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From RIF
Please complete the Registration / Regrets Form.
At MIT, in Cambridge, MA, US. Stata Center, (building 32), Room 32-G631.
See the results of the poll on preferred locations
Travel information, including hotels.
Three days, April 15-17 2009.
See the sesults of the poll on preferred dates
- Finalize Core, PRD, DTB FLD for LC, and SWC (and BLD?) for LC2
- Close all (critical path) issues
- Make publication decisions
- Finalize the XML schemas
- Finalize the documents text for publication
- Move RIF+XML data/schema to FPWD
- Approve many test cases
Day 1
- 8:30-9:00 - Admin, Intro etc
- 9:00-10:00 - ISSUE-95 (list data type)
- 10:00-10:30 - Break
- 10:30-12:00 - ISSUE-94 (object representation)
- 12:00-13:30 - Lunch
- 13:30-14:30 - ISSUE-81 (OWL data types)
- 14:30-15:30 - ISSUE-57 (extensibility)
- 15:30-16:00 - Break
- 16:00-17:00 - Conclude on lists (ISSUE-95) and object representation (ISSUE-94)
- 17:00-18:00 - XML Schemas for Core, BLD and PRD
Day 2
- 9:00-10:00 - ISSUE-97 (Core Safety)
- 10:00-10:30 - Break
- 10:30-11:30 - Breakout sessions
- 11:30-12:30 - Breakout sessions
- Core/PRD/DTB editors (and possibly BLD and SWC as well)
- 12:30-14:00 - Lunch
- 14:00-14:30 - Review edits
- 14:30-15:30 - ISSUE-37 (RIF+XML data/schema)
- 15:30-16:00 - Break
- 16:00-16:30 - Conclude on RIF+XML data/schema (ISSUE-37)
- 16:30-18:00 - Resolve any problems raised by implementing issues resolutions
Day 3
- Test cases
- Organising the next stage (post May 09)
- 16:00 - Adjourn