See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 27 August 2012
<selfissued> selfissued is Mike Jones, Microsoft
<wseltzer> Chair: Virginie_Galindo
<wseltzer> scribe: zooko
<wseltzer> scribenick: zooko
LEt's see... everything I type in here becomes part of the scribed record, right? Except for things I prefix with something/
<hhalpin> PROPOSED: Approve meeting minutes of Aug 20th -
<hhalpin> RESOLVED: meeting minutes of Aug 20th are approved -
Nothing changes since the previous version. Everyone waited until this morning to start giving feedback.
There is a lot of good feedback
Ryan said that. --^
rsleevi: No changes since the previous version. Everyone waited until this morning to start giving feedback. There is a lot of good feedback.
thanks, hhalpin.
Did "" just go into the scribe record?
rsleevi: the plan is to incorporate all the feedback into another draft. If people can get their feedback in today, it would be reasonable to use it for the next version.
asad: the draft is good. There
are a few things that need to be polished.
... in the past we had some sample code. I don't see it
... I fear that when we talk about the scope of this API, we
mention secure elements and smartcards, but it is not in the
right light.
... It is out of scope how to generate the keys or mandating
that smartcards be used, but for applications where those are
required we
... should at least mention the relevant features, within the
... Please look at the email that I sent out this morning.
virginie: two proposals: add sample code, and add mention of relevant features
markw: we need to be clear on which things are still open issues.
<markw> I said that there are issues we've been discussing on the mailing list and I wanted to be sure these were properly documented in the specification before it goes to FPWD
rsleevi: if there are issues you
want to raise, use the bug tracker or the mailing list to make
it clear what are the issues or bugs.
... I'm not sure at what point we start using bugzilla to trac
... I want to make sure that everyone's opinions on these are
getting captured.
<hhalpin> We can kill Bugzilla if users prefer W3C Tracker
<hhalpin> different working groups hae different styles
markw: the issue tracker is fine so long as issues are linked from appropriate parts of the specification.
<hhalpin> we can link to chromium, mozilla bug trackers perhaps
virginie: does anyone feel that there are issues that are not tracked at the moment?
<hhalpin> not sure if IE has a bugtracker per se or public open issue list, does it?
<rsleevi> @harry: I didn't mean Chromium/Mozilla bugs, bug the W3C bug tracker
<rsleevi> *meant bugs in the W3C bug tracker
karen: the application needs to
know that this key is indeed from the smartcard.
... for example, a banking application may allow a different
kind of transaction or higher or lower limit depending on which
key is used.
<hhalpin> @rsleevi: I'm suggesting we remove the W3C bugzillas unless we plan to use them, and include links to the bugzillas of implementations instead
<hhalpin> but not right now, since we aren't in implementation mode yet
karen: I would suggest that we talk about the key storage.
<rsleevi> hhalpin: I was meaning to use the bugzilla to track bugs in the spec, which leads to ISSUES (points of discussion) or ACTIONs (resolutions for bugs)
virginie: we need to create an issue, because we don't have explicit discussion of this question of the application knowing where the key is coming from.
<wseltzer> ISSUE-16?
<trackbot> ISSUE-16 -- Definition for Key Expiration -- raised
@@: this is Issue 16, which is closed and resolved as something that we're not going to do.
<rsleevi> sorry
<rsleevi> 11
<wseltzer> ISSUE-11?
<trackbot> ISSUE-11 -- Is there a need for a storage attribute, indicating storage in a hardware token -- closed
rsleevi: sorry, ISSUE-11
<hhalpin> it is possible to re-open issues, but we prefer not to
karen: How is this use case resolved?
<hhalpin> in general
<asad> Issue 16 is for key expiration not for the source of key, right?
karen: How does an application -- a banking application -- know that a certain key satisfies its requirement?
<asad> Ok thanks.
<JimD> It's one thing to say smart cards are out of scope, but it's another thing to create an API that prohibits
<JimD> That prohibits smart card use
virginie: How to allow an application to make sure that a key is in a secure element, without prohibiting any type of technical solution to this.
karen: We don't have to use an attribute, as long as there is a way for an application to make sure that a key is coming from where it desires.
hhalpin: we're supposed to give feedback by today.
rsleevi: Editors are supposed to
use this feedback and put a new document by September 4.
... And then the document is basically done.
... And then we'll have a formal go-around and ask for
And by "rsleevi" I mean harry.
<hhalpin> sample code can go into a primer
<hhalpin> or even the use-cases, and link to the spec.
rsleevi: might be early for
sample code since the API is still changing rapidly
... an attribute is problematic, but the goal is not to prevent
smartcards or secure elements.
... origin-generated vs. origin-authorized
... The current spec isn't against smartcards.
... We need to work out some new mechanism.
... On the mailing list.
... If you could send your concerns to the mailing list along
with what proposal you'd like to see.
<Zakim> rsleevi, you wanted to reply to asad's use case concern
<hhalpin> good idea, and that is what folks were supposed to do last week :)
vgb: It sounds like there are people proposing open issues that think they're being misunderstood.
<rsleevi> +1 to vgb, that's what I was asking for :)
<wseltzer> ACTION on mark to write some non-normative text about pre-shared keys
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - on
<wseltzer> ACTION mark to write some non-normative text about pre-shared keys
<trackbot> Created ACTION-38 - Write some non-normative text about pre-shared keys [on Mark Watson - due 2012-09-03].
<rsleevi> er, sdurbha :)
sdurbha: maybe we need a method of searching for a key based on the type of key
<sdurbha> zooko: I think that will be good idea too
asad: +1 whoever indicates -- at this late stage of the game -- that the text needs to be changed should provide the proposed new text.
<sdurbha> k
asad: once the user has selected the key, the application should be made aware of that.
virginie: just to try to clarify, when you say "what key" do you mean the specific identifier -- which has been heavily discussed.
asad: it is basically the source -- if it is coming from local storage or from a smartcard.
@@: we've had a week to do what we've talked about -- send notes about open issues and proposed changes.
hhalpin: given that we're moving
the next telecomm to Sept 4, that we give people basically
until the end of tomorrow to do that.
... And if they do it afterward, fine, but it may not get into
the first edition of the working draft.
... If the discussions carry on to the end of the week it will
be too late to get it in.
... For this *particular* round of publication, I'm suggesting
that we give people until the end of tomorrow to submit
whatever proposed changes that they want.
<hhalpin> its a short deadline, but we need to have a hard deadline somewhere for this FPWD
<hhalpin> EOD tomorrow
<Zakim> rsleevi, you wanted to reply to asad
<hhalpin> PROPOSAL: All comments for FPWD have to be in Tuesday tomorrow evening.
<virginie> +1
<hhalpin> Remember, we can *keep* changing things after the FPWD
rsleevi: issues should be as
specific as possible -- if you have a use case that requires
three things, it might be better to put it as three
... We are talking about keys that are either generated by the
application, or provided by some out of band means --
pre-shared, pre-provisioned.
... What has not been discussed yet is authorizing keys.
... Key authorization is like multi-origin access, which has a
number of challenging security issues.
... If it doesn't make it into the first public working draft,
that doesn't mean that we're not going to work on it, but be
virginie: Does anyone have a vision of what they want the next step after the working draft
rsleevi: If we have a clear
semantic description of how origin-authorized keys work...
pre-provisioned keys should be very similar.
... I would expect a lot more discussion about import/export,
wrap/unwrap and key representation.
vgb: there's another bundle of
issues around certificates that's awaiting us.
... One of the problems that I see with the way we're currently
doing things is that we have loads of open issues and things
don't get closed and stay closed.
<hhalpin> any of those is fine after FPWD, but in the beginning the main issue is to explore the space of issus.
@@: once you have one public working draft, then the public review goes on for the next almost year.
scribe: The public can send
feedback at any time up until last call.
... After last call we do not accept feedback from the public,
although the working group can still changes things up until
<hhalpin> we can focus existing calls as well, as has been suggested
virginie: I would prefer to
dedicate one of our regular conference calls to a specific
... Not to increase the level of required work -- it is already
kind of tough.
<rsleevi> Last call for new issues; Tuesday evening. New draft target is Friday, for review over the weekend & Monday
<wseltzer> trackbot, end teleconf
<hhalpin> Trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/thanks, hhalpin// Succeeded: s/How do I say things not for the record?// Succeeded: s/the issue tracker is fine/the issue tracker is fine so long as issues are linked from appropriate parts of the specification/ Succeeded: s/@@/karen/ Succeeded: s/rsleevi/hhalpin/ Succeeded: s/sigh// Succeeded: s/@@/vgb/ Succeeded: s/@@/hhalpin/ Succeeded: s/@@:/rsleevi:/ Succeeded: s/@@/rsleevi/ Succeeded: s/asad/vgb/ Found Scribe: zooko Found ScribeNick: zooko WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: AnthonyNadalin Google JimD Microsoft Netflix P20 PROPOSAL PROPOSED aa aaaa aabb aacc arunranga asad crypto ddahl drogersuk emily hhalpin hhalpin_ joined karen karen_ markw rsleevi scribenick sdurbha selfissued trackbot vgb virginie wseltzer wtc zooko You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Found Date: 27 Aug 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]