-aq as a working draft if there are no objections by Monday March 4, 2013

GK: does that mean we can release Tuesday?

pgroth: Yes, we will need to stage by Tuesday

<stain> so we've got over the weekend to re-review PAQ, and then the week after it goes out with the rest ?

GK: I'm busy on that day, can Paul stage?

pgroth: yes, I will stage

<stain> mm.. so it's a +1 / -1 kind of review

<stain> fine by me

pgroth: We need to know about blockers/major objections by Monday to get it staged and out

<GK> @stian thanks

<pgroth> proposed: release prov-aq as a working draft if there are no objections by Monday March 4, 2013

<smiles> +1

<khalidBelhajjame> +1

<GK> +1

<satya> +1

<ivan> +1

<dgarijo> +1


<TomDN> +1

<Paolo> +1

<SamCoppens> +1

<Dong> +1

<stain> +1 (except for the awkward date format! :) )

<jcheney> +1

<hook> +1

pgroth: GK - can you send out an email with the URL to review?

GK: yes

<stain> [ relevant XKCD: http://xkcd.com/1179/ ]

<pgroth> accepted: release prov-aq as a working draft if there are no objections by Monday March 4, 2013

<pgroth> sub-topic: other notes

pgroth: need final updates on other notes (primer, overview, links) to point to the right versions of everything

<pgroth> Proposed: to publish prov-primer, prov-overview, prov- links as working drafts

<TomDN> +1


<stain> +1

<smiles> +1

<dgarijo> +1

<ivan> +1

<jcheney> +1

<satya> +1

<SamCoppens> +1

<khalidBelhajjame> +1

<GK> +1

<Paolo> +1

<pgroth> accepted: to publish prov-primer, prov-overview, prov- links as working drafts

<dgarijo> yes

pgroth: staging XML?

<smiles> yes

Curt: will make sure it gets staged

jcheney: will stage PROV-SEM
... will discuss process with Luc

<smiles> Is it a particular time on Tuesday?

<TomDN> fyi: we will resolve PROV-Dictionary validation issues on Monday

<pgroth> i can't hear you

ivan: the web links for document provenance (?)

pgroth: If you want to include the provenance for your document, tell Ivan where to point the links

<ivan> you guys should give me all the links to the provenance directory before tuesday

<ivan> exactly

<ivan> thanks

<dgarijo> bbye

<khalidBelhajjame> bye

<GK> Bye

<Dong> thanks, bye

<stain> bye

<pgroth> trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.137 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/02/28 16:42:12 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137  of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/is/has/g
Found Scribe: Curt Tilmes
Found Scribe: Curt
Inferring ScribeNick: Curt
Scribes: Curt Tilmes, Curt
Default Present: pgroth, Curt_Tilmes, +1.661.382.aaaa, ctrim, smiles, GK, stain, TallTed, +1.818.731.aabb, [IPcaller], Satya_Sahoo, dgarijo, +44.131.467.aacc, jcheney, Ivan, Luc, SamCoppens, TomDN
Present: pgroth Curt_Tilmes +1.661.382.aaaa ctrim smiles GK stain TallTed +1.818.731.aabb [IPcaller] Satya_Sahoo dgarijo +44.131.467.aacc jcheney Ivan Luc SamCoppens TomDN
Regrets: Luc_Moreau Stephan_Zednik
Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.02.28
Found Date: 28 Feb 2013
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2013/02/28-prov-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]