See also: IRC log
Minutes of last teleconf linked from agenda.
VQ: minutes approved
Teleconf Scheduling:
SW: Possible two open slots
Monday 17:00Z or Thursday 18:00Z for 90 minutes
...DC prefers Thu SW prefers Mon
SW: propose Monday
<ht> +0
<Rhys> +1
Next meeting: Monday Feb 5.
RESOLVED: Regular meetings Monday 17:00 UTC
<scribe> ACTION: VQ to set up bridge through Amy [recorded in]
VQ: Next week scribe: DOrchard
VQ: suggest defering discussion on "passwords in the clear" with Ed missing
<ht> HST will miss the first 45 minutes next week, one-time conflicting appointment
HT: Cambridge F2F: took an action
to write on XMLFunctions-34
...Conclusion of the discussion was some consensus on a notion of "elaborated
HT: email sent to www-tag pointing to new document trying to summarize that consensus
HT: In consequence, Norm and TimBL on the hook to review above
<DanC> (FYI, the GRDDL WG is still actively discussing this case. )
<DanC> (yup, there are actions on TBL and NW under )
<ht> XBL2 discussion is at
<Zakim> DanC, you wanted to point out the 9 Feb SNOFHYP deadline
<DanC> 9 Feb deadline is re
tvr: consider equilateral triangle xul dom tree of widgets CSS style JS handlers/behavior -- XBL is the centroid of this triangle that holds it together
TimBL -- there is some unfortunate history in the way semantics is used
<ht> All the HTML spec says is "The _p_ element represents a paragraph"
<timbl> The word 'semantic' was used by the SGML community to mean 'a top level heading' rather than '24 point centered bold'.
<timbl> Macros?
<Rhys> I believe [XBL has] been used to bind svg-based widgets to XForms
<ht> In general, "An SGML application" was defined as the combination of a syntax (expressed via a DTD) and a semantics (defined in prose)
<ht> ... The semantics would be expressed in terms appropriate to the domain, so, for documents, "top-level heading" might be appropriate, and for personnel records, "name", "department", "salary" etc.
tvr: functionaly xbl could be thought of as bringing to xml the expressiveness offered by latex macros
<timbl> Maybe we should just give each browser an implementation of XISP. -- XMLized LISP. :)
<timbl> The interesting this yes, is if the javascript is progressively thrown away as the macros become standard and also have higher-level semantics
<DanC> (hmm... I wonder if the XBL charter notes the relationship with XSLT, or if the XSLT WG is noted as a dependency)
HT: I presently have nothing to propose on behalf of the TAG with respect to XBL 2