See also: IRC log
<omstefanov> scribe: kfrische
<daveL> scribe: kfritsche
<omstefanov> scribe: kfritsche
<daveL> Regret: Felix, Phil
daveL: going through the agenda
daveL: wed is for poster review
daveL: but today only a short review
chriLi: some edits has already
been done
... one separated edit by email
... i had the idea to create a glossary/terminology section as
separated wiki page
daveL: this is a good point, we listed some definitions in requirements section
chriLi: run a named entity enricher through the wiki page
<chriLi> Run both the Spec. and the Wiki page through both a term candidate recognizer and a named entity recognizer
daveL: problem could be the wiki markup, how to add the ITS markup there
<chriLi> Drink your own champagne, not eat your own dog food. :-)
daveL: but basically this is a
good idea
... also we maybe should also add some more ITS markup
action investigate its markup in wiki to daveL
<trackbot> Error finding 'investigate'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<daveL> dlewis6
<daveL> ACTION: dlewis6 to investigate establishing a gloassry for the wiki and including ITS markup on pages [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-449 - Investigate establishing a gloassry for the wiki and including ITS markup on pages [on David Lewis - due 2013-02-25].
daveL: anyone has problems with
the posters and use cases section?
... look at the mails from chriLi and Felix for additional
information for the high level use cases wiki page
tadej: we will drop
... ta (text analysis) is the new prefix
... working on a draft
... which will be presented soon to the WG
<chriLi> Tadej already drafted the revised section for the spec. It will be discussed this week.
<omstefanov> I think it is very important, throughout all the ITS 2.0 documents and documentation that text-analysis NOT be abbreviated as simply TA. Using TA will result in lack of understanding.
<daveL> text-analysis
daveL: we are using hypen only in tables and annotatorsRef
tadej: okay will look at this, in
the attributes its called ta in rules its text analysis
... but this is cosmetic
... and can be changed easily
... we provide it soon to everyone
daveL: post the changes to the
... we appreciate the hard work everyone have done there
<daveL> scribe: daveL
karl: we decided in prague that
this was something that implementors should be aware of but not
mandated in the specification
... we don't address in our own application, we only tested
with with UTF-8
... But this is difficult to validate a test for such an
<kfritsche> scribe: kfritsche
daveL: its difficult to test and
doing a negative test
... hard to put this in an normative section
<daveL> daveL: perhaps yves and felix can help with wording that accomodates the dificulty in constructing a negative conformance test
daveL: we leave this open and have to discuss this on a later call
<daveL> ... lets revist this on wednesday
<daveL> scribe: kfritsche
<DomJones1> brb
daveL: basically there are satisfied with our response
<daveL> topic; ISSUE-110: latest input from Jirka, but does this change decision to remove XHTML form test suite?
daveL: so we can close this particular issue
daveL: how we deal with XHTML, jirka said from a implementors point of view this is easy to do
Jirka: i drafted this as a note, but maybe some implementors can have a look at it
daveL: i think we satisfied the original issue and this is a clarification
kfritsche: the mail from Jirka makes much sense and should be added to the specification, as it makes it much clearer, how to use it
Jirka: no need for a new action, as there is already another one for this
daveL: we still have quite a lot
of issues
... after the reports this should be dealt with
... anyone want to cover a issue in the call now?
mdelolmo: starting time of call from wed is?
daveL: 1 pm. utc
... 2 pm cet
Pedro: poster session is in the lunch break, when the demo people have lunch?
<Jirka> Demo or die :-)
<omstefanov> demo and slim down :-)
DomJones1: i will check and maybe the demo people should leave the the session a bit earlier
daveL: should we print the posters or are the printed there?
DomJones1: will check this
daveL: maybe the background should be updated and the logo from EU should be added, because lot of pepople seems to have problems here
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: kfrische Found Scribe: kfritsche Found Scribe: kfritsche Inferring ScribeNick: kfritsche Found Scribe: daveL Inferring ScribeNick: daveL Found Scribe: kfritsche Inferring ScribeNick: kfritsche Found Scribe: kfritsche Inferring ScribeNick: kfritsche Scribes: kfrische, kfritsche, daveL ScribeNicks: kfritsche, daveL WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: ankit, chrsitian, daveL, dominic, jirka, karl, leroy, marcix, olaf, tadej) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ Yves Present: Yves mdelolmo Pedro chriLi Giuseppe pnietoca Got date from IRC log name: 18 Feb 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: dlewis6[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]