Library Linked Data events
Names in bracket indicate participation of W3C LLD incubator member.
- Knowledge Organization Days, 2011 Oslo, January 27. Karen Coyle, Speaker.
- Dutch Culture Link event, Haarlem, The Netherlands, May 13. Antoine Isaac
- Linked Open Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums San Francisco, June 2-3. Tom Baker, Asaf Bartov, Uldis Bojars, Karen Coyle, Kevin ford, Antoine Isaac, Jonathan Rees, Jodi Schneider, Hideaki Takeda, Marcia Zeng.
- ALA Linked Library Data Interest Group - June 26 at ALA. Karen Coyle
- Semantic Web Technologies for Libraries and Readers, Ottawa, Canada, STLR 2011 at JCDL - June 16. Jodi Schneider
- Workshop on “Semantic Digital Archives - sustainable long-term curation perspectives of Cultural Heritage” to be held as part of the 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL). September 29 in Berlin.
- Linked Data and Libraries' event, British Library, July in London
- Archives in the Web of Data: Toward a Virtuous Flow of Data in the UK and Beyond' at SAA annual meeting, Friday 9.30am - 11am.
- Adrian Stevenson & Jane Stevenson will be talking about the Locah project
- Joy Palmer will be talking about the Discovery Programme
- Jennifer Schaffner
- Metadata Object Roundtable annual meeting, Jenel Farrell will talk about LOD-LAM
- ‘Skills required for Linked Data’, break-out group discussion at the JISC Expo Programme meeting, July. (mentioned by LOCAH blog post)
- ‘Explaining linked data to your Pro Vice Chancellor’, JISC Expo Programme meeting, July, (focussing on institutional administrative data) (mentioned by LOCAH blog post)
- Linked Library Data Un-Meeting @ ALA Annual Friday, June 25, 2010 (Tom, Ray, Ross, Karen, Ed)
- Linked Data for cultural heritage London July 7th 2010
- Talis Open Day: Linked Data and Libraries Wednesday 21st July 2010 (Antoine)
- IFLA 2010 in Göteborg with a session on Libraries and the Semantic Web on August 15, 2010 (Emmanuelle, Gordon, Bernard)
- Europeana Open Culture conference 14-15 Oct. 2010 including a Linked Data session. (Antoine)
- SWIB10 in Cologne, Germany, 29-30 November, 2010. Introduction of the LLD Incubator Group on the 29th; talks on the 30th November focus on Linked Open Data/Semantic Web activities in libraries. (Anette, Joachim, Felix, Guenter, Kai, Alexander, Karen, Antoine)
- The 3rd Free Culture Research Conference in Berlin, 7th-9th October including Open bibliographic data workshop on October 7th 2010 (ww)
- Dublin Core 2010 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 20-22 October, 2010. Specific sessions on LLD 21 and 22 afternoons. abstract
- ASIST 2010 Annual Meeting, 22-27 October, 2010. Panel: "Linked Data -- Enabling Standards and Other Approaches" (Jon, Ed, Marcia) abstract
- 14. Seminar Arhivi, Knjiznice, Muzeji, Porec, Croatia, 17-19 November 2010. Workshop: Linked data, the Semantic Web, and universal bibliographic control. (Gordon)
- International Conferences on Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web 2009 (ICSD2009) September 8-11 at the University of Trento.
LLD XG Mentions in Public Fora
- Talis Open Day: Linked Data and Libraries Wednesday 21st July 2010 (Antoine)
- SWIB10 in Cologne, Germany, 29-30 November, 2010. Introduction of the LLD Incubator Group on the 29th (Antoine)
- Short presentation of LLD XG in a metadata panel at Wikimedia Glamwiki, Paris, 4th December 2010 (Emmanuelle)
- IFLA Classification and Indexing Section newsletter, no.42 (Dec 2010) (Gordon)
- IFLA Information Technology Section newsletter, Dec 2010 (Gordon)