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From RDFa Working Group Wiki
This is a very rough high-level work plan that the RDFa WG may or may not use to organize the work that needs to be performed for RDFa 1.1
Work Products and Volunteers
- RDFa 1.1 API - FPWD Due April 2010
- Benjamin Adrian, Mark Birbeck, Toby Inkster (Editors)
- RDFa 1.1 Core - FPWD Due April 2010
- Shane McCarron, Mark Birbeck, Manu Sporny, Ivan Herman (Editors)
- RDFa 1.1 in XHTML1.1 - FPWD Due April 2010
- Steven Pemberton, Shane McCarron, Mark Birbeck (Editors)
- HTML+RDFa - Heartbeat Draft Due May 2010
- Manu Sporny, John O'Donovan (Editors)
- RDFa 1.1 Primer - FPWD Due May 2010
- Ben Adida, Jeffrey Sonstein, Ivan Herman (Editors)
- RDF TripleStore APIs (optional) - FPWD Due October 2010
- Toby Inkster (Editor)
- RDFa Usage Cookbook (optional) - FPWD Due October 2010
- Jeffrey Sonstein, Benjamin Adrian, ?? (Editors)
- RDFa Test Suite (XHTML, HTML4 and HTML5)
- ??, ??, Manu Sporny
ISSUES and Their Owners
- ISSUE-1 Explore providing a mechanism for extending reserved words while processing the current document
- Mark Birbeck
- ISSUE-2 Extend RDFa to allow URIs in all RDFa attributes
- Shane McCarron
- ISSUE-3 Updating HTML5 coercion to Infoset rules
- Manu Sporny
- ISSUE-4 Determine the proper XML namespaces document to refer to in the RDFa specification
- Shane McCarron
- ISSUE-5 Clarify the case where the rdf: prefix is bound to another namespace and used in @datatype
- Benjamin Adrian
- ISSUE-6 Do invalid values in @datatype cause plain literals to be generated?
- Steven Pemberton
- ISSUE-7 Integrate RDFa Syntax and Primer examples into RDFa Test Suite
- Jeffrey Sonstein
- ISSUE-8 Whitespace characters that act as CURIE list delimiters should be specified
- John O'Donovan
- ISSUE-9 Provide guidance when specifying subjects via @about, @id, pages and concepts in pages
- Jeffrey Sonstein
- ISSUE-10 Determine the processing order for @lang and @xml:lang
- Ivan Herman
- ISSUE-11 Determine if there is a subset of popular prefix declarations that should be enabled in all RDFa Processors
- Manu Sporny
- ISSUE-12 Analyze Benji's wishlist and determine if there are suggestions that will improve RDFa
- Ivan Herman
- ISSUE-13 Determine if an empty @typeof attribute should create a bnode
- Mark Birbeck
- ISSUE-14 Determine if another attribute should be created to declare prefix mappings
- Knud Möller
- ISSUE-15 RDFa may not have access to the @version attribute in HTML5
- Manu Sporny
- ISSUE-16 Determine if there is a good way of supporting RDF Collections
- Knud Möller
- ISSUE-17 Coordinate with PFWG on @role and how @role integrates with RDFa
- Shane McCarron
- ISSUE-18 Determine how ODF will integrate RDFa 1.1
- Robert Weir
- ISSUE-19 Should RDFa 1.1 generate XMLLiterals or plain literals for content that contains elements
- Toby Inkster
- ISSUE-20 XMLLiteral content isn't processed for RDFa attributes in RDFa 1.0 - should this change in RDFa 1.1?
- Toby Inkster