A World of Stakeholders: Lessons from Global Outreach

A slideset summarizing our efforts
to broaden global participation in and benefits from W3C's work.
Daniel Dardailler, April 2008, for W3C Track in Beijing, based on Worldwide
Participation in the World Wide Web Consortium.
One Web for Everyone
"The social value of the Web is that it enables human communication,
commerce, and opportunities to share knowledge. One of W3C's primary goals
is to make these benefits available to all people, whatever their hardware,
software, network infrastructure, native language, culture, geographical
location, or physical or mental ability."
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and Inventor of
the World Wide Web.
Growing International Presence
- 3 Host sites: Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), the European Research Consortium in Informatics
and Mathematics (Sophia-Antipolis, France) and Keio University (Shonan Fujisawa,
- A network of W3C
Offices in 17 locations, including Australia, Benelux/Bénélux
(Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), Brasil, 中国(China), Suomi (Finland), Deutschland und Österreich (Germany and Austria),
Ελλάδα (Greece),Magyarország (Hungary), ישראל (Israel), भारत (India), Italia (Italy), 한국 (Korea), المغرب (Morocco), Southern Africa, España (Spain), Sverige (Sweden), and the United Kingdom and
- A multi-stakeholder organization open to entities from all over the
world. Hundreth of
Members from all more than 40 countries. Hundredth of Invited Experts
from even more regions and countries.
Accountable to the Global Public
- W3C is accountable to
Members and to non-Members around the globe.
- All Working Groups maintain public Web sites and mailing lists.
- All draft standards documents available to the public at a very early
- Public-participation Interest Groups for worldwide collaboration and
community building via open email lists.
- A growing network of volunteers translators working on W3C standards and
reports and press releases
into multiple languages. The international press
coverage of W3C's work is also extensive and expanding.
Global Standards as enablers
Substantive work in areas with the particular objective of enabling
Universal Access to the Web.
- The Web Accessibility Initiative
develops technology, guidelines, and tools to increase accessibility of
the Web for people with disabilities.
- The Internationalization
Activity makes it possible and easy to use W3C technology worldwide
by breaking down barriers between the Web and our planet's many
languages, scripts, and cultures.
- W3C's Mobile Web Initiative
aims to make Web access from a mobile device as simple and convenient as
Web access from a desktop device, critical for the developing world.
Removing economical barriers
International Relations and Liaisons
- The Consortium maintain liaisons with over 40
national, international and regional organizations around the globe
many others.
- Our goals:
- Improved Mutual Understanding of Web technologies
- Better Web Standards.
- More Widely Used Web Standards.
- A unique combination of characteristics among Standard
- Greater Opportunity for Everyone !
- Developing countries stand to benefit substantially
- The W3C Team, Advisory Board, Advisory Committee, Offices, and
interested parties from countries around the world will continue to
discuss, expand and implement the above measures.