ACTION-137: Create proposal for IRIs to resolve ISSUE-45

Create proposal for IRIs to resolve ISSUE-45

Souripriya Das
Due on:
July 5, 2011
Created on:
June 28, 2011
Associated Issue:
Related emails:
  1. Re: RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-02 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-08-02)
  2. Re: RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-02 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-08-02)
  3. RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-08-02 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-07-30)
  4. Re: updated ACTION-137 [Re: ISSUE-45 (termtype-iris): IRIs instead of literals for rr:termType choices [R2RML]] (from on 2011-07-18)
  5. Re: updated ACTION-137 [Re: ISSUE-45 (termtype-iris): IRIs instead of literals for rr:termType choices [R2RML]] (from on 2011-07-13)
  6. Re: updated ACTION-137 [Re: ISSUE-45 (termtype-iris): IRIs instead of literals for rr:termType choices [R2RML]] (from on 2011-07-12)
  7. Re: updated ACTION-137 [Re: ISSUE-45 (termtype-iris): IRIs instead of literals for rr:termType choices [R2RML]] (from on 2011-07-12)
  8. updated ACTION-137 [Re: ISSUE-45 (termtype-iris): IRIs instead of literals for rr:termType choices [R2RML]] (from on 2011-07-12)

Related notes:

There are some issues in trying to use any well-known IRIs for these three constants: 1) rdfs:Literal is class that is a subclass of rdfs:Resource, and 2) there is no well-known IRI for blank nodes.

Given this, I'd propose that we create our own special R2RML IRI constants: rr:IRI, rr:BlankNode, and rr:Literal. If we want emphasize that these are constants, we could refine these a bit (e.g., rr:IRI, rr:BLANKNODE, rr:LITERAL).

Souripriya Das, 12 Jul 2011, 15:35:53

Display change log.

Ashok Malhotra <>, Michael Hausenblas <>, Chairs, Eric Prud'hommeaux <>, Ivan Herman <>, Staff Contacts
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