Overdue Actions

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There are 39 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-285 (edit) open Propose non-normative text to add on to action-231 (with nick) David Singer 2012-10-10 ISSUE-153
ACTION-368 (edit) open Work on updated "service provider"/"processor" definition (with vinay) Chris Pedigo 2013-02-27
ACTION-369 (edit) open Summarize texts, agreements, and uncertain bits to data around service providers (ideally with dsinger and perhaps npdoty, if willing) Aleecia McDonald 2013-03-13
ACTION-375 (edit) open Review TPE for updates necessary on multiple first parties (with Ed, Nick, RobS, possibly fielding) Shane Wiley 2013-03-18
ACTION-376 (edit) open (with justin) to propose updates on multiple first parties (distinguishing between the one site and platform) Rob Sherman 2013-03-18
ACTION-377 (edit) open (with rigo, peterswire) to follow up on service provider and independent rights clarification Chris Pedigo 2013-03-18
ACTION-389 (edit) open Organize german industry participation in the work of the delta between regulation and DNT Thomas Schauf 2013-03-28 Delta
ACTION-397 (edit) open Look into data around the impact of audience measurement / changes to census calibration Richard Weaver 2013-05-13
ACTION-398 (edit) open Work with ESOMAR folks on clarifying "otherwise support" in audience measurement proposed text Richard Weaver 2013-06-19
ACTION-399 (edit) open Propose text (with Rigo and Rob v.E.) on harmonizing audience measurement permitted use in EU context Susan Israel 2013-05-13
ACTION-400 (edit) open Explore how service providers (to 1st and 3rd parties) can provide transparency, and work through the use cases David Singer 2013-05-14
ACTION-401 (edit) open Update compliance standard to provide requirements for sending D tracking status signal when disregarding DNT:1 signals Justin Brookman 2013-05-14 Compliance Next
ACTION-402 (edit) open Work with Dan to follow up on defining the "yellow" to "green" transaction with strong enough measures Shane Wiley 2013-05-28
ACTION-403 (edit) open Write language on red / yellow / green Justin Brookman 2013-06-12
ACTION-404 (edit) open Further Fact finding on scope of audience measurement and the DAA exception (one page of text) Susan Israel 2013-06-19 AudienceMeasurement
ACTION-406 (edit) open Porpose a new set of names around yellow state Rob van Eijk 2013-05-29
ACTION-407 (edit) open (with Alan Chapell) to draft text regarding browser education as discussed in Sunnyvale (Item 6 in Draft Framework, also in consensus action summary) Chris Mejia 2013-05-29
ACTION-408 (edit) open Review security/fraud text (with chris mejia and dan auerbach) David Wainberg 2013-05-29 ISSUE-24
ACTION-410 (edit) open Review issue-184 with Walter and Rob before merging/pending review Peter Swire 2013-05-29 ISSUE-184
ACTION-412 (edit) open Draft directly/indirectly -identified language proposal Peter Swire 2013-06-05
ACTION-416 (edit) open Review potential consent proposal (including updates from justin), may provide alternative regarding control link David Singer 2013-06-12
ACTION-421 (edit) open Provide text on caching exceptions in cases of server-to-server communication (detail on the use case, in particular) Shane Wiley 2013-06-19
ACTION-425 (edit) open Validate / Comment on David Singer's email Aleecia McDonald 2013-06-26 ISSUE-137
ACTION-427 (edit) open Add non-normative text on graduated response Justin Brookman 2013-07-24
ACTION-432 (edit) open Implement editorial changes on compliance draft (with dsinger, npdoty) Heather West 2013-09-27
ACTION-433 (edit) open Move definitions of collection from issue-228 to issue-16 in 2 weeks Vinay Goel 2013-11-13
ACTION-434 (edit) open Propose an update on normal/abnormal on d signal David Singer 2013-12-25
ACTION-435 (edit) open Check that the compliance array is in the tpe spec David Singer 2014-02-12
ACTION-447 (edit) open Work with roy to find the right sentence for issue-153 David Singer 2014-04-16
ACTION-464 (edit) open Write improved informative text around the synchronous api David Singer 2014-11-19
ACTION-466 (edit) open Move "transfer" concept/qualifier to tcs Nick Doty 2015-03-18
ACTION-468 (edit) open Start wiki page for gathering implementations Nick Doty 2015-09-30
ACTION-469 (edit) open Follow up regarding test suites and w3c infrastructure Nick Doty 2015-09-30
ACTION-470 (edit) open Design and post on the wiki a draft interoperability test matrix Mike O'Neill 2015-10-07 TPE Implementation Report
ACTION-471 (edit) open Raise bugs regarding eff interop Nick Doty 2015-10-28
ACTION-473 (edit) open Work with schunter on requirements for cr exit: uas, plugins, edge...? Bert Bos 2017-03-13
ACTION-474 (edit) open Remove expires from api in favor of just using maxage Roy Fielding 2017-07-24
ACTION-475 (edit) open Rephrase "at risk" on dnt-extensions Roy Fielding 2017-07-24
ACTION-476 (edit) open Talk to martin kurze about dnt implementations. Matthias Schunter 2017-11-20

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <w3t-sys@w3.org>.
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