See also: IRC log
<emma> scribe : Marcia
<emma> scribenick: marcia
<emma> Minutes of previous telecon :
emma: any objection?
RESOLVED to accept minutes of previous meeting
-- F2F meetings Pittsburgh 23 and 24 October, confirmed
emma: A joint meeting with DCMI Architecture Forum WG has been scheduled on Friday 22nd afternoon
emma: Application Profiles for Linked Data: Models & Requirements
no questions
emma: Possible meeting jointly to SWBIB 2010 (Cologne, 29 and 30 November) ? See Joachim's mail : “Semantic Web in Bibliotheken” = ” Semantic Web in Libraries“
emma: asking people to take the Doodle poll addition to the f2f meeting in
...see how many people would be interested
...then we will decide
...get details before the conference time, decide
the day and time
<kai> i will be there anyway, so +1 for the meeting
jneubert: maybe part of the
coming event,
...depends on who will be, either afternoon or
<kcoyle> ++ beer and chitchat
<edsu> beer+chitchat++
<antoine> cool!
<kai> +1 for the beer, but maybe we can do both :-)
ww: October possible Berlin meeting
<ww> The 3rd Free Culture Research Conference, 7-9 October in Berlin
emma: we have a wiki page for the events, please paste there.
-- Summer teleconferences schedule 2010-08-19 - Tom 2010-08-26 - Antoine Weekly calls will resume in September.
ACTION: antoine to check cross linking between the two wikis [recorded in] [DONE]
Emma: open discussion
ACTION: stu, alexander, kai and emma to suggest another version of the template. [recorded in] [DONE]
kai: ask if there are any
questions about the template, tried to popularize with data
from use cases, tried to recognize weaknesses and adapt
...maybe have to rework some things, if not,
start to collect use cases
emma: any objection to using the template as such?
kai: topic dimensions and topics to be discussed
<gneher> i think, the templates are very good and will be very helpful. thanks to kai et al. !
<GordonD> +1 let's get on with it
<antoine> I was happy with the changes made after my comments!
emma: maybe we can decide today
[No objection]
ACTION: Alexander, kai, emma to populate the template for use cases [recorded in] -> -> [DONE]
alexander: regarding authority,
maybe populate a kind of general use case, find a specific use
case, consider the enrichment of existing authority
... background and technology not necessary
... try to pick out some limitations, as well as try to relay
to other use cases
-> ->
emma: some feedback on use cases
antoine: they seemed to be OK. I'd like to create one for myself
<edsu> looks good to me
Kai: wonder to find what kinds
problem we have
...granularity of our user cases
...enrichment of user cases
...conclusion: easier to
concentrate on very specific user cases,
...more difficult to have broader point of views
...hence added "related use cases" to connect together specific use cases
... with some common features
<Zakim> antoine, you wanted to ask whether this is captured in the motivation part
kai: to rethink what we did
... its better to focus on a
very specific use case than on a broad scenario
antoine: kai, please write one statement in rationale page
emma: decide how we are going to make more use case
emma: Use cases at ALA meeting,
June 2010 -> to integrate these issues to the user
...anyone has information on this?
ed: there were several groups and
I participated in one
... we talked about Use Cases Discussion Group data set are there now and be used, e.g.,
OCLC case
...what people are doing with the data, monitor
what they do, was only clear of where they were from but
not what they do,
...that was the interesting part
<kcoyle> not all of the discussions there would necessarily turn into use cases, but we can look at them to see what we could derive
ed: OCLC has people involved
...Karen was there,
... discussion about RDFa, for
making library data more accessable to Facebook, Google search,
etc. Another interesting discussion
<emma> Add ideas of use cases
<monica> I wondered if this would make an interesting use case
<antoine> RDFa/Richsnippets/SEO ++
emma: we need to decide: --
Choice between filling the use cases ourselves & sending
out a call
... we don't have many volunteers
<ww> couldn't we do both?
<AlexanderH> first ourselve
<antoine> ww+
emma: yes, we could start with ourselves
<GordonD> +1 ourselves
<kai> +1 for ourselves for the already existing ideas for use cases
-> Poll for volunteers:
<jeff> +1 ourselves
<gneher> +1 ourselves
<AlexanderH> see how many we get ourselves
<edsu> +1 ourselves first
<kai> =more examples = easier for others to follow with further use cases
<michaelp> +1
<monica> +1 start ourselves
<Andras> +1
<GordonD> timescale?
emma: use the use case on the wiki
<ww> +1 start ourselves, then solicit other suggestions
<monica> would it be ok to work on use case with collaborators from outside the working group?
emma: when the use cases are due
<kai> @monica: i think so
<GordonD> +1
antoine: suggestion of
volunteering to take the use cases, suggests limiting the
number of volunteers...don't have more than two people on same
use case
... that way they won't wonder if ten people are going to
jneubert: it makes sense to follow the example
section...make it part of the cases section.
... link all the use cases
in the section of the use case page
[jneubert did it]
antoine: deadline...
emma: first get some use cases ourselves, September...
antoine: not the next telecon but the one after is the deadline?
<GordonD> +1 August for ourselves then September for others
emma: or the next one
<kcoyle> +1 august
antoine: deadline august 26th
... better one day before the telecon
<GordonD> this will allow feedback from ifla and possibly rda
emma: august 25 deadline
ACTION: everyone to create use cases on the "use case note" page . Not more than 2 persons per case. Deadline august 25. [recorded in]
<edsu> topic topic :-)
emma: ACTION: everyone to elaborate on topics in the wiki [recorded in] Karen is editor of the topics. [CONTINUES]
<GordonD> +1 to continue to develop topics
emma: use cases should relate to the topics
antoine: want to point to the discussion page on the topic page
emma: July about domain modling,
FRBR... question about if the description relly relate to
... on the mailing list there are discussions
karen: not sure what point to make
Jeff: lots of topics getting to certain concerns, small group carry on the discussions. need balance between small group and everyboday
<antoine> I think raising general awareness on issues is good!
emma: relate the discussion to the topics
<b_vatant> wondering how the topics will be related to use cases
karen: maybe we can base on the
topic list, do not get into the details.
... initially need to remember to put them on the topic
<michaelp> If someone wants to take them on as a UC, they would then be there.
emma: relate to the topic list,
antoine: discussions, as long as
on the community list, all are relavant of the topics was on Open Library,
certainly relevant
<ww> the openbiblio mailing list is available for discussion of sausage
Jeff: the case of Open Library protocal details etc. has some gaps with linked data
<GordonD> suggest xg members take responsibility to manage public list topics - move offline with smaller group, add to topics, fold back to focus of lld - but not prevent discussion
karen: some of the cases are not pure linked data, the case will be on how you want to move from what you got
<antoine> +1
karen: happy to use the Open Libraary as one of the use case
<GordonD> +1 karen - linked data + how we get there - most of what i'm doing is the latter
mpanzer: the discussions here
touched the issue of how linked data relate to the SW
... how we release data silos , how to relate library standards
like FRBR and FRSAD to the SW standards/linked data addition to putting them on the topic list,
but also need to have f-t-face meetings.
emma: please try to raise some of these items for the agenda
-- RDA To be discussed in august.
<GordonD> add frbr, frad, frsad to upcoming topics
<kcoyle> Gordon? :-)
<edsu> kcoyle?
<edsu> :-)
emma: anyone is interested in preparing something about RDA?
emma: we do not have today
Gordon: Aug. will be difficult. Sept will be better
emma: Gordon will put on something for discussion in Sept. agenda
ACTION: Gordon will prepare something on RDA, FRBR etc. for discussion in Sept. agenda [recorded in]
-- Comments on the NISO Institutional Identifier (I2) Working Group (WG) midterm report ->
marcia: I made a page at:
emma: everybody agrees on a collective comment (informal)?
<ww> +1
emma: any objection?
... anyone with comment please check marcia's page
edsu: is it worthwhile mentioning RDF?
marcia: it would be great. How to formulate?
edsu: I will formulate a line on the wiki
marcia: background discussion is
on the Discussion page of the wiki page
... for example MARC
... people could check that aspect
ACTION: marcia to send (informal) group's comment on I2 before the deadline for comments [recorded in]
<marcia> emma: any other business?
emma: adjourned