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From Library Linked Data
In this section you can find vocabularies which were identified during the use case review process. These vocabularies could serve as a base for a discussion at our F2F meeting in Pittsburgh
Vocabulary discussion in Pittsburgh
Main discussion topics for Vocabularies were as follows:
Vocabulary production & curation
- Ownership is important : FRBR core vs. FRBR-IFLA. Official owners should be quick in providing URIs, or else others will do it unofficially
- “Some institution” should maintain links between vocs /OR/ institutions who maintain vocs should provide links to other vocs // some political commitment is needed to improve trust in vocs, endorse them and curate them
- Persistence policy for ontologies and namespaces ?
- Guidance for creators of vocs : How to create good vocs for the Web ? Recipes, best practices, with a limited scope to library linked data.
- “Registering” vocabularies : i.e. declare them in a metadata registry with a URI. Is the term “registering” misleading ? The registry is not mandatory in a Linked Data perspective, but it brings some interesting additional services.
Use of vocabularies
- Perception of barriers regarding the use of certain vocabularies – certain more difficult than others, or perceived to be so
- Is it OK to pick some pieces from a voc, rather than following the global guidelines from the voc as it was originally intended ? “Out of band” guidelines are not significant in a LD environment, but they are in scope for our domain (libs). Vocs providers should be aware of risk of loss of context
- How to identify the source/scheme/context for controlled string values (vocabularies encoding schemes)
Vocabulary development
- MARC as the domain model for libraries ??? - Is a MARC ontology needed ? Or rather focus on content standards such as AACR2, ISBD, RDA ? Or MADS & MODS ?
- For the sake of Interoperability, need to adapt general vocs out there (e.g. FOAF) to library data : blank nodes ? Subproperties ? Contribute to development ? Anyway, seek convergence.
- Difference between the label and the concept – Authorities are about labels, names – not real world entities : the context is important !
- Current coverage of vocabularies – what's missing ?
Existing published Vocabularies available for reuse
- [Link to a curated page for Vocabulary and Dataset]
- FRBR - Use_Case_Bibliographic_Network, Europeana, Use Case FAO Authority Description Concept Scheme, Use_Case_LOCAH, Use_Case_Virtual_International_Authority_File_(VIAF)
- Ian Davis' FRBRcore - Use_Case_Pode
- RDA declaration of main FRBR classes
- Other FRBR-like schemas - Mapping Scholarly Debate
- FOAF - Enhanced Publications, Use_Case_Data_BNF, Use_Case_Pode, Use_Case_SEO, Use_Case_Digital_Text_Repository, Use_Case_Virtual_International_Authority_File_(VIAF), Use_Case_LOCAH
- RDA - Use_Case_Data_BNF, Use_Case_Regional_Catalog, Use_Case_Virtual_International_Authority_File_(VIAF)
- OAI-ORE - Enhanced Publications, 20th Century Press Archives, Use_Case_Digital_Preservation, Europeana
- SKOS - 20th Century Press Archives, Use_Case_Data_BNF, Use_Case_LOCAH, Use_Case_Browsing_And_Searching_In_Repositories_With_Different_Thesauri, Use_Case_Component_Vocabularies, Use_Case_Pode, Use_Case_Subject_Search, Europeana, Use_Case_Virtual_International_Authority_File_(VIAF), Use Case AGROVOC Thesaurus (SKOS & XL), Use Case Vocabulary Merging (SKOS mapping), Use_Case_Migrating_Library_Legacy_Data
- DOAP - Use_Case_Digital_Preservation
- ISBD Use_Case_Migrating_Library_Legacy_Data
- BIBO Use_Case_Bibliographic_Network, Use_Case_LOCAH, Use_Case_Community_Information_Service, Use_Case_Regional_Catalog, Use_Case_Pode, Use_Case_Migrating_Library_Legacy_Data
- DC terms - Enhanced Publications, 20th Century Press Archives, Use_Case_Data_BNF, Use_Case_Virtual_International_Authority_File_(VIAF)Use_Case_Browsing_And_Searching_In_Repositories_With_Different_Thesauri, Use_Case_Pode, Use_Case_Archipel, Use_Case_SEO, Use_Case_LOCAH, Use_Case_Digital_Text_Repository, Europeana, Use_Case_Migrating_Library_Legacy_Data
- DC Type - Enhanced Publications
- EXIF - 20th Century Press Archives
- OPM ?
- W3C Geo vocabulary
- W3C media ontology - Use_Case_Collecting_material_related_to_courses_at_The_Open_University
- UMBEL - Use_Case_Virtual_International_Authority_File_(VIAF)
- hcard, vcard - Use_Case_Library_Address_Data
- lexvo - Use_Case_Pode
- Cito - Use Case Community Information Service . Probably also other SPAR ontologies
- CIDOC CRM - Europeana
- music ontology - Use_Case_SEO
- Creative Commons Rights Expression Language - Use_Case_SEO
- MARC relators (also in value vocabularies) Use Case Component Vocabularies
- Dublin Core Collection Description
- Dublin Core Collection Description Terms - Use_Case_Collection-Level_Description, Use_Case_Nearest_physical_collection
- Dublin Core Collection Description Type (CDType) Vocabulary - Use_Case_Collection-Level_Description, Use_Case_Nearest_physical_collection
- Dublin Core Collection Description Accrual Method Vocabulary - Use_Case_Collection-Level_Description
- Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary - Use_Case_Collection-Level_Description
- Dublin Core Collection Description Accrual Policy Vocabulary - Use_Case_Collection-Level_Description
- Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID)
Local or special vocabularies
- P20vocab - 20th Century Press Archives
- Linked Data Services der DNB - Use_Case_Polymath_Virtual_Library
- GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei) namespace (German National Library)
- Vocabularies used by Google's Rich Snippets - Use_Case_SEO
- Facebook's OpenGraph - Use_Case_SEO
- Yahoo's SearchMonkey vocabularies - Use_Case_SEO
- Europeana Data Model (EDM) - Europeana Use_Case_Polymath_Virtual_Library
Work in progress to create ontologies for:
- MADS - Use_Case_Component_Vocabularies
- ISAD(G) - Use_Case_LOCAH
Vocabularies for which no RDF version is available
- MARC - Use_Case_Archipel
- CDWA - Use_Case_Archipel
- SPECTRUM - Use_Case_Archipel
- P/META - Use_Case_Archipel
- EAC-CPF - potentially useful to Archive and heterogeneous data cluster. Cf. Ed's note
Reference value vocabularies
- VIAF - Use_Case_Polymath_Virtual_Library, Use_Case_Publishing_20th_Century_Press_Archives, Use_Case_Digital_Text_Repository, Europeana, Use_Case_Virtual_International_Authority_File_(VIAF)
- Geonames - Use_Case_Pode, Use_Case_Publishing_20th_Century_Press_Archives, Europeana
- ULAN - Europeana
- TGN - Europeana
- DDC summaries - Use_Case_Browsing_And_Searching_In_Repositories_With_Different_Thesauri, Use_Case_Pode, Europeana
- UDC summary - Europeana
- Iconclass - Europeana
- dbPedia - Use_Case_Polymath_Virtual_Library, Use_Case_Language_Technology, Use_Case_Digital_Text_Repository, Use_Case_Publishing_20th_Century_Press_Archives, Europeana, potentially to be crosswalked from Use Case Civil War Data 150
- Rameau - Use_Case_Polymath_Virtual_Library, Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- Library of Congress vocabularies - Use_Case_Component_Vocabularies
- LCSH - Use_Case_Polymath_Virtual_Library, Use_Case_Digital_Text_Repository, potentially to be crosswalked from Use Case Civil War Data 150, Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- Preservation vocabularies from LoC
- MARC relators (also in metadata elements)
- Instituto Geográfico Nacional (Spain) - Use_Case_Polymath_Virtual_Library
- SWD (Schlagwortnormdatei) (Germany) - Use_Case_Publishing_20th_Century_Press_Archives,Use_Case_Browsing_And_Searching_In_Repositories_With_Different_Thesauri, Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- Wordnet - Use_Case_Language_Technology
- ASFA Thesaurus - Use Case AGROVOC Thesaurus
- Fisheries Reference Metadata - Use Case AGROVOC Thesaurus
- USDA National Agricultural Library - Use Case AGROVOC Thesaurus
- STW Thesaurus for Economics - W3C Case Study
- AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus - Use Case AGROVOC Thesaurus
- Eurovoc, the EU's multilingual thesaurus - Use Case AGROVOC Thesaurus
- Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
- PRONOM - Use_Case_Digital_Preservation
- Worldcat, OpenLibrary, LibraryThing - potentially used as metadata references by Use_Case_Digital_Text_Repository
- Freebase - potentially to be crosswalked from Use Case Civil War Data 150
- National Diet Library's subject headings - Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- Creative Commons License set - Use Case Civil War Data 150
Mapped/merged Value Vocabularies
(available through terminology services or published vocabs)
- HILT (High-Level Thesaurus) project, DDC and others - Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- MACS project: enabling large-scale multilingual access to subjects, LCSH, French RAMEAU, and German Schlagwortnormdatei (SWD) - Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- LCSH-RAMEAU mappings has been published as linked data, as well as SWD-RAMEAU and SWD-LCSH, through the respective vocabulary sites
- LIBRIS-LCSH mappins are available at LIBRIS site
- VIAF authorities are mapped to LIBRIS and GND
- SWD is published with mappings to (German) DDC, result of CrissCross project
- Unified Medical Language System UMLS, over 100 value vocabularies - Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- National Diet Library's subject headings NDLSH mapped to LCSH with SKOS - Use Case Vocabulary Merging
- OCLC Terminology Services, LCSH, and other LC value vocabs, MeSH, Industry Study Group Subject Headings (BISAC®), etc. available in SKOS.
- Agrovoc is mapped to SWD, GEMET (and CAT, NAL as non-LD vocabularies)
- New York Times subject headings are mapped to freebase, DBpedia, Geonames
- DBPedia is being mapped from the subject headings from Hungary National Library, STW, GND...
- The MARC Countries (available as LOD) entries include references to their equivalent ISO 3166 codes.
- The MARC List for Languages have been cross referenced with ISOs 639-1, 639-2, and 639-5, where appropriate. Additional vocabularies will be added in the future, including additional PREMIS controlled vocabularies.