
From DAP WG Wiki

Feel free to add new entries sorted alphabetically into the appropriate mailing list section.

DAP Mailing List

The following tags are used on the DAP mailing list:

[battery] -- For the Battery Status API.

[calendar] -- For the Calendar API.

[capture] -- For both capture APIs. Note that work on the programmatic version will be continued in a joint task force with WebRTC.

[contacts] -- For the Contacts API.

[discovery] -- For the Discovery API.

[intents] -- For Web Intents. Note that the work on this will be carried out in a separate TF, jointly with WebApps.

[menus] -- For work on application menus.

[messaging] -- For the Messaging API.

[netinfo] -- For the Network Information API.

[perms] -- For work relating to user permissions and sexy haircuts.

[privacy] -- For various privacy deliverables.

[proximity] -- For the Proximity Events.

[sensors] -- For the Sensors API.

[sysbeeps] -- For the System Beeps API (if ever there is one).

[tasks] -- For the Tasks API.

[vibration] -- For the Vibration API.

[volume] -- For work on audio volume (this work is currently shelved).