ISSUE-34: XML Transformation and composability (e.g., XSLT,XInclude, Encryption)
XML Transformation and composability (e.g., XSLT,XInclude, Encryption)
- State:
- Product:
- Raised by:
- Henry S. Thompson
- Opened on:
- 2003-02-06
- Description:
- Shepherd: Henry Thompson
Rank: Medium
Current deliverables: Waiting for a new draft of
(old versions of this description referenced , but I can't find that -- Noah, 7 August 2009)
Issue scope: Originally about the question of the so-called "default processing model" for XML documents. Are you accountable for the results of general entity refs, xincluded material, the output of xsl-stylesheet-referenced XSLT transformations?
Has become enlarged to encompass TimBL's interest in specifying the semantics of an XML document by recursive application of the relevant namespace specifications.
The relationship with RFC3023bis needs to be clarified.
Raised by the TAG as an offshoot of
mixedNamespaceMeaning-13 .
- Related Actions Items:
ACTION-26 on Henry Thompson to Henry to prepare new draft of xmlFunctions-34 - due 2007-10-31, closedACTION-25 on T.V. Raman to summarize history of DTD/namespace/mimetype version practice, including XHTML, SOAP, and XSLT. - due 2008-02-21, closedACTION-90 on Dan Connolly to Review henry's new document - due 2008-03-14, closedACTION-238 on John Kemp to - Ask Security Maintenance WG about relevance of a default processing model - due 2009-03-12, closedACTION-237 on Henry Thompson to Ask the XProc WG what their plans are in the area of the default processing model - due 2009-04-07, closedACTION-239 on Henry Thompson to alert chair when updates to description of xmlFunctions-34 are ready for review (or if none made) - due 2009-11-06, closed- ACTION-113 on Henry Thompson to HT to a) revise composition.pdf to take account of suggestions from Tim & Jonathan and feedback from email and b) produce a new version of the Elaborated Infoset finding, possibly incorporating some of the PDF - due 2013-01-01, open
- Related emails:
- Summary and minutes of 8 July 2013 Advisory Board teleconference (from on 2013-07-26)
- Re: Draft TAG Teleconference Minutes 4th of April 2013 (from on 2013-04-05)
- Draft TAG Teleconference Minutes 4th of April 2013 (from on 2013-04-04)
- Agenda for the TAG Teleconference of 4 April 2012 (from on 2013-04-04)
- Draft minutes of the 8-10 February 2011 TAG F2F Meeting are now available (from on 2011-02-21)
- Draft minutes of the 8-10 February 2011 TAG F2F Meeting are now available (from on 2011-02-21)
- Re: TAG discussion with Norm Walsh on XML Processing (from on 2010-11-02)
- Re: TAG discussion with Norm Walsh on XML Processing (from on 2010-11-02)
- Re: TAG discussion with Norm Walsh on XML Processing (from on 2010-11-02)
- TAG discussion with Norm Walsh on XML Processing (from on 2010-11-02)
- minutes TAG meeting 24-26 March in Cambridge, MA, USA for review (from on 2010-04-12)
- TAG Members: please reviews status of issues you 'shepherd' by Monday, 8 March (from on 2010-03-03)
- Re: Agenda and required reading for the 8-10 December 2009 TAG F2F (from on 2009-12-07)
- Re: Agenda and required reading for the 8-10 December 2009 TAG F2F (from on 2009-12-03)
- Agenda and required reading for the 8-10 December 2009 TAG F2F (from on 2009-12-02)
- agenda for TAG meeting 8-10 Dec (from on 2009-11-25)
- minutes TAG meeting Nov 2, 6 in Santa Clara (from on 2009-11-19)
- please update overdue actions as input to Dec f2f agenda (from on 2009-11-09)
- [ISSUE-34] TAG work on XML Functions (from on 2009-05-26)
- [ISSUE-34] Status check: progress on TAG issue xmlFunctions-34 (from on 2009-05-12)
- Approved minutes of the TAG F2F of 3-5 March 2009 (from on 2009-04-02)
- ACTION-238 (from on 2009-03-23)
- Setting TAG Priorities - Review of discussion and planning to date (from on 2009-03-22)
- Agenda for TAG Face-to-Face Meeting, 3-5 March 2009 (Redwood Shores, CA) (from on 2009-02-25)
- ISSUE-34: Would you please give the chair an update on ACTION-113 and advise on scheduling discussion (from on 2009-02-17)
- 'Syntax and semantics for embedding RDF in XHTML' TAG issue addressed by RDFa and GRDDL (RDFinHTML-35) (from on 2008-12-04)
- Re: tensions between copy-and-paste and follow-your-nose [Fwd: Re: profile attribute and conformance (copy-and-paste details)] (from on 2008-09-09)
- tensions between copy-and-paste and follow-your-nose [Fwd: Re: profile attribute and conformance (copy-and-paste details)] (from on 2008-09-05)
- RE: Draft minutes of TAG telecon of 10 July 2008 (from on 2008-07-14)
- Draft minutes of TAG telecon of 10 July 2008 (from on 2008-07-11)
- First draft of Wednesday morning minutes for TAG Vancouver F2F - 27 Feb. 2008 (from on 2008-02-29)
- TAG Telcon Agenda 6th Dec 2007: xmlFunctions-34; namespaceDocument-8; httpRedirections-57; Rich Web Clients (from on 2007-12-06)
- TAG meeting 17-19 Sep in Southampton: minutes/summary (from on 2007-10-04)
- Re: Draft Agenda for TAG F2F 17-19th September 2007 at University of Southampton (from on 2007-09-04)
- Draft Agenda for TAG F2F 17-19th September 2007 at University of Southampton (from on 2007-09-04)
- [URNsAndRegistries-50] Review of (from Williams, Stuart (HP Labs, Bristol) <> on 2007-03-28)
- TAG Weekly Telcon 26th March 2007 (from on 2007-03-26)
- TAG telcon (from on 2007-01-30)
- TAG telcon (from on 2007-01-30)
- TAG F2F Meeting, Boston 11 Dec 2006 (from on 2006-12-11)
- TAG F2F Meeting, Boston 11 Dec 2006 (from on 2006-12-11)
- TAG F2F Meeting, Boston 11 Dec 2006 (from on 2006-12-11)
- TAG F2F Meeting, Boston 11 Dec 2006 (from on 2006-12-11)
- TAG F2F Meeting, Boston 11 Dec 2006 (from on 2006-12-11)
- TAG F2F Meeting, Boston 11 Dec 2006 (from on 2006-12-11)
- TAG Weekly (from on 2006-04-25)
- SV_MEETING_TITLE (from on 2006-04-18)
- TAG F2F Minutes, Mandelieu (from on 2006-02-27)
- TAG F2F Minutes, Mandelieu (from on 2006-02-27)
- TAG Telcon of 7 February 2006 (from on 2006-02-07)
- 31 January 2006 Tag Teleconference (from on 2006-01-31)
- TAG face-to-face meeting, 5-6 December 2005 (from on 2005-12-06)
- TAG in Edinburgh 21 Sep (from on 2005-09-21)
- Minutes of 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (from on 2003-02-06)
- Minutes of 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (from on 2003-02-06)
- Minutes of 6-7 Feb 2003 TAG ftf meeting (from on 2003-02-06)
Related notes:
Draft document addressing this issue (not clear it's a finding) is at
Henry S. Thompson, 26 Nov 2007, 17:15:47Henry is working on a document Compositionality, elaboration and XML document
semantics drafts of which are at
Original issue:
Henry S. Thompson, 3 Mar 2009, 23:20:56shepherd is HT
Dan Connolly, 4 Mar 2010, 13:59:04Display change log