[ 日本語 ]

W3C Register

Registration is now closed

All participants registered before 27 November 2006 9:00am JST (midnight 26 November UTC). Select your registration from the following four types:

  1. Public registration form. All participants except invited guests, media and W3C Advisory Committee Meeting participants must register through this form. The public participation fee is 10,000 JPY per person. Payment is accepted by credit card (MasterCard or Visa) or bank transfer.
  2. Media registration form
  3. Invited Guests such as speakers, moderators, panelists and other invitees including Alumni at W3C Asia Host at Keio University and past W3C Fellows from W3C Members in Japan, must contact Yasuyuki Hirakawa.
  4. W3C Advisory Committee Meeting Participants: Those attending both W3C10 Asia and the W3C Advisory Committee meeting, including Advisory Committee Representatives, the W3C Team and other Advisory Committee Meeting participants, must register through the AC Meeting registration form (Members only). Two questions specify your attendance for W3C10 Asia and the W3C10 Asia reception.