Introduction to the Semantic Web
Slides of the tutorial given at the WWW2006 Conference ,
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, on the 24th of May, 2006.
Towards a Semantic Web
The current Web represents information using
natural language (English, Hungarian, Chinese,…)
graphics, multimedia, page layout
Humans can process this easily
can deduce facts from partial information
can create mental associations
are used to various sensory information
(well, sort of… people with disabilities may have serious
problems on the Web with rich media!)
Towards a Semantic Web
Tasks often require to combine data on the Web:
hotel and travel information may come from different sites
searches in different digital libraries
Again, humans combine these information easily
even if different terminologies are used!
However: machines are ignorant!
partial information is unusable
difficult to make sense from, e.g., an image
drawing analogies automatically is difficult
difficult to combine information
is <foo:creator>
same as
how to combine different XML hierarchies?
Example: Searching
The best-known example…
Google et al. are great, but there are too many false hits
e.g., if you search in for “yacht racing”, the America’s
Cup will not be found
adding (maybe application specific) descriptions to resources
should improve this
Search can also be very application–dependent (digital libraries,
specialized knowledge bases, …)
Example: Automatic Airline Reservation
Your automatic airline reservation
knows about your preferences
builds up knowledge base using your past
can combine the local knowledge with remote services:
airline preferences
dietary requirements
It communicates with remote information (i.e., on the
(M. Dertouzos: The Unfinished Revolution)
Example: Data(base) Integration
Databases are very different in structure, in content
Lots of applications require managing several databases
after company mergers
combination of administrative data for e-Government
biochemical, genetic, pharmaceutical research
Most of these data are now on the Web (though not necessarily public
The semantics of the data(bases) should be known (how this
semantics is mapped on internal structures is immaterial)
Example: Image Annotation
Task: convey the meaning of a figure through text (important for
add (meta)data to the image describing the content to let
a tool produce some simple
output using the metadata
What Is Needed?
(Some) data should be available for machines for further processing
Data should be possibly combined, connected, merged on a Web scale
Sometimes, data may describe other data (like the library example,
using metadata)…
… but sometimes the data is to be exchanged by
itself, like my calendar or my travel preferences
Machines may also need to reason about that data
What Is Needed (Technically)?
To make data machine processable, we need:
unambiguous names for resources (that may also bind data to real
world objects): URI-s
a common data model to access, connect, describe the resources:
access to that data: SPARQL
define common vocabularies: RDFS, OWL, SKOS
reasoning logics: OWL, Rules
The “Semantic Web” is an extension of the current Web,
providing an infrastructure for the integration of data on the
RDF Triples
We said “connecting” data…
But a simple connection is not enough… it should be named somehow
a connection from “me” to my calendar is not the same as the
connection from “me” to my CV (even if all of these are on the
the first connection should somehow say “myCalendar”', the
second “myCV”
Hence the RDF Triples: a labelled connection between two
RDF Triples (cont.)
An RDF Triple (s,p,o) is such that:
“s”, “p” are URI-s, ie, resources on the Web; “o” is a
URI or a literal
conceptually: “p” connects , or relates the
“s” and ”o”
note that we use URI-s for naming: i.e., we can use
here is the complete triple:
(, http://…/myCalendar, http://…/calendar)
RDF is a general model for such triples
… with machine readable formats (RDF/XML, Turtle, n3, RXR,
RDF Triples (cont.)
RDF Triples are also referred to as “triplets” , or
The s, p, o resources are also referred to as “subject” ,
“predicate” , ”object” , or
“subject” , ”property” ,
Resources can use any URI; i.e., it can denote an element
within an XML file on the Web, not only a “full” resource,
An Example for URI Usage
If the figure is in SVG (i.e., XML) then all elements can be addressed
by a URI!
Possible Statements Example:
In the annotation example:
“the type of the full slide is a chart, and the chart type is
“the chart is labeled with an (SVG) text element”
“the legend is also a hyperlink”
“the target of the hyperlink is «URI»”
“the full slide consists of the legend, axes, and data
“the data lines describe «A», «B», and «C» type
The second statement can be something like:
(URI For Slide, URI for Predicate, URI for SVG Text Element)
RDF is a Graph
An (s,p,o) triple can be viewed as a labeled edge in a graph
i.e., a set of RDF statements is a directed, labeled graph
both “objects” and “subjects” are the graph nodes
“properties” are the edges
One should “think” in terms of graphs; XML or Turtle syntax are
only the tools for practical usage!
RDF authoring tools may work with graphs, too (XML or Turtle is done
“behind the scenes”)
A Simple RDF Example (in RDF/XML)
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://.../membership.svg#FullSlide">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://...#BottomLegend"/>
A Simple RDF Example (in Turtle)
axsvg:graphicsType "Chart";
axsvg:labelledBy <http://...#BottomLegend>;
axsvg:chartType "Line".
URI-s Play a Fundamental Role
Anybody can create (meta)data on any resource on the
e.g., the same SVG file could be annotated through other
semantics is added to existing Web resources via URI-s
URI-s make it possible to link (via properties) data with
one another
URI-s ground RDF into the Web
information can be retrieved using existing tools
this makes the “Semantic Web”, well… “Semantic
Web ”
URI-s: Merging
It becomes easy to merge data
e.g., applications may merge the SVG annotations
Merge can be done because statements refer to the same URI-s
nodes with identical URI-s are considered identical
Merging is a very powerful feature of RDF
metadata may be defined by several (independent) parties…
…and combined by an application
one of the areas where RDF is much handier than pure XML
in many applications
RDF in Programming Practice
For example, using Java+Jena
(HP’s Bristol Lab):
a “Model” object is created
the RDF file is parsed and results stored in the Model
the Model offers methods to retrieve:
(property,object) pairs for a specific subject
(subject,property) pairs for specific object
the rest is conventional programming…
Similar tools exist in Python, PHP, etc. (see later)
Jena Example
// create a model
Model model=new ModelMem();
Resource subject=model.createResource("URI_of_Subject")
// 'in' refers to the input file InputStreamReader(in));
StmtIterator iter=model.listStatements(subject,null,null);
while(iter.hasNext()) {
st =;
p = st.getProperty();
o = st.getObject();
Merge in Practice
Environments merge graphs automatically
e.g., in Jena, the Model can load several files
the load merges the new statements automatically
“Internal” Nodes
Consider the following statement:
“the full slide is a «thing» that consists of axes, legend, and
Until now, nodes were identified with a URI. But…
…what is the URI of «thing»?
One Solution: Define Extra URI-s
Give an id with rdf:ID
(essentially, defining a URI)
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#FullSlide">
<axsvg:isA rdf:resource="#Thing" />
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Thing" >
<axsvg:consistsOf rdf:resource="#Axes"/>
<axsvg:consistsOf rdf:resource="#Legend"/>
<axsvg:consistsOf rdf:resource="#Datalines"/>
Defines a fragment identifier within the RDF file
Identical to the id
in HTML, SVG, … (i.e., it can be
referred to with regular URI-s from the outside)
Note: this is an RDF/XML feature only!
Blank Nodes
Use an internal identifier
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#FullSlide">
<axsvg:isA rdf:nodeID="A234" />
<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="A234" >
<axsvg:consistsOf rdf:resource="#Axes"/>
:FullSlide axsvg:isA _:A234 .
_:A234 axsvg:consistsOf :Axes".
is invisible from outside the file (it
is not a “real” URI! )
it is an internal identifier for a resource
Blank Nodes: the System Can Also Do It
Let the system create a nodeID
internally (you do not
really care about the name…)
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#FullSlide">
<axsvg:consistsOf rdf:resource="#Axes"/>
Same in Turtle
:FullSlide axsvg:isA [
axsvg:consistsOf :Axes;
Blank Nodes: Some More Remarks
Blank nodes require attention when merging
blanks nodes with identical nodeID-s in different graphs are
the implementation must be be careful with its naming schemes when
From a logic point of view, blank nodes represent an “existential”
statement (“there is a resource such that…”)
RDF Vocabulary Description Language
(a.k.a. RDFS)
Need for RDF Schemas
Defining the data and using it from a program works… provided the
program knows what terms to use!
We used terms like:
, labelledBy
, isAnchor
, myCalendar
, …
Are they all known? Are they all correct? Are there (logical)
relationships among the terms?
This is where RDF Schemas come in
officially: “RDF Vocabulary Description Language”; the term
“Schema” is retained for historical reasons…
Classes, Resources, …
Think of well known in traditional ontologies:
use the term “mammal”
“every dolphin is a mammal”
“Flipper is a dolphin”
RDFS defines resources and classes :
everything in RDF is a “resource”
“classes” are also resources, but…
they are also a collection of possible resources (i.e.,
Classes, Resources, … (cont.)
Relationships are defined among classes/resources:
“typing”: an individual belongs to a specific class (“Flipper
is a dolphin”)
“subclassing”: instance of one is also the instance of the
other (“every dolphin is a mammal”)
RDFS formalizes these notions in RDF
Classes, Resources in RDF(S)
RDFS defines rdfs:Resource
, rdfs:Class
nodes; rdf:type
, rdfs:subClassOf
as properties
(these are all special URI-s, we just use the
namespace abbreviation)
Schema Example in RDF/XML
The schema (“application’s data types”):
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Dolphin">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=
The RDF data on a specific animal (“using the type”):
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Flipper">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="animal-schema.rdf#Dolphin"/>
In traditional knowledge representation this separation is often
referred to as: “Terminological axioms” and “Assertions”
Further Remarks on Types
A resource may belong to several classes
is just a property…
“Flipper is a mammal, but Flipper is also a TV star…”
i.e., it is not like a datatype!
The type information may be very important for applications
e.g., it may be used for a categorization of possible nodes
probably the most frequently used rdf
Inferred Properties
(#Flipper rdf:type #Mammal)
is not in the original RDF data…
…but can be inferred from the RDFS rules
Better RDF environments return that triplet, too
Inference: Let Us Be Formal…
The RDF Semantics document
has a list of (44) entailment rules :
“if such and such triplets are in the graph, add this and this
do that recursively until the graph does not change
this can be done in polynomial time for a specific graph
The relevant rule for our example:
uuu rdfs:subClassOf xxx .
vvv rdf:type uuu .
Then add:
vvv rdf:type xxx .
Whether those extra triplets are physically added to the
graph, or deduced when needed is an implementation issue
Property is a special class (rdf:Property
properties are also resources identified by URI-s
Properties are constrained by their range and domain
i.e., what individuals can serve as object and subject
There is also a possibility for a “sub-property”
all resources bound by the “sub” are also bound by the
Properties (cont.)
Properties are also resources (named via URI–s)…
So properties of properties can be expressed as… RDF properties
this twists your mind a bit, but you can get used to it
For example, (P rdfs:range C)
is a property
is a class instance
when using P
, the “object” must be an
individual in C
this is an RDF statement with subject P
, object
, and property rdfs:range
Property Specification Example
Note that one cannot define within the RDF(S) framework what
literals can be used
Property Specification Serialized
<rdfs:Property rdf:ID="name">
<rdf:domain rdf:resource="#TV_Actor"/>
<rdf:range rdf:resource="http://...#Literal"/>
In Turtle:
rdf:type rdf:Property;
rdf:domain :TV_Actor;
rdf:range rdfs:Literal.
Literals may have a data type
floats, integers, booleans, etc, defined in XML Schemas
one can also define complex structures and restrictions via
regular expressions, …
full XML fragments
(Natural) language can also be specified (via
Literals Serialized
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Flipper">
In Turtle
XML Literals in RDF/XML
XML Literals
makes it possible to “include” XML vocabularies into RDF:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Path">
<axsvg:algorithmUsed rdf:parseType="Literal" >
<math xmlns="...">
A Bit of RDFS Can Take You Far…
Remember the power of “merge”?
Sometimes, one or two extra RDFS statements provide the necessary glue:
is a subclass of abc:efg
is a subproperty of klm:nop
by stating those (and using an RDFS aware environment)
the merge becomes “complete”
Of course, in some cases, more complex “glues” are necessary (see
Some Predefined Classes (Collections, Containers)
Predefined Classes and Properties
RDF(S) has some predefined classes and properties
They are not new “concepts” in the RDF Model, just resoruces with
an agreed semantics
collections (a.k.a. lists)
containers: sequence, bag, alternatives
, rdf:seeAlso
Collections (Lists)
We used the following statement:
“the full slide is a «thing» that consists of
axes, legend, and datalines”
But we also want to express the constituents in this order
Using blank nodes is not enough
Collections (Lists) (cont.)
Familiar structure for Lisp programmers…
The Same in RDF/XML and Turtle
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#FullSlide">
<axsvg:consistsOf rdf:parseType="Collection" >
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Axes"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Legend"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Datalines"/>
:FullSlide axsvg:consistsOf (:Axes, :Legend, :Datalines).
Small Practical Issues
RDF/XML files have a registered Mime type:
Recommended extension: .rdf
Binding RDF to an XML Resource
Using URI-s in RDF binds you automatically
You may also add RDF to XML directly (in its own namespace)
<svg ...>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://../rdf-syntax-ns#">
XHTML is still based on DTD-s
RDF within XHTML’s header does not validate…
Currently, people use
in the header (using conventions instead of
namespaces in metas)
put RDF in a comment (e.g., Creative Commons)
RDF Can Also Be Extracted/Generated
Use intelligent “scrapers” or “wrappers” to extract a structure
(hence RDF) from a Web page…
using conventions in, e.g., class names or header conventions like
… and then generate RDF automatically
(e.g., via an XSLT script)
Although they may not say it: this is what the “microformat” world
is doing
they may not extract RDF but use the data directly
instead, but that depends on the application
other applications may extract it to yield RDF (e.g., RSS)
Formalizing the Scraper Approach: GRDDL
formalizes the scraper approach. For example:
<html xmlns="">
<head profile="">
<title>Some Document</title>
<link rel="transformation" href="http:…/dc-extract.xsl"/>
<meta name="DC.Subject" content="Some subject"/>
<span class="date">2006-01-02</span>
yields, by running the file through
<rdf:Description rdf:about="…">
<dc:subject>Some subject</dc:subject>
GRDDL (cont)
The user has to provide dc-extract.xsl
and use its
conventions (making use of the corresponding meta-s, class id-s,
… but, by using the profile
attribute, a client is
instructed to find and run the transformation processor automatically
A “bridge” to “microformats”
Currently a W3C Team Submission, a Working Group has just been
proposed, with a recommendation planned in the 1st Quarter of 2007
Another Future Solution: RDFa
RDFa (formerly known as RDF/A) extends XHTML by:
extending the link
and meta
(e.g., meta elements may have children, thereby adding more complex
data; usable throughout the body, too)
defining general attributes to add metadata to any
elements (a bit like the class
in microformats, but via
dedicated properties)
RDFa (cont.)
<div about="">
<span property="dc:date">March 23, 2004</span>
<span property="dc:title">Rollers hit casino for £1.3m</span>
By <span property="dc:creator">Steve Bird</span>. See
<a href="http://www.a.b.c/d.avi" rel="dcmtype:MovingImage">
also video footage</a>…
yields, by running the file through a processor:
dc:date "March 23, 2004";
dc:title "Rollers hit casino for £1.3m;
dc:creator "Steve Bird";
dcmtype:MovingImage <http://www.a.b.c/d.avi>.
RDFa (cont.)
Originally, RDFa was part of the XHTML2 development
Plan is to develop it as an extra XHTML 1.X module
It is a bit like the microformats approach but with more rigor
It can easily be combined (i.e., used by) with GRDDL
There is an RDFa document
as well as a primer
available for further reading
RDF Data Access, a.k.a. Query (SPARQL)
Querying RDF Graphs/Repositories
StmtIterator iter=model.listStatements(subject,null,null);
while(iter.hasNext()) {
st =;
p = st.getProperty(); o = st.getObject();
In practice, more complex queries into the RDF data are necessary
something like: “give me the (a,b)
pair of
resources, for which there is an x
such that (x
parent a)
and (b brother x)
holds” (ie, return
the uncles)
these rules may become quite complex
Queries become very important for distributed RDF data!
This is the goal of SPARQL (Query Language
for RDF)
Analyze the Jena Example
StmtIterator iter=model.listStatements(subject,null,null);
while(iter.hasNext()) {
st =;
p = st.getProperty(); o = st.getObject();
The (subject,?p,?o)
is a pattern for what we are
looking for (with ?p
and ?o
General: Graph Patterns
The fundamental idea: generalize the approach to graph
patterns :
the pattern contains unbound symbols
by binding the symbols (if possible), subgraphs of the RDF graph
are selected
if there is such a selection, the query returns the bound
is based on similar systems that already existed in some
is a programming language-independent query language
Our Jena Example in SPARQL
SELECT ?p ?o
WHERE {subject ?p ?o}
The triplets in WHERE
define the graph pattern, with
and ?o
“unbound” symbols
The query returns a list of matching p,o
Simple SPARQL Example
SELECT ?cat ?val # note: not ?x!
WHERE { ?x rdf:value ?val. ?x category ?cat }
Returns: [["Total Members",100],["Total
Members",200],…,["Full Members",10],…]
Pattern Constraints
SELECT ?cat ?val
WHERE { ?x rdf:value ?val. ?x category ?cat. FILTER(?val>=200). }
Returns: [["Total Members",200],…,]
SPARQL defines a base set of operators and functions
More Complex Example
SELECT ?cat ?val ?uri
WHERE { ?x rdf:value ?val. ?x category ?cat.
?al contains ?x. ?al linkTo ?uri }
Returns: [["Total
Optional Pattern
SELECT ?cat ?val ?uri
WHERE { ?x rdf:value ?val. ?x category ?cat.
OPTIONAL ?al contains ?x. ?al linkTo ?uri }
Returns: ["Total
…, ["Full Members",20,
Other SPARQL Features
Limit the number of returned results; remove duplicates, sort
Specify several data sources (via URI-s) within the query (essentially,
a merge!)
Construct a graph combining a separate pattern and the query
Use datatypes and/or language tags when matching a pattern
SPARQL is a “Candidate Recommendation”, i.e., the technical aspects
are now finalized (modulo implementation problems)
recommendation expected 3Q of 2006
there are a number of implementations
SPARQL Usage in Practice
Locally , i.e., bound to a programming environments like
Remotely , e.g., over the network or into a database
separate documents define the protocol and the result format
There are already a number of applications, demos,
We have seen Jena
// create a model
Model model=new ModelMem();
Resource subject=model.createResource("URI_of_Subject")
// 'in' refers to the input file InputStreamReader(in));
StmtIterator iter=model.listStatements(subject,null,null);
while(iter.hasNext()) {
st =;
p = st.getProperty();
o = st.getObject();
Jena (cont)
But Jena is much more; it has
a large number of classes/methods
adding triplets to a graph, serialize it
comparing full RDF graphs
manage typed literals
an “RDFS Reasoner”
a full SPARQL implementation
a layer (Joseki) to create a triple database
and more…
Probably the most widely used RDF environment in Java today
SPARQL as the only interface to RDF data?
with the query:
SELECT ?translator ?translationTitle ?originalTitle ?originalDate
FROM <http://…/TR_and_Translations.rdf>
?trans rdf:type trans:Translation;
trans:translationFrom ?orig;
trans:translator [ contact:fullName ?translator ];
dc:language "fr";
dc:title ?translationTitle.
?orig rdf:type rec:REC;
dc:date ?originalDate;
dc:title ?originalTitle.
ORDER BY ?translator ?originalDate
RDFS is useful, but does not solve all the issues
Complex applications may want more possibilities:
can a program reason about some terms? E.g.:
“if «A» is left of «B» and «B» is left of «C», is
«A» left of «C»?”
programs should be able to deduce such statements
if somebody else defines a set of terms: are they the same?
construct classes, not just name them
restrict a property range when used for a specific
disjointness or equivalence of classes
Ontologies (cont.)
There is a need to support ontologies on the Semantic Web:
“defines the concepts and relationships used to describe and represent an
area of knowledge”
We need a Web Ontologies Language to define:
more on the terminology used in a specific context
more constraints on properties, logical characterization of
Language should be a compromise between
rich semantics for meaningful applications
feasibility, implementability
W3C’s Ontology Language (OWL)
A layer on top of RDFS with additional possibilities
Outcome of various projects:
SHOE project: an early attempt to add semantics to HTML
DAML-ONT (a DARPA project) and OIL (an EU project)
an attempt to merge the two: DAML+OIL
the latter was submitted to W3C
lots of coordination with the core RDF work
recommendation since early 2004
Classes in OWL
In RDFS, you can subclass existing classes… that’s all
In OWL, you can construct classes from existing ones:
enumerate its content
through intersection, union, complement
through property restrictions
To do so, OWL introduces its own Class
to differentiate the classes from
Need for Enumeration
Remember this issue?
one can use XML Schema types to define a name
…but wouldn’t it be better to do it within RDF?
(OWL) Classes can be Enumerated
The OWL solution, where possible content is explicitly listed:
Same Serialized
<rdf:Property rdf:ID="name">
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Thing rdf:ID="Flipper"/>
<owl:Thing rdf:ID="Joe"/>
<owl:Thing rdf:ID="Mary"/>
:Flipper rdf:type owl:Thing.
:Joe rdf:type owl:Thing.
:Mary rdf:type owl:Thing.
:name rdf:type rdf:Property;
rdf:range [
rdf:type owl:Class;
owl:oneOf (:Flipper, :Joe, :Mary).
] .
The class consists of exactly of those individuals
Union of Classes
Essentially, like a set-theoretical union:
Same Serialized
<owl:Class rdf:ID="MarineMammal">
<owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Dolphin"/>
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Orca"/>
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Whale"/>
:Dolphin rdf:type owl:Class.
:Orca rdf:type owl:Class.
:Whale rdf:type owl:Class.
:MarineMammal rdf:type owlClass;
owl:unionOf (:Dolphin, :Orca, :Whale).
Other possibilities: complementOf
Property Restrictions
(Sub)classes created by restricting the property value on that
For example, “a dolphin is a mammal living in sea or in the
Amazonas” means:
restrict the value of “living in” when applied to
“mammal” to a specific set…
…thereby define the class of “dolphins”
Property Restrictions in OWL
Restriction may be by:
value constraints (i.e., further restrictions on the range)
all values must be from a class (like the dolphin
some values must be from a class
cardinality constraints
(i.e., how many times the property can be used on
an instance?)
minimum cardinality
maximum cardinality
exact cardinality
Property Restriction Example
“A dolphin is a mammal living in the sea or in the Amazonas”:
Restrictions Formally
Define a blank node of type owl:Restriction
(which is a
) with a:
a reference to the property that is constrained
a definition of the restriction itself
One can, e.g., subclass from this node
Same Serialized
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Dolphin">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Mammal"/>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#livingIn"/>
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#UnionOfSeaAndAmazonas">
:Dolphin rdf:type owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf :Mammal;
rdfs:subClassOf [
rdf:type owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty :livingIn;
owl:allValuesFrom :UnionOfSeaAndAmazonas.
could be replaced by
, cardinality
, or maxCardinality
Cardinality Constraint Example
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Beluga">
. . .
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#typeOfDorsalFins"/>
<owl:cardinality rdf:datatype=".../nonNegativeInteger">
. . .
:Beluga rdf:type owl:Class
. . .
rdfs:subClassOf [
rdf:type owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty :typeOfDorsalFins;
owl:cardinality "0"^^<.../nonNegativeInteger>.
. . .
Property Characterization
In OWL, one can characterize the behavior of properties
(symmetric, transitive, …)
OWL also separates data properties
“datatype property” means that its range are typed
Characterization Example
“There should be only one order for each animal class” (in
scientific classification)
Same Serialized
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="order">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="...../#FunctionalProperty"/>
rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty;
rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty.
Similar characterization possibilities:
, SymmetricProperty
These features can be extremely important for ontology based
OWL: Additional Requirements
Ontologies may be extremely large:
their management requires special care
they may consist of several modules
come from different places and must be integrated
Ontologies are on the Web . That means
applications may use several, different ontologies, or…
… same ontologies but in different languages
equivalence of, and relations among terms become an issue
Term Equivalence/Relations
For classes:
: two classes have the same
: no individuals in common
For properties:
: equivalent in terms of
: inverse relationship
For individuals:
: two URI refer to the same individual
(e.g., concept)
: negation of
Example: Connecting to Hungarian
Versioning, Annotation
Special class owl:Ontology
with special properties:
, owl:versionInfo
, rdfs:comment
can also be
One instance of such class is expected in an ontology file
Deprecation control:
However: Ontologies are Hard!
A full ontology-based application is a very complex system
Hard to implement, may be heavy to run…
… and not all applications may need it!
Three layers of OWL are defined: Lite, DL, and Full
decreasing level of complexity and expressiveness
“Full” is the whole thing
“DL (Description Logic)” restricts Full in some
“Lite” restricts DL even more
OWL Full
No constraints on the various constructs
is equivalent to rdfs:Class
is equivalent to
This means that:
can also be an individual (it is possible to
talk about class of classes, etc.)
one can make statements on RDFS constructs (e.g., declare
to be functional…)
A real superset of RDFS
But: an OWL Full ontology may be undecidable!
Example for a Possible Problem (in OWL Full)
:A rdf:type owl:Class;
owl:equivalenClass [
rdf:type owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty rdf:type;
owl:allValuesFrom :B.
:B rdf:type owl:Class;
owl:complementOf :A.
if c
is of type A
then it
must be in B
, but then it is in the complement
of A
, ie, it is not of type
OWL Description Logic (DL)
Goal: maximal subset of OWL Full against which current research can
assure that a decidable reasoning procedure is realizable
, Thing
, ObjectProperty
are strictly separated : a class
cannot be an individual of another class
object properties’ values must usually be an
(except, e.g., for rdf:type
No mixture of owl:Class
and rdfs:Class
definitions (essentially: use OWL concepts only!)
No statements on RDFS resources
No characterization of datatype properties possible
OWL Lite
Goal: provide a minimal useful subset, easily
All of DL’s restrictions, plus some more:
class construction can be done only through intersection
or property constraints
cardinality restriction with 0 and 1 only
Simple class hierarchies can be built
Property constraints and characterizations can be used
Note on OWL layers
OWL Layers were defined to reflect compromises:
expressibility vs. implementability
Some application just need to express and interchange terms (with
possible scruffiness): OWL Full is fine
they may build application specific reasoning instead of using a
general one
Some applications need rigor; then OWL DL/Lite might be the good
Research may lead to new decidable subsets of OWL
see, e.g., H.J. ter Horst’s paper at ISWC2004 or in the Journal
of Web Semantics (October 2005)
Ontology Development
The hard work is to create the ontologies
requires a good knowledge of the area to be described
some communities have good expertise already (e.g., librarians)
OWL is just a tool to formalize ontologies
Large scale ontologies are often developed in a community process
Ontologies should be shared and reused
can be via the simple namespace mechanisms…
…or via explicit inclusions
Applications can also be developed with very small ontologies, though!
(“a small ontology can take you far…”)
Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)
Simple Knowledge Organization System
Goal: porting (“Webifying”) thesauri: representing and sharing
classifications, glossaries, thesauri, etc, as developed in the “Print
World”. For example:
The system must be simple to allow for a quick port of traditional data
(done by “traditional” people…)
This is where SKOS comes in
Example: Entries in a Glossary (1)
“(i) Any expression which is claimed to be true. (ii) The act of
claiming something to be true.”
“A general concept, category or classification. Something used
primarily to classify or categorize other things.”
“(i) An entity; anything in the universe. (ii) As a class name: the
class of everything; the most inclusive category possible.”
(from the RDF Semantics Glossary)
Example: Entries in a Glossary (2)
Example: Entries in a Glossary (3)
Example: Taxonomy (1)
Illustrates “broader” and “narrower”
(From MortenF’s weblog categories. Note that the
categorization is arbitrary!)
Example: Thesaurus (1)
Economic cooperation
Used For
Economic co-operation
Broader terms
Economic policy
Narrower terms
Economic integration, European economic cooperation, …
Related terms
Scope Note
Includes cooperative measures in banking, trade, …
(from UK Archival Thesaurus)
SKOS Core Overview
Classes and Predicates:
Basic description (Concept
Labelling (prefLabel
, altLabel
, altSymbol
Documentation (definition
, scopeNote
Semantic relations (broader
, narrower
Subject indexing (subject
, isSubjectOf
Grouping (Collection
, OrderedCollection
Subject Indicator (subjectIndicator
Some inference rules (a bit like the RDFS inference rules) to define
some semantics
Why Having SKOS and OWL?
OWL’s precision not always necessary or even appropriate
“OWL a sledge hammer / SKOS a nutcracker”, or “OWL a Harley /
SKOS a bike”
complement each other, can be used in combination to optimize
Role of SKOS is
to bring the worlds of library classification and Web technology
to be simple and undemanding enough in terms of cost and required
A typical example: the Glossary of project of W3C
stores all terms
in SKOS (and extracted from W3C documents)
SKOS Documents
SKOS documents may be finalized in early 2007:
SKOS is currently a “W3C Note”, will be put into a Recommendation
track this year
“Core” Vocabularies
A number of public “core” vocabularies evolve to be used by
applications, e.g.:
SKOS Core :
about knowledge systems
Dublin Core : for digital
libraries, with extensions for rights, permissions, digital right
FOAF : about people and
their organizations
DOAP : on the descriptions
of software projects
MusicBrainz : on
the description of CDs, music tracks, …
They share the underlying RDF model (provides mechanisms for
extensibility, sharing, …)
Semantic Web Activity Phases
First phase (practically completed): core infrastructure (RDFS, OWL,
Current activities and plans at W3C:
promotion and applications needs, outreach to user communities
Intersection of SW with other technologies (Semantic Web Services,
privacy, …)
Further technical development (Rule Interchange Formats, GRDDL,
OWL can be used for simple inferences
Applications may want to express domain-specific knowledge, like
“Horn clauses”:
(P1 ∧ P2 ∧ …) →
e.g.: for any «X», «Y» and «Z»:
“if «Y» is a parent of «X», and «Z» is a brother of «Y»
then «Z» is the uncle of «X»”
There is also a large corpus of rule–based systems and languages,
though not necessarily bound to the Web (yet)
Several attempts already to combine Semantic Web with Rules (Metalog, RuleML, SWRL, WRL , cwm, …)
Rules Interchange Format Working Group
The W3C Working
Group started at the beginning of November 2005
Work is planned in two “phases”:
construct an extensible format for rule interchange
define more complex extensions
Great interest from financial services, business rules, life science
RIF Phase 1 Goals
An interchange format to exchange rules among rule engines and
probably based on “full Horn Logic” with some simple datatypes
(int, boolean, strings, …)
make it relatively simple, leave the more complex issues to Phase
make a new type of data accessible for the Web…
An extensible format to allow more complex alternatives to be
e.g., fuzzy and/or temporal logic
Recommendation planned in May 2007
RIF Use Cases and Requirements
The first draft has just
been published
Contains a number of use cases, e.g.:
negotiating eBusiness contracts across rule platforms: supply
vendor-neutral representation of your business rules so that others
may find you
describing privacy requirements and policies, and let client
“merge” those (e.g., when paying with a credit card)
medical decision support, combining rules on diagnoses, drug
prescription conditions, etc,
extending OWL with rule-based statements (e.g., the uncle
RIF Phase 2 Goals
Define more complex extensions
towards First Order Logic (FOL), Logic Programming systems…
syntactic extensions to Horn logic like Lloyd-Topor
(P1,1 ∧ P2,1 ∧
…) ⋁ (P2,1 ∧ P2,2 ∧ …)→
(P1 ∧ P2 ∧ …)
→ C1 ∧ C2
actions, i.e., running procedural codes as part of rules
First recommendation(s) planned in May 2008
Lots of Theoretical Questions to Solve
Open vs. Closed Worlds, monotonicity vs. non-monotonicity
How to use various logic systems (Description Logic, F-Logic, Horn,
Business Rules,…) in a coherent framework
Relationships to RDFS, OWL
semantical, model theoretical, syntactical issues
“One Tower” vs. “Two Towers” models
Beyond Rules: Trust
Can I trust a (meta)data on the Web?
is the author the one who claims he/she is, can I check his/her
can I trust the inference engine?
There are issues to solve, e.g.,
how to “name” a full graph
protocols and policies to encode/sign full or partial graphs (blank
nodes may be a problem to achieve uniqueness)
how to “express” trust? (e.g., trust in context)
It is on the “future” stack of W3C and the SW Community …
Other Issues…
Improve the inference algorithms and implementations, scalability,
reasoning with OWL Full
Better modularization (import or refer to part of
Ontology management on the Web
Extensions of RDF and/or OWL (based on experience and theoretical
allowing BNodes as properties; allowing literals as subjects;
extensions of OWL-DL (“OWL 1.1”), e.g., ”qualified
cardinality restrictions” (i.e., “class instance must have two
two black cats”) or disjoint properties
named graphs
Temporal & spatial reasoning
Probabilistic reasoning and/or fuzzy logic
Available Documents, Tools
Available Specifications: Primers, Guides
Available Specifications (cont)
Available Specifications (cont)
Some Books
J. Davies, D. Fensel, F. van Harmelen: Towards the Semantic Web
S. Powers: Practical RDF (2003)
D. Fensel, J. Hendler: Spinning the Semantic Web (2003)
F. Baader, D. Calvanese, D. McGuinness, D. Nardi, P. Patel-Schneider:
The Description Logic Handbook (2003)
G. Antoniu, F. van Harmelen: Semantic Web Primer (2004)
A. Gómez-Pérez, M. Fernández-López, O. Corcho: Ontological
Engineering (2004)
SWBP Working Group Documents
Further Information (cont)
Some Tools
(Graphical) Editors
Further info on RDF/OWL tools at:
SemWebCentral (see also
previous links…)
Programming environments
We have already seen some;
but Jena 2 and SWI-Prolog do OWL reasoning, too!
Oracle's Spatial RDF Data Model
An RDF data model to store RDF statements (available in Oracle Database
10g )
table function (usable from SQL) to query
has the capabilities of SPARQL on an “API level” already
it also has some Horn logic inference capabilities
Java Ntriple2NDM converter for loading existing RDF data
See the Oracle
Semantic Technology Center for more details…
Oracle seems to aim for an role in this space…
IBM – Life Sciences and Semantic Web
IBM Internet Technology Group
focusing on general infrastructure for Semantic Web
toolkit (storage, query, editing, annotation, visualization)
Common representation (RDF), unique ID-s (LSID), collaboration, …
Focus on Life Sciences (for now)
but a potential for transforming the scientific research
Some Application Examples
SW Applications
Large number of applications emerge
Most applications are still “centralized”, not many decentralized
applications yet
Huge datasets are accumulating. E.g.,:
For further examples, see, for example, the Semantic Technology
Conference series
not a scientific conference, but commercial people making
real money!
speakers in 2006: from IBM, Cisco, BellSouth, GE, Walt Disney,
Nokia, Oracle, …
Data integration
Semantic integration of different data sources
RDF/RDFS (possibly with OWL and/or SKOS) based vocabularies as an
“interlingua” among system components
Many different projects and R&D on this: Boeing ,
MITRE Corp., Elsevier , EU Projects
like Sculpteur and Artiste ,
national projects like MuseoSuomi , …
Vodafone's Live Mobile Portal
search application (e.g. ringtone, game, picture) using RDF
page views per download decreased 50%
ringtone up 20% in 2 months
Sun’s SwordFish: public queries for support, handbooks, etc, go
through an internal RDF engine for White Paper Collections
and System Handbook
Nokia has a somewhat similar support portal
Adobe's XMP
Adobe’s tool to add RDF-based metadata to most of their file
supported in Adobe Creative Suite
support from 30+ major asset management vendors, with separate XMP
The tool is
available for all!
Improved Search via Ontology: GoPubMed
Improved search on top of
Search results are ranked using the specialized ontologies
Extra search terms are generated and terms are highlighted
Importance of domain specific ontologies for search