See also: IRC log
<antoine> I can't see LLD on the calendar
<stu> i am not being admitted to the call with the code 55394
<antoine> @ everyone: we're stuck because our call is not registered in the W3C calendar for some reason
<antoine> ... we do not have zakim for the moment
<antoine> ... as you probably experienced from not being able to connect
<edsu> hmm, not able to call in to boston number: "staff code is not valid"?
<rsinger> same here
<stu> talking to the operator
<stu> she did not find it registered..
<stu> believed it was a one time only
<antoine> ok we have stu trying to launch it via phone and felix having sent mail
<antoine> let's wait five minutes
<antoine> ... if we don't receive news then we cancel it
<antoine> sorry everyone for this mess :-(
<digikim> Q: How many Linked Data people are needed to fix a broken conference call? -- A: None. The Linked Data just works. :)
<edsu> antoine: no worries
<stu> :-)
<dlukose> I was told by the operator to ring back in 3 minutes
<marcia> the conference call is valid now. However when I called I was the only one.
<amy> this is amy from W3C. the bridge should be working
<amy> there was a problem with the scheduling, we'll try to sort it out later
<antoine> thank amy!
<amy> Felix! hi! great
<stu> thank you!
<amy> :)
<amy> sure thing
<digikim> I just called in, but how did I say its me?
<scribe> scribe: fsasaki
Antoine: any objection to the minutes of last call?
RESOLUTION: approved minutes from last call
Antoine: have this item to keep you informed, but nothing to report here
Antoine: see agenda, as a reminder
antoine: idea of wiki is
different from our group wiki
... a free space for any public contriubtion to the library
linked data topic
... may also be completely outside the scope of the group
... meant as a means to invite people from outside the group to
... any questions?
... there are two wikis: the group wiki, and the group wiki
stu: could we have a link between the two wikis, explaining their relation?
<jar> +1 cross-links
antoine: yes
<kai> +1
<stu> (stu was asking for links between the two wikis with a brief explanation)
ACTION: antoine to check cross linking between the two wikis [recorded in]
antoine: based on the template from the provenancy XG
antoine: stu and others had an
action to work on the template
... has been progress on that action
ACTION: Stu takes the lead on understanding UC approach better (with help of Emmanuelle Jodi Bernard and Jeff) [recorded in] [DONE]
stu: the assignment was not
because of my conclusion of how to do use cases
... templates from the provenance gropu were quite useful
... also had other input on how to make the template
... this I think is a pretty good start of how to do that
... discussion of use case template
antoine: about the dimensions
(categories) in here: I see some very general dimensions
... might be dangerous if we go too much into details
... we should not take too much time to work on the
stu: I will send a link to the group with my proposal, people can look at it and see what they think about it
antoine: sure
... every material is welcome to discuss
... but we need to move that forward, we need to finalize
... looking at your proposal, there was an overlap with the
work from kai
kai: looked at the dimensions, I now probably would start with them
<emma> (I just commented that it is quite complementary, we can try to use the dimensions with Kai's template as is)
<kcoyle> +1 do a few use cases to test out UC and dimensions
<stu> kai +1 ...
<antoine> +1
<felix> +1
<GordonD> +1
<stu> important thing is for people to create use cases
edsu: question about the
... I thought the dimensions were used to analyse the use cases
which came in
... but it looks like it is something wider .. could someone
antoine: I think that the dimensions are a guide for the use case provider to structure the UC
kai: maybe we should find some not so specific dimensions and just refine them
<stu> I think the dimensions are to stimulate, NOT limit, people's thinking on use cases
<antoine> +1
kai: it is ok to start with a broad set
<emma> +1
stu: I see that if we try to figure out the dimensions in detail, that may foster specific kinds of answer from the provider
antoine: agree
<AlexanderH> +1
etsu: we don't want to prevent people from providing use cases just because the UC does not fit into the template
<edsu> +1 for broad set of dimension examples
<Nico> .aagg is me
antoine: we should start to merge
the templates, within one week, and start internal
... e.g. Alexander filling that template
... for the next call we could make a final decision about the
form of the template, and then send them to the wider
... is that OK?
<edsu> +1
<emma> +1
<GordonD> +1
<Monica> +1
<AlexanderH> +1
<dlukose> +1
<kai> +1
<marcia> +1
<stu> +1
<rsinger> +1
RESOLUTION: merge the template proposal within one week, start internal contributions, make a final decision about the form of the template until next call, and then send them to the wider community
<oreste> +1 (but I have a conflicting meeting, I will send comments)
<stu> +1
<Nico> +1
alexander: would be good to have a 2nd example. The 1st concentrated on VIAF
antoine: good idea
kai: sure, maybe some other people can help as well?
emma: happy to contribute another example
<edsu> i think folks at LC could probaby agree on populating one
<kcoyle> +1
kai: emma, alexander and I can make a small subgroup to work out examples
antoine: good idea, so let's do that
kai: happy to do that
ACTION: Alexander, kai, emma to populate the template for use cases [recorded in]antoine: and we drop the action from last call, which was for alexander only
ACTION: Alexander to populate the template for VIAF UC [recorded in] [DROPPED]
<emma> OK for me
ACTION: stu, alexander, kai and emma to suggest another version of the template. [recorded in]
<stu> ok for me
antoine: keep that in our agenda, will discuss that during next call
ACTION: ALL: Edit the topics for our work at the wiki: [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
antoine: action for everbody to contribute to the wiki is being continued
ACTION: Antoine to ask Karen Coyle to start curating topics list. [recorded in] [DONE]
Karen: Antoine did a first pass and did a good job
<edsu> Karen's list:
karen: topic list is in a way very suggestive
<antoine> karen+1 for provoking discussions
karen: idea was to have a set of
categories which people can think about
... not sure how to do this, we may want to do this in
... if everybody starts editing that may be a bit messy
... we should first decide what our main topic areas are, and
how to assign them
... there were many issues that may be hard to understand, e.g.
how to manage linked data, how to apply linked data to the
library world
<edsu> kcoyle++ # i like these high level groups
karen: and how to educate our community
<jar> kcoyle, this (topic3) is really good work, thanks
karen: where is the best place to make a discussion
<emma> +1, Topic3 is really good
karen: we need to agree on upper level categories first (before having everybody editing), after that people can add what they want
antoine: so let's first have a
discussion on the mailing list
... I am not touching the existing version, but we should
dicuss the organization
<stu> would it be helpful to assign an editor for this part of the Wiki who might consolidate the suggestions?
antoine: both mail and other discussion is fine, we just need to do it
karen: both fine with me
edsu: what is the reason to write this document?
karen: to have use cases, and guide the educational document which we are going to write
antoine: from a practical point of view, we have seen this as a set of guidelines for the technical deliverable which we are going to produce
edsu: looks very good to me
antoine: yes
stu: if somebody could mangage the structure, people could send suggestions to that person
<edsu> i wonder if it's worth publishing it as a w3c draft?
karen: happy to do that
edsu: is it OK to write this up to become a W3C document, e.g. a NOTE
antoine: for the moment we can
keep it as wiki
... as soon as we are starting putting content into it, we can
move gently to another workspace
karen: many items were very concise
<Monica> where is the appropriate place to expand on the topics?
karen: would be good if these items would be extended
antoine: should we have an "ACTION: everyone to elaborate on the topics in the wiki"?
karen: which document should they edit?
antoine: just send mails?
karen: people can edit what they are responsible for, and I can ask questions
antoine: if you are the official responsible person for the wiki page, you can organize that as you want
ACTION: everyone to elaborate on topics in the wiki [recorded in]
RESOLUTION: karen to be the editor of the topic list
ACTION: ALL: Edit the topics for our work at the wiki: [recorded in] [DONE]
<kcoyle> should topics3 become topics?
antoine: just links to areas which are not so active at the moment