The first of the Face-to-Face Meetings was held 8-9 December 2005.
The numbers here match an attendee list that was handed out for reference. People not on the attendee list are given here at the bottom. Names have been turned into WikiNames for this list. (Numbers 8 and 29 were possible observers who did not attend.)
1 AllenGinsberg, MITRE
2 AndreasHarth, DERI Galway
3 BenjaminGrosof, MIT *
4 BijanParsia, MINDLAB
5 ChrisMenzel, Texas A&M *
6 ChrisWelty, IBM (co-chair)
7 ChristianDeSainteMarie, ILOG (co-chair)
9 DaveReynolds, HP
10 DavidSpringgay, IBM * (day one only)
11 DeborahNichols, MITRE
12 DieterFensel, DERI Innsbruck
13 DonGreist, Fair Isaac *
14 DonaldChapin, OMG
15 ElisaKendall, Sandpiper
16 EricDeitert, Pega * (day one only)
17 EvanWallace, NIST (day one and part of day two)
18 GaryHallmark, Oracle *
19 GuizhenYang, SRI
20 HaroldBoley, NRC Canada
21 HolgerLausen, DERI Innsbruck
22 IgorMozetic, Jozef Stefan Institute
23 JeffPan, Aberdeen University
24 JingMei, NRC Canada
25 JohnHall, OMG
26 JonPellant, Pega * (day one only)
27 JosDeBruijn, DERI Innsbruck
28 JoshuaEngel, Ontology Works
30 MalaMehrotra, Pragati
31 MarkusKrötzsch, FZI
32 MasaoOkabe, Tokyo Electric (Observer)
33 MichaelKifer, Stony Brook
34 MichaelSintek, DFKI
35 MikeDean, Stanford University *
36 PascalHitzler, FZI
37 PaulVincent, Fair Isaac
38 PaulaLaviniaPatranjan, REWERSE
39 PedramAbrari, Corticon * (remote some of day one, present day two)
40 PeterPatelSchneider, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
41 PhilippeBonnard, ILOG
42 SaidTabet, Inferware
43 SandroHawke, W3C/MIT (W3C staff contact)
44 StanHendryx, OMG (Observer) (day one only)
45 UgoCorda, Sun
46 UliSattler, University of Manchester
47 VassilisTzouvaras, IVML-NTUA
++ DeborahMcGuinness, Stanford University *
++ EdBarkmeyer, NIST *
++ CoryCasanave, Data Access Technologies (Observer, day one only)
++ PaulaMoss, Raytheon (Observer, part of day one)
++ AdrianMocan, DERI Galway (day one)
++ DavidHirtle, NRC Canada (remote)
++ JeremyCarroll, HP (remote)
++ HassanAitKaci (remote)
++ GiorgosStamou (remote)
Thursday 8 December
- Welcome, Objectives and organisation of the meeting
- Roll call, self-introductions
- W3C process 101, roles and charges in a WG
- Charter overview + discussion of WG scope and objectives
- RIF background and glossary
- History of KR standardisation efforts
- W3C RECs + WIP
- RuleML + related background material
- CL + formal semantics
- OMG efforts + related background material
Friday 9 December
- Round table survey of use cases
- Organisation of work, logistics, meetings schedule
- Presentation of draft use cases and discussion
- Organisation of use cases and requirement collection
- Wrap-up and action items