ISSUE-12: Analyze Benji's wishlist and determine if there are suggestions that will improve RDFa

Benji's wishlist

Analyze Benji's wishlist and determine if there are suggestions that will improve RDFa

RDFa 1.1 Core
Raised by:
Manu Sporny
Opened on:
We should analyze Benji's wishlist and determine if there are suggestions that will improve RDFa without creating major complications to the language. Changes also shouldn't break backwards-compatibility.

Benji's wishlist can be found here:
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Re: Proposal to close ISSUE-12: Benji's wishlist (from on 2010-09-06)
  2. Proposal to close ISSUE-12: Benji's wishlist (from on 2010-09-02)
  3. ISSUE-12 (Benji's wishlist): Analyze Benji's wishlist and determine if there are suggestions that will improve RDFa [RDFa 1.1 Core] (from on 2010-02-07)

Related notes:

Closing ISSUE-12 after due consideration, various changes (as described in the response e-mail) and feedback from the original submitter.

Manu Sporny, 20 Sep 2010, 01:03:59

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