See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 04 September 2012
<virginie> any volunteer for scribing ?
<wseltzer> scribenick: karen_
<wseltzer> scribe: karen
Virginie: approve 8/27 minutes
... objective: review draft API
... review actions, not issues
agenda approved
Ryan: responded most of the feedbacks
<virginie> draft is available
<wseltzer> [rsleevi reviews some of the changes listed in ]
<markw> +1
Virginie: Thank you Ryan!
<arunranga> Solid +1
<JimD> +1
<asad> +1
Virginie: anyone frustrated?
<vgb> +1
<mitchz> +
Mark: a used case that I provided last week is not included. Hope to be included.
<mitchz> +1
Ryan: sent feedback in email.
<rsleevi> Sorry, feedback was
Ryan: Didn't have chance to agree on text
<wseltzer> virginie: any objection to including Netflix use case?
<mitchz> +1
<wseltzer> (+1 = no objection)
<virginie> +1
<wseltzer> (-1 if objection)
<JimD> +1
<vgb> +1
<asad> +1
virginie: no objection. can proceed to include netflix use case.
<wtc> I have a question about the purpose of use cases in the API draft, which is why I couldn't vote,
Mark: can work on it today. can work with Ryan.
wtc: purpose of the use case is not clear to me
<mitchz> didn't hear the question
<mitchz> Wan-Teh, your phone is breaking up a bit
<vgb> W3C text on what FPWD means:
<wseltzer> wtc: proposes face-to-face discussion among rsleevi, wtc, Netflix
wtc: communications through email are inefficient. Suggest F2F meeting to clearify.
... does not need to wait for the w3c meeting
Virginie: we can have conference call dedicated to certain subject
<JimD> an action committee, of sorts... a conference call perhaps outside normal hours?
Virginie: as long as you report to the group, no problem for f2f meeting
Ryan: should we mention names?
Virginie: we should typically not mention company names.
Ryan: once in the use cases, the API needs to support it.
<JimD> initial inclusion of use cases does not mean they'll be in the final version
Ryan: we have open issues for API to workout.
<JimD> likewise, there may be other use cases that may be added later
Wendy: we are guided by the charter. It is good to have use cases even if the current API does not support yet. We are free to make further choices
Mark: agree with Virginie and Wendy.
... use cases intending for API to support. If or not API supporting depends on what we work out.
asad: thank editors
... comment on 5.4
<JimD> asad, well said
asad: even current API does not support discover of keys, hope the API still intend to do
Ryan: there are a few editorial changes to be made
Wendy: public review process include making sure public url work out
mitch: where we go for example code?
... do we decide spin out another document?
Virginie: that's an action allocate to Asad
<arunranga> FWIW a FPWD should have some sample code.
asad: for sample code, Ryan has pointed out the sample code should be after api stablized
virginie: can you live with without a sample code?
mitch: may be.
Ryan: similar as use cases, we may start wiki for sample code to address use cases
... I don't know we are at the point to put it in the api doc
<ddahl> rsleevi: we can also write the code in the github and embed it into the wiki so it looks nice
virginie: arun, do you want to comment?
<rsleevi> Note: I was not advocating for FPWD that we do samples
arun: it is useful to have some illustrative code
... generally it is a good idea to have a sample code in the draft
virginie: if include sample code, we can delay for a week or sample code will come later
... any opinion?
... anyone can write sample code in one week?
David: I can do it.
virginie: it is more reasonable to delay one week to add sample code
<JimD> +1
<mitchz> +1
<virginie> +1
<asad> +1
<selfissued> +1
<arunranga> +1
<ddahl> +1
<wseltzer> Proposal: FPWD next week, not this
<vgb> +1
virginie: okay, we postpone one week
<scribe> ACTION: David writes sample code [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, ambiguous username (more than one match) - David
<trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. ddahl3, dmcgrew, drogers2, dhooley)
<wseltzer> ACTION: ddahl3 to write some sample code [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-43 - Write some sample code [on David Dahl - due 2012-09-11].
virginie: we are done with the draft api
<wseltzer> ISSUE-16
<wseltzer> ISSUE-16?
<trackbot> ISSUE-16 -- Definition for Key Expiration -- raised
Ryan: propose to remove it and to have applications to handle it.
<vgb> +1
<wseltzer> Proposal: close ISSUE 16
<rsleevi> +1
<wtc> +1 on removing startDate/endDate
virginie: objection to close it?
<ddahl> +1
<JimD> +1
<asad> +1
<cjkula> +1
<virginie> +1
<mitchz> +1
<wseltzer> +1
<wseltzer> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-16
resolution: close issue 16
<wseltzer> ISSUE-20?
<trackbot> ISSUE-20 -- What are the requirements and the possible technical solution(s) to control the storage of key and associated attributes -- raised
<rsleevi> - proposed text
<rsleevi> (or lack of text)
<wseltzer> Proposal: Close ISSUE-20
<rsleevi> +1
<wtc> +1. The spec shuld not overspecify how implementations store key attributes.
<ddahl> +1
<vgb> +1
<JimD> +1
<cjkula> +1
<mitchz> +1
<wseltzer> +1
resolved: close issue 20
virginie: action 16 - delay after first public working draft
<wseltzer> trackbot, close ISSUE-20
<trackbot> ISSUE-20 What are the requirements and the possible technical solution(s) to control the storage of key and associated attributes closed
<wseltzer> trackbot, close ISSUE-16
<trackbot> ISSUE-16 Definition for Key Expiration closed
virginie: action 22 - key import/export - need more discussions
<wseltzer> trackbot, close ACTION-22
<trackbot> ACTION-22 And cjkula to describe key import/export functionality closed
virginie: action 32 - issue 14 to be discussed
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: please indicate on the mailing list if you think the action should be closed
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: topic: group life
virginie: wiki - any member can edit
... need to decide where to send the public draft
... change the use of conf call.
... comments from members: too much emails to go through. May have 40 min conf call to discuss specific topics
ryan: support real time communication
... concern is - participant may not fully express their concern due to missing calls or other reasons
... if we do this, we need solid scribers
virginie: we need material to discuss before the conf call
... suggest to try
wendy: rrsagent, pointer? gives timestamped minute
virginie: next conf call talk about first public draft
<virginie> thanks karen for scribing
<wseltzer> trackbot, end teleconf