Work documentation for some of the group's past deliverables. The following wiki material is mostly historical.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Work Documentation
- ImplementationStatusHistorical includes historical information with pointers to implementations related to the group's specifications that may not conform to the spec, are partial, or just related.
- SysInfo is a page that gathers notes about the System Information and Events API
- CaptureVsInput compares the pros and cons of a dedicated capture API vs relying on a derived FileReader API.
- ContactsMozDapComparison compares the Mozilla Contacts implementation to the latest W3C Contact API draft.
- ContactFormatsComparison shows how different Contact Formats compare and map to each other.
- ServiceDiscoveryComparison compares different APIs for Service Discovery.
- Near_field_communications_(NFC) Links to existing APIs and collection of Use cases for NFC.
- WebIntent_Issues Issues raised in DAP F2F related to WebIntents
- Sensor_Issues Discussion of issues raised in DAP F2F related to design of the Sensors API
- Bluetooth_Use_Cases as a precursor to chartering work on Bluetooth
- NSD_Security discusses ideas related to security and privacy for Network Service Discovery
Future Work
Since our charter is well delimited and we have limited time in which to work on a set of prioritised items, but since equally there are very interesting areas of work that we could certainly become involved in later, we have set up a FutureWork page to capture them.
- FutureWork lists features deferred to next versions of the specs, and potential future work
- BurlingtonF2F2012 logistics
- ShenzhenF2F20011 logistics
- ParisF2F2011 logistics.
- LondonF2F2010 logistics.
- F2F Agendas
- PubrulesHowTo Pubrules survival guide
- MailingListTags lists the tags that we use to identify the topic of posts to the mailing list (to make it more manageable for people only interested in a single topic).
- ApiCheckList serves as a reminder of aspects to check in our APIs (at the very least, before going to Last Call).