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F2F Pittsburgh
Library Linked Data Incubator Group, face-to-face meeting
- Saturday 2010-10-23
- Sunday 2010-10-24
- a summary of outcomes has been written for better accessing the main points of the F2F
- Saturday, 23 October (9:00-17:30)
- Sunday, 24 October (9:00-12:00)
- Grand Pittsburgh Downtown, 600 Commonwealth Place http://www.grandpittsburghdowntown.com/
Collocated with:
General required reading
Charter, Charter and Charter! Especially sections 2 (scope), 3 (deliverables) and 4 (dependencies). See http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/charter
Agenda Saturday, 23 October
Use case discussion 9:00-10:30 + 11:00-12:30
Aim (charter): A use-case document that describes a number of real-world use cases, case studies, outreach and dissemination initiatives targeted to the library community and related sectors.
Session activities: Looking at individual use cases (or clusters), discussing requirements (technical, organizational) raised by these use cases. In preparation for the meeting, members of the XG should feel free to propose candidate requirements on the candidate requirements page, which we would discuss in this session.
Required reading: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/UseCases
- Use Case Authority Data Enrichment [Presenter: Jeff (jyoung4)]
- Use Case Digital Preservation [Presenter: Antoine]
- Use Case Bibliographic Network [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case Publishing 20th Century Press Archives [Presenter: Antoine]
- Use Case Subject Search [Presenter: Antoine]
- Use Case Open Library Data [Presenter: Jeff (jyoung4)]
- Use Case Europeana [Presenter: Bernard]
- Use Case Language Technology [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case NDNP [Presenter: Peter Murray (pmurray)]
- Use Case Vocabulary Merging [Presenter: Marcia]
- Use Case Bridging OWL and UML
- Use Case Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) [Presenter: Karen (kcoyle)]
- Use Case Component Vocabularies [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case Digital Text Repository [Presenter: Antoine]
- Identification and deduplication of library records [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- NEP: New Economics Papers [Presenter: Karen (kcoyle)]
- Photo museum case [Presenter: Emmanuelle]
- Browsing and searching in data repositories annotated with different thesauri [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Radio Station Archive Digitisation[Presenter: Ray]
- Use Case AGROVOC Thesaurus [Presenter: Tom]
- Use Case AGRIS [Presenter: Tom]
- Use Case FAO Authority Description Concept Scheme [Presenter: Tom]
- Use Case Citation of Scientific Datasets [Presenter: Kai]
- Use Case Enhanced Publications [Presenter: Mark]
- Use Case Regional Catalog [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case Ranking Search Results by Popularity using Circulation Data
- Use Case LOCAH [Presenter: Emmanuelle]
- Archipel project
- Use Cases NLL Digitized Map Archive
- Use Case Linked Data Service of the German National Library [Presenter: AlexanderH]
- Use Case Library Address Data [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case Data BNF [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Collecting material related to courses at The Open University [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case Talis Prism 3
- Use Case Pode [Presenter: Lars (LarsG)]
- Use Case Recollection [Presenter: Emmanuelle]
- Use Case International Registry for Authors [Presenter: Karen (kcoyle)]
- Use Case Civil War Data 150 [Presenter: Marcia]
- Use Case Mapping Scholarly Debate [Presenter: Mark (Mvanasse/markva)]
- Use Case Polymath Virtual Library [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case Community Information Service [Presenter: Gordon (GordonD)]
- Use Case AuthorClaim
Background reading:
- Requirement process in SKOS: first a sandbox was created giving handles to candidate requirements, then these requirements were formalized in the SKOS Use Cases and Requirements note
Vocabularies 14:00-15:30 + 16:00-17:30
Aim (charter): Identifying relevant data models, vocabularies and ontologies and ways to build or improve interoperability among them
Cf. 2nd deliverable on charter: "A document that describes relevant technology pieces, including vocabularies and ontologies (e.g., SKOS), with the intended goal to identify extension or interoperability requirements, and help determine what other standards [vocabularies] may be needed."
Session activities: Looking of vocabularies in use cases and looking at them one by one. List classes of resources needed for use cases. Determine whether the current use cases mention them, whether the existing vocabularies cover their description adequately (if not, what are the gaps and what clarification are needed?), whether they are specified appropriately (expression of constraints, etc) and whether there is a need for alignments between them. Trying to generalise and about the issues related to these vocabularies in the way that Gordon has done in the piece that he posted.
Required reading: FRBR, RDA... http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Library_standards_and_linked_data
- (in progress) List of vocabularies mentioned in the use cases: FOAF, SKOS, DC... at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Vocabularies
Background reading:
Discussion on deliverables 17:30-18:30
- What can we achieve as deliverables before the charter runs out?
- What could potential follow-on actions be recommended?
Required reading: Scope and deliverables sections of the charter.
Background info: XGs (see closed XGs and active XGs) publish one single XG report which consists very often of an account on participants and group activities, a listing of use cases & cases studies. Often the report features recommendation for future work and sometimes it features some form of technology or vocabulary/model state-of-the-art. Among the XGs that produced or aim at producing more than one single report:
- RDB2RDF XG: this XG delivered a (short) XG report with cases and recommendation for WG and a state of the art survey on mapping relational DBs to RDF
- Multimedia Semantics XG: this XG delivered a general XG Report on use cases, vocabularies and tools, a specific XG Report on vocabularies and two working drafts (editor's draft status) drafts (a WD focused on interoperability issues and a WD on one vocabulary (MPEG7))
- Semantic Sensor Network XG: the deliverables will feature a use case listing, an ontology, work on mapping different vocabularies from the field, work on semantic markup (possibly delivered as member submission?)
- Provenance XG: for now, a report on use cases a state-of-the-art report and a report on provenance vocabulary mappings are being written. The activities of the XG include focusing on: presentations, literature surveys, bibliography, bibliography tags, relevant technologies, related events. The XG also sent requirements for the next version of RDF.
- Social Web XG: the XG maintains a similarly broad range of potential deliverables
- HTMLSpeech XG: deliverables may include change requests to HTML5 and, as appropriate, other specifications
Agenda Sunday, 24 October
Use cases & Topics 9:00-10:30 + 11:00-12:30
Cf. 2nd deliverable on charter: "A document that describes relevant technology pieces, including vocabularies and ontologies (e.g., SKOS), with the intended goal to identify extension or interoperability requirements, and help determine what other standards may be needed."
Session activities: Take a broader look at the topic list. Look at the topics that do not fall into a use case.
Required reading: LLD list of topics and first attempts at organizing UCs vs. Topics
- Conceptual Models and KOS
- Applying SemWeb Technology to Library Data (Implementation)
- Semantic Web Environmental Issues
- Management of data and distribution
- Community and Management Issues
Background reading:
Zakim availability
- Saturday, 23 October 12:30-22:00 UTC (8:30am-6:00pm Boston local)
- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=10&day=23&year=2010&hour=12&min=30&sec=0&p1=0
- Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200 <tel:+1.617.761.6200>, conference 55394 ("LLDXG")
- http://www.w3.org/Guide/1998/08/teleconference-calendar#s_4254
- 25 participants
- Sunday, 24 October 12:30-18:00 UTC (8:30am-2:00pm Boston local)
- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=10&day=24&year=2010&hour=12&min=30&sec=0&p1=0
- Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200 <tel:+1.617.761.6200>, conference 55394 ("LLDXG")
- http://www.w3.org/Guide/1998/08/teleconference-calendar#s_4255
- 25 participants