[ISSUE-34] Status check: progress on TAG issue xmlFunctions-34

Henry: in working through the agenda planning for Thursday's TAG call, I 

ACTION-113 on Henry S. Thompson: HT to a) revise composition.pdf to take 
account of suggestions from Tim & Jonathan and feedback from email and b) 
produce a new version of the Elaborated Infoset finding, possibly 
incorporating some of the PDF - due 2009-05-13 - open
ACTION-239 on Henry S. Thompson: alert chair when updates to description 
of xmlFunctions-34 are ready for review (or if none made) - due 2009-05-13 
- open

Both of these are, as you can see, due tomorrow.  Would you please give me 
an update on progress on this, and as appropriate, change the expected 
dates for closing these?  In any case, since reading materials aren't yet 
available, I'll assume that we will not be discussing issue 34 on the 
telcon this week, but perhaps next week?  Thank you.


Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2009 17:29:16 UTC