SVG 2 – 09 April 2015 TopContentsPreviousNextElementsAttributesProperties

Chapter 3: Basic Data Types and Interfaces


3.1. Attribute syntax

In this specification, attributes are defined with an attribute definition table, which looks like this:

Name Value Lacuna value Animatable
exampleattr <length> | none none yes

In the Value column is a description of the attribute's syntax. There are five methods for describing an attribute's syntax:

  1. Using the CSS Value Definition Syntax [CSS3VALUES]. This is the notation used to define the syntax for most attributes in this specification and is the default.
  2. By reference to an EBNF symbol defined in this or another specification [XML10]. This is indicated by [EBNF] appearing in the Value column.
  3. By reference to an ABNF symbol defined in another specification [STD68]. This is indicated by [ABNF] appearing in the Value column.
  4. As a URL as defined by the URL Standard [URL]. This is indicated by [URL] appearing in the Value column.
  5. In prose, below the attibute definition table. This is indicated by the text "(see below)" appearing in the Value column.

When a presentation attribute defined using the CSS Value Definition Syntax is parsed, this is done as follows:

  1. Let value be the value of the attribute.
  2. Let grammar be the grammar given in the attribute definition table's Value column.
  3. Replace all instances of <length> in grammar with [<length> | <number>].
  4. Replace all instances of <angle> in grammar with [<angle> | <number>].
  5. Return the result of parsing value with grammar.

The insertion of the <number> symbols allows for unitless length and angles to be used in presentation attribute while disallowing them in corresponding property values.

Note that all presentation attributes, since they are defined by reference to their corresponding CSS properties, are defined using the CSS Value Definition Syntax.

When any other attribute defined using the CSS Value Definition Syntax is parsed, this is done by parsing the attribute's value according to the grammar given in attribute definition table with the exception that CSS comments and escapes are not allowed; instead, they are parsed as <delim-token>s with values set to U+002F SOLIDUS (/), U+002A ASTERISK (*) or U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS (\) as appropriate.

We should either allow accepting CSS comments and escapes in attributes defined using CSS Value Definition Syntax or get the parser entry point to take a Boolean that turns off comments and escapes.

When an attribute defined as a URL is parsed, this is done by invoking the URL parser with the attribute's value as input and the document's URL as base [URL].

Reference discussion about lacuna values, which has not been added to the spec yet. (ACTION-3720 on Cameron.)

The Animatable column indicates whether the attribute can be animated using animation elements; see the Animation chapter for details.

The following common definitions are used for attributes that are defined in terms of an EBNF grammar:

wsp ::= (#x9 | #x20 | #xA | #xC | #xD)
comma-wsp ::= (wsp+ ","? wsp*) | ("," wsp*)

3.2. Real number precision

This should include <length> values and other numeric syntaxes, too.

Unless stated otherwise for a particular attribute or property, a <number> has the capacity for at least a single-precision floating point number and has a range (at a minimum) of -3.4e+38F to +3.4e+38F.

It is recommended that higher precision floating point storage and computation be performed on operations such as coordinate system transformations to provide the best possible precision and to prevent round-off errors.

Conforming High-Quality SVG Viewers are required to use at least double-precision floating point for intermediate calculations on certain numerical operations.
Conforming SVG Viewers are required to perform numerical computation in accordance with its Conformance Criteria.

3.3. Basic DOM interfaces

SVG 2 Requirement: Make the SVGList* interfaces a bit more like other lists/arrays.
Resolution: Add array style indexing and .length and .item to svg list types.
Purpose: To align with other array types (e.g. NodeList). Already implemented in Opera and Firefox.
Owner: Erik (ACTION-2975)

We need some explicit wording about attributes being "reflected" using these interfaces.

This should also describe how reflection works for attributes that were promoted to properties, such as ‘transform’. (Some discussion.)

Consider combining the definitions of all the list interfaces; there is a lot of duplicated text currently.

3.3.1. Interface SVGElement

All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language (such as the SVGPathElement interface for the path element) derive from the SVGElement interface.

interface SVGElement : Element {

  readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString className;
  readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;

  readonly attribute SVGSVGElement? ownerSVGElement;
  readonly attribute SVGElement? viewportElement;
           attribute long tabIndex;
  void focus();
  void blur();        

SVGElement implements GlobalEventHandlers;
className (readonly SVGAnimatedString)

This attribute is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of this specification. Authors are advised to use Element.classList intead.

Corresponds to attribute class on the given element.

style (readonly CSSStyleDeclaration)
Corresponds to attribute style on the given element. If the user agent does not support styling with CSS, then this attribute must always have the value of null.
ownerSVGElement (readonly SVGSVGElement)
The nearest ancestor svg element. Null if the given element is the outermost svg element.
viewportElement (readonly SVGElement)
The element which established the current viewport. Often, the nearest ancestor svg element. Null if the given element is the outermost svg element.
tabIndex (long)
The tabIndex attribute must reflect the value of the tabindex content attribute. Its default value is 0 for elements that are directly focusable, such as through keyboard tabbing in browsers that support that functionality, and −1 for elements that are not focusable without programmatic intervention.
void focus()
Focuses the element.

Link to a definition of what the UA has to do to "focus an element" (e.g reference

void blur()
Unfocuses the element. Use of this method is discouraged. Focus another element instead.

Link to a definition of what the UA has to do to "blur an element" (e.g reference

Do not use this method to hide the focus ring. Do not use any other method that hides the focus ring from keyboard users, in particular do not use a CSS rule to override the ‘outline’ property. Removal of the focus ring leads to serious accessibility issues for users who navigate and interact with interactive content using the keyboard.

3.3.2. Interface SVGAnimatedBoolean

Used for attributes of type boolean which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedBoolean {
           attribute boolean baseVal;
  readonly attribute boolean animVal;
baseVal (boolean)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly boolean)
If the given attribute or property is being animated, contains the current animated value of the attribute or property. If the given attribute or property is not currently being animated, contains the same value as baseVal.

3.3.3. Interface SVGAnimatedString

Used for attributes of type DOMString which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedString {
           attribute DOMString baseVal;
  readonly attribute DOMString animVal;
baseVal (DOMString)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly DOMString)
If the given attribute or property is being animated, contains the current animated value of the attribute or property. If the given attribute or property is not currently being animated, contains the same value as baseVal.

3.3.4. Interface SVGStringList

This interface defines a list of DOMString values.

SVGStringList has the same attributes and methods as other SVGxxxList interfaces.

The supported property indices of an SVGStringList object is all non-negative integers less than the length of the list.

interface SVGStringList {

  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;

  void clear();
  DOMString initialize(DOMString newItem);
  getter DOMString getItem(unsigned long index);
  DOMString insertItemBefore(DOMString newItem, unsigned long index);
  DOMString replaceItem(DOMString newItem, unsigned long index);
  DOMString removeItem(unsigned long index);
  DOMString appendItem(DOMString newItem);
  setter void (unsigned long index, DOMString newItem);
length (readonly unsigned long)
The number of items in the list.
numberOfItems (readonly unsigned long)
The number of items in the list.
void clear()
Clears all existing current items from the list, with the result being an empty list.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
DOMString initialize(DOMString newItem)
Clears all existing current items from the list and re-initializes the list to hold the single item specified by the parameter.
  1. DOMString newItem
    The item which should become the only member of the list.
The item being inserted into the list.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
DOMString getItem(unsigned long index)
Returns the specified item from the list.
  1. unsigned long index
    The index of the item from the list which is to be returned. The first item is number 0.
The selected item.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
DOMString insertItemBefore(DOMString newItem, unsigned long index)
Inserts a new item into the list at the specified position. The first item is number 0.
  1. DOMString newItem
    The item which is to be inserted into the list.
  2. unsigned long index
    The index of the item before which the new item is to be inserted. The first item is number 0. If the index is equal to 0, then the new item is inserted at the front of the list. If the index is greater than or equal to numberOfItems, then the new item is appended to the end of the list.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
DOMString replaceItem(DOMString newItem, unsigned long index)
Replaces an existing item in the list with a new item.
  1. DOMString newItem
    The item which is to be inserted into the list.
  2. unsigned long index
    The index of the item which is to be replaced. The first item is number 0.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
DOMString removeItem(unsigned long index)
Removes an existing item from the list.
  1. unsigned long index
    The index of the item which is to be removed. The first item is number 0.
The removed item.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
DOMString appendItem(DOMString newItem)
Inserts a new item at the end of the list.
  1. DOMString newItem
    The item which is to be inserted. The first item is number 0.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
setter void (unsigned long index, DOMString newItem)
Replaces the item at index index with newItem.

3.3.5. Interface SVGAnimatedEnumeration

Used for attributes whose value must be a constant from a particular enumeration and which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedEnumeration {
           attribute unsigned short baseVal;
  readonly attribute unsigned short animVal;
baseVal (unsigned short)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly unsigned short)
If the given attribute or property is being animated, contains the current animated value of the attribute or property. If the given attribute or property is not currently being animated, contains the same value as baseVal.

3.3.6. Interface SVGAnimatedInteger

Used for attributes of basic type <integer> which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedInteger {
           attribute long baseVal;
  readonly attribute long animVal;
baseVal (long)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly long)
If the given attribute or property is being animated, contains the current animated value of the attribute or property. If the given attribute or property is not currently being animated, contains the same value as baseVal.

3.3.7. Interface SVGNumber

Used for attributes of basic type <number>.

 Constructor(float value)]
interface SVGNumber {
  attribute float value;
Creates a new SVGNumber object with its value attribute set to 0.
SVGNumber(float value)
Creates a new SVGNumber object with its value attribute set to value.
value (float)
The value of the given attribute.

3.3.8. Interface SVGAnimatedNumber

Used for attributes of basic type <number> which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedNumber {
           attribute float baseVal;
  readonly attribute float animVal;
baseVal (float)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly float)
If the given attribute or property is being animated, contains the current animated value of the attribute or property. If the given attribute or property is not currently being animated, contains the same value as baseVal.

3.3.9. Interface SVGNumberList

This interface defines a list of SVGNumber objects.

SVGNumberList has the same attributes and methods as other SVGxxxList interfaces.

The supported property indices of an SVGNumberList object is all non-negative integers less than the length of the list.

An SVGNumberList object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below.

interface SVGNumberList {

  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;

  void clear();
  SVGNumber initialize(SVGNumber newItem);
  getter SVGNumber getItem(unsigned long index);
  SVGNumber insertItemBefore(SVGNumber newItem, unsigned long index);
  SVGNumber replaceItem(SVGNumber newItem, unsigned long index);
  SVGNumber removeItem(unsigned long index);
  SVGNumber appendItem(SVGNumber newItem);
  setter void (unsigned long index, SVGNumber newItem);
length (readonly unsigned long)
The number of items in the list.
numberOfItems (readonly unsigned long)
The number of items in the list.
void clear()
Clears all existing current items from the list, with the result being an empty list.
Raised when the list is read only.
SVGNumber initialize(SVGNumber newItem)
Clears all existing current items from the list and re-initializes the list to hold a single item specified by the parameter. If newItem is in a list, then a new SVGNumber object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGNumber newItem
    The item which should become the only member of the list.
The item being inserted into the list.
Raised when the list is read only.
SVGNumber getItem(unsigned long index)
Returns the specified item from the list. The returned item is the item itself and not a copy. Any changes made to the item are immediately reflected in the list.
  1. unsigned long index
    The index of the item from the list which is to be returned. The first item is number 0.
The selected item.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
SVGNumber insertItemBefore(SVGNumber newItem, unsigned long index)
Inserts a new item into the list at the specified position. The first item is number 0. If newItem is already in a list, then a new SVGNumber object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGNumber newItem
    The item which is to be inserted into the list.
  2. unsigned long index
    The index of the item before which the new item is to be inserted. The first item is number 0. If the index is equal to 0, then the new item is inserted at the front of the list. If the index is greater than or equal to numberOfItems, then the new item is appended to the end of the list.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list is read only.
SVGNumber replaceItem(SVGNumber newItem, unsigned long index)
Replaces an existing item in the list with a new item. If newItem is already in a list, then a new SVGNumber object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGNumber newItem
    The item which is to be inserted into the list.
  2. unsigned long index
    The index of the item which is to be replaced. The first item is number 0.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list is read only.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
SVGNumber removeItem(unsigned long index)
Removes an existing item from the list.
  1. unsigned long index
    The index of the item which is to be removed. The first item is number 0.
The removed item.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
SVGNumber appendItem(SVGNumber newItem)
Inserts a new item at the end of the list. If newItem is already in a list, then a new SVGNumber object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGNumber newItem
    The item which is to be inserted. The first item is number 0.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list cannot be modified.
setter void (unsigned long index, SVGNumber newItem)
Replaces the item at index index with newItem. If the list is read only, then a NoModificationAllowedError is thrown.

3.3.10. Interface SVGAnimatedNumberList

Used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedNumberList {
  readonly attribute SVGNumberList baseVal;
  readonly attribute SVGNumberList animVal;
baseVal (readonly SVGNumberList)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly SVGNumberList)
A read only SVGNumberList representing the current animated value of the given attribute. If the given attribute is not currently being animated, then the SVGNumberList will have the same contents as baseVal. The object referenced by animVal will always be distinct from the one referenced by baseVal, even when the attribute is not animated.

3.3.11. Interface SVGLength

The SVGLength interface corresponds to the <length> and <percentage> basic data types, and represents a length or percentage that consists of a numerical factor and a unit, where the unit is one of the set of units described in Units (em, ex, px, pt, pc, cm, mm and in), a percentage, a unitless number (user units), or "unknown".

An SVGLength object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below.

An SVGLength object can be associated with a particular element, as well as being designated with a directionality: horizontal, vertical or unspecified. The associated element and the directionality of the length are used to resolve percentage values to user units. Unless otherwise described, an SVGLength object is not associated with any element and has unspecified directionality.

We need to define the behavior of converting values from/to percentages when the viewport width/height/size is zero. (ACTION-3722 on Cameron.)

Explain that we don't intend to add new constant enum values for new units in this (and other) interface(s). Should we also mark the existing constants and the methods that accept these enums as deprecated?

 Constructor(float value, optional unsigned short unitType),
 Constructor(DOMString value)]
interface SVGLength {

  // Length Unit Types
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER = 1;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE = 2;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS = 3;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS = 4;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX = 5;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM = 6;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM = 7;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN = 8;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT = 9;
  const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC = 10;

  readonly attribute unsigned short unitType;
           attribute float value;
           attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits;
           attribute DOMString valueAsString;

  void newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType, float valueInSpecifiedUnits);
  void convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType);
Creates a new SVGLength object whose value is zero user units.
SVGLength(float value, optional unsigned short unitType)
Creates a new SVGLength object whose value is value in the units specified by unitType.
SVGLength(DOMString value)
Creates a new SVGLength object whose value is determined by parsing value as a <length> or <percentage>. If value cannot be parsed as a <length> or <percentage>, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
Constants in group “Length Unit Types”:
The unit type is not one of predefined unit types. It is invalid to attempt to define a new value of this type or to attempt to switch an existing value to this type.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER (unsigned short)
No unit type was provided (i.e., a unitless value was specified), which indicates a value in user units.
A percentage value was specified.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the em units defined in CSS 2.1.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the ex units defined in CSS 2.1.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the px units defined in CSS 2.1.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the cm units defined in CSS 2.1.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the mm units defined in CSS 2.1.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the in units defined in CSS 2.1.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the pt units defined in CSS 2.1.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC (unsigned short)
A value was specified using the pc units defined in CSS 2.1.
unitType (readonly unsigned short)
The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_LENGTHTYPE_* constants defined on this interface.
value (float)
The value of the length in user units. On getting, returns the value converted to user units. If the type of the SVGLength is unknown, or it is a percentage but the object has no associated element, the numerical factor of the length is returned. On setting, sets the numerical factor to the assigned value and the unit type to user units.
Exceptions on setting
Raised when the length is read only.
valueInSpecifiedUnits (float)
The numerical factor of the length value.
Exceptions on setting
Raised when the length is read only.
valueAsString (DOMString)

The length value as a string. On getting, returns a string as follows:

  • If the unit type of the length is unknown or user units, the string is simply the numeric factor converted to a string.
  • If the unit type of the length is a percentage, the string is the result of concatenating the numeric factor converted to a string with the string "%".
  • Otherwise, the string is the result of concatenating the numeric factor converted to a string with the CSS length unit in lowercase.

On setting, updates the numeric factor and units type of the SVGLength object according to the result of parsing the assigned string as a <length> or <percentage>.

Exceptions on setting
DOMException, code SYNTAX_ERR
Raised if the assigned string cannot be parsed as a valid <length> or <percentage>.
Raised when the length is read only.
void newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType, float valueInSpecifiedUnits)
Sets the numeric factor of the length value to valueInSpecifiedUnits and the unit type to unitType.
  1. unsigned short unitType
    The unit type for the value (e.g., SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM).
  2. float valueInSpecifiedUnits
    The new value.
Raised if unitType is SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant (one of the other SVG_LENGTHTYPE_* constants defined on this interface).
Raised when the length is read only.
void convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType)

Sets the unit type of the length value to the type specified by unitType and sets the numeric factor value such that it represents the same absolute length. For example, if the original value were "0.5cm" and the method was invoked to convert to millimeters, then unitType would return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM and valueInSpecifiedUnits would return the numeric value 5.

If the old or new unit type is percentage and the SVGLength object has no associated element, then the percentages are considered to resolve against a length of 100 user units. For example, converting an SVGLength whose value is 20px to a percentage will result in the value being 20%.

  1. unsigned short unitType
    The unit type to switch to (e.g., SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM).
Raised if unitType is SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant (one of the other SVG_LENGTHTYPE_* constants defined on this interface).
Raised when the length is read only.

3.3.12. Interface SVGAnimatedLength

SVG 2 Requirement: Make it easier to read and write to attributes in the SVG DOM.
Resolution: We will make it easier to read and write to attributes in the SVG DOM in SVG2.
Purpose: To avoid the awkward access to the base values of SVGAnimatedLengths.
Owner: Cameron (ACTION-3414)

Used for attributes of basic type <length> which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedLength {
  readonly attribute SVGLength baseVal;
  readonly attribute SVGLength animVal;

           attribute float cm;
           attribute float em;
           attribute float ex;
           attribute float in;
           attribute float mm;
           attribute float pc;
           attribute float pt;
           attribute float px;

We resolved to remove these accessors (and the ones on SVGLength) for now.

baseVal (readonly SVGLength)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly SVGLength)
A read only SVGLength representing the current animated value of the given attribute. If the given attribute is not currently being animated, then the SVGLength will have the same contents as baseVal. The object referenced by animVal will always be distinct from the one referenced by baseVal, even when the attribute is not animated.
cm (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in cm. On setting, changes the base value to be in cm and to have the specified magnitude.
em (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in em. On setting, changes the base value to be in em and to have the specified magnitude.
ex (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in ex. On setting, changes the base value to be in ex and to have the specified magnitude.
in (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in in. On setting, changes the base value to be in in and to have the specified magnitude.
mm (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in mm. On setting, changes the base value to be in mm and to have the specified magnitude.
pc (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in pc. On setting, changes the base value to be in pc and to have the specified magnitude.
pt (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in pt. On setting, changes the base value to be in pt and to have the specified magnitude.
px (float)
On getting, returns the base value of the animated length in px. On setting, changes the base value to be in px and to have the specified magnitude.

3.3.13. Interface SVGLengthList

This interface defines a list of SVGLength objects.

SVGLengthList has the same attributes and methods as other SVGxxxList interfaces.

The supported property indices of an SVGLengthList object is all non-negative integers less than the length of the list.

An SVGLengthList object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below.

interface SVGLengthList {

  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;

  void clear();
  SVGLength initialize(SVGLength newItem);
  getter SVGLength getItem(unsigned long index);
  SVGLength insertItemBefore(SVGLength newItem, unsigned long index);
  SVGLength replaceItem(SVGLength newItem, unsigned long index);
  SVGLength removeItem(unsigned long index);
  SVGLength appendItem(SVGLength newItem);
  setter void (unsigned long index, SVGLength newItem);
length (readonly unsigned long)
The number of items in the list.
numberOfItems (readonly unsigned long)
The number of items in the list.
void clear()
Clears all existing current items from the list, with the result being an empty list.
Raised when the list is read only.
SVGLength initialize(SVGLength newItem)
Clears all existing current items from the list and re-initializes the list to hold a single item specified by the parameter. If newItem is in a list, then a new SVGLength object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGLength newItem
    The item which should become the only member of the list.
The item being inserted into the list.
Raised when the list is read only.
SVGLength getItem(unsigned long index)
Returns the specified item from the list. The returned item is the item itself and not a copy. Any changes made to the item are immediately reflected in the list.
  1. unsigned long index
    The index of the item from the list which is to be returned. The first item is number 0.
The selected item.
Raised when the list is read only.
SVGLength insertItemBefore(SVGLength newItem, unsigned long index)
Inserts a new item into the list at the specified position. The first item is number 0. If newItem is already in a list, then a new SVGLength object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGLength newItem
    The item which is to be inserted into the list.
  2. unsigned long index
    The index of the item before which the new item is to be inserted. The first item is number 0. If the index is equal to 0, then the new item is inserted at the front of the list. If the index is greater than or equal to numberOfItems, then the new item is appended to the end of the list.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list is read only.
SVGLength replaceItem(SVGLength newItem, unsigned long index)
Replaces an existing item in the list with a new item. If newItem is already in a list, then a new SVGLength object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGLength newItem
    The item which is to be inserted into the list.
  2. unsigned long index
    The index of the item which is to be replaced. The first item is number 0.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list is read only.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
SVGLength removeItem(unsigned long index)
Removes an existing item from the list.
  1. unsigned long index
    The index of the item which is to be removed. The first item is number 0.
The removed item.
Raised when the list is read only.
DOMException, code INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Raised if the index number is greater than or equal to numberOfItems.
SVGLength appendItem(SVGLength newItem)
Inserts a new item at the end of the list. If newItem is already in a list, then a new SVGLength object is created with the same values as newItem and this item is inserted into the list. Otherwise, newItem itself is inserted into the list.
  1. SVGLength newItem
    The item which is to be inserted. The first item is number 0.
The inserted item.
Raised when the list is read only.
setter void (unsigned long index, SVGLength newItem)
Replaces the item at index index with newItem. If the list is read only, then a NoModificationAllowedError is thrown.

3.3.14. Interface SVGAnimatedLengthList

Used for attributes of type SVGLengthList which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedLengthList {
  readonly attribute SVGLengthList baseVal;
  readonly attribute SVGLengthList animVal;

           attribute float cm;
           attribute float em;
           attribute float ex;
           attribute float in;
           attribute float mm;
           attribute float pc;
           attribute float pt;
           attribute float px;
baseVal (readonly SVGLengthList)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly SVGLengthList)
A read only SVGLengthList representing the current animated value of the given attribute. If the given attribute is not currently being animated, then the SVGLengthList will have the same contents as baseVal. The object referenced by animVal will always be distinct from the one referenced by baseVal, even when the attribute is not animated.
cm (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in cm. If the base value list is empty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in cm and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is empty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given cm value.
em (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in em. If the base value list is empty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in em and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is empty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given em value.
ex (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in ex. If the base value list is expty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in ex and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is expty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given ex value.
in (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in in. If the base value list is inpty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in in and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is inpty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given in value.
mm (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in mm. If the base value list is empty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in mm and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is empty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given mm value.
pc (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in pc. If the base value list is empty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in pc and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is empty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given pc value.
pt (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in pt. If the base value list is empty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in pt and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is empty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given pt value.
px (float)
On getting, returns the value of the first SVGLength of the animated length's base value in px. If the base value list is empty, returns 0. On setting, changes the value of the animated length's first SVGLength value to be in px and to have the specified magnitude. If the base value list is empty, it adds a new SVGLength object with the given px value.

3.3.15. Interface SVGAngle

The SVGAngle interface corresponds to the <angle> basic data type, and represents an angle that consists of a numerical factor and a unit, where the unit is degrees, radians, grads, unitless numbers or "unknown".

An SVGAngle object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below.

 Constructor(float value, optional unsigned short unitType),
 Constructor(DOMString value)]
interface SVGAngle {

  // Angle Unit Types
  const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
  const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 1;
  const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG = 2;
  const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD = 3;
  const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD = 4;

  readonly attribute unsigned short unitType;
           attribute float value;
           attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits;
           attribute DOMString valueAsString;

  void newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType, float valueInSpecifiedUnits);
  void convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType);
Creates a new SVGAngle object whose value is zero user units.
SVGAngle(float value, optional unsigned short unitType)
Creates a new SVGAngle object whose value is value in the units specified by unitType.
SVGAngle(DOMString value)
Creates a new SVGAngle object whose value is determined by parsing value as an <angle>. If value cannot be parsed, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
Constants in group “Angle Unit Types”:
SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN (unsigned short)
The unit type is not one of predefined unit types. It is invalid to attempt to define a new value of this type or to attempt to switch an existing value to this type.
No unit type was provided (i.e., a unitless value was specified). For angles, a unitless value is treated the same as if degrees were specified.
SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG (unsigned short)
The unit type was explicitly set to degrees.
SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD (unsigned short)
The unit type is radians.
SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD (unsigned short)
The unit type is grads.
unitType (readonly unsigned short)
The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface.
value (float)
The value of the angle in degrees. On getting, returns the value converted to degrees. If the type of the SVGAngle is unknown, the numerical factor of the angle is returned. On setting, sets the numerical factor to the assigned value and the unit type to unitless numbers.
Exceptions on setting
Raised when the angle is read only.
valueInSpecifiedUnits (float)
The numerical factor of the angle value.
Exceptions on setting
Raised when the angle is read only.
valueAsString (DOMString)

The angle value as a string. On getting, returns a string as follows:

  • If the unit type of the angle is unknown or unitless numbers, the string is simply the numeric factor converted to a string.
  • Otherwise, the string is the result of concatenating the numeric factor converted to a string with the CSS angle unit in lowercase.

On setting, updates the numeric factor and units type of the SVGAngle object according to the result of parsing the assigned string as an <angle>.

Exceptions on setting
DOMException, code SYNTAX_ERR
Raised if the assigned string cannot be parsed as a valid <angle>.
Raised when the angle is read only.
void newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType, float valueInSpecifiedUnits)
Sets the numeric factor of the angle value to valueInSpecifiedUnits and the unit type to unitType.
  1. unsigned short unitType
    The unit type for the value (e.g., SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG).
  2. float valueInSpecifiedUnits
    The new value.
Raised if unitType is SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant (one of the other SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface).
Raised when the angle is read only.
void convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType)

Sets the unit type of the angle value to the type specified by unitType and sets the numeric factor value such that it represents the same absolute angle. For example, if the original value were "180deg" and the method was invoked to convert to radians, then unitType would return SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD and valueInSpecifiedUnits would return the numeric value π.

  1. unsigned short unitType
    The unit type to switch to (e.g., SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG).
Raised if unitType is SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant (one of the other SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface).
Raised when the angle is read only.

3.3.16. Interface SVGAnimatedAngle

Used for attributes of basic data type <angle> that can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedAngle {
  readonly attribute SVGAngle baseVal;
  readonly attribute SVGAngle animVal;
baseVal (readonly SVGAngle)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly SVGAngle)
A read only SVGAngle representing the current animated value of the given attribute. If the given attribute is not currently being animated, then the SVGAngle will have the same contents as baseVal. The object referenced by animVal will always be distinct from the one referenced by baseVal, even when the attribute is not animated.

3.3.17. Interface SVGAnimatedRect

Used for attributes of type DOMRect which can be animated.

interface SVGAnimatedRect {
  readonly attribute DOMRectReadOnly baseVal;
  readonly attribute DOMRectReadOnly animVal;
baseVal (readonly DOMRectReadOnly)
The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal (readonly DOMRectReadOnly)
A DOMRectReadOnly representing the current animated value of the given attribute. If the given attribute is not currently being animated, then the DOMRectReadOnly will have the same contents as baseVal. The object referenced by animVal will always be distinct from the one referenced by baseVal, even when the attribute is not animated.

3.3.18. Interface SVGUnitTypes

The SVGUnitTypes interface defines a commonly used set of constants and is a base interface used by SVGGradientElement, SVGPatternElement, SVGClipPathElement, SVGMaskElement and SVGFilterElement.

interface SVGUnitTypes {
  // Unit Types
  const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
  const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE = 1;
  const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX = 2;
Constants in group “Unit Types”:
SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN (unsigned short)
The type is not one of predefined types. It is invalid to attempt to define a new value of this type or to attempt to switch an existing value to this type.
Corresponds to value 'userSpaceOnUse'.
Corresponds to value 'objectBoundingBox'.

3.3.19. Interface SVGGraphicsElement

SVG 2 Requirement: Detect if a mouse event is on the fill or stroke of a shape.
Resolution: SVG 2 will make it easier to detect if an mouse event is on the stroke or fill of an element.
Purpose: To allow authors to discriminate between pointer events on the fill and stroke of an element without having to duplicate the element
Owner: Cameron (ACTION-3279)

Interface SVGGraphicsElement represents SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group. The ‘transform’ property applies to all SVGGraphicsElement. All SVGGraphicsElement have a bounding box in current user space.

dictionary SVGBoundingBoxOptions {
  bool fill = true;
  bool stroke = false;
  bool markers = false;
  bool clipped = false;

interface SVGGraphicsElement : SVGElement {
  readonly attribute SVGAnimatedTransformList transform;

  DOMRect getBBox(optional SVGBoundingBoxOptions options);
  DOMMatrix? getCTM();
  DOMMatrix? getScreenCTM();
  DOMMatrix getTransformToElement(SVGGraphicsElement element);

SVGGraphicsElement implements SVGTests;
transform (readonly SVGAnimatedTransformList)
Corresponds to attribute ‘transform’ on the given element.

This needs to be updated to reflect the value of the ‘transform’ property.

DOMRect getBBox(optional SVGBoundingBoxOptions options)

Returns the result of invoking the bounding box algorithm for the element, with fill, stroke, markers and clipped members of the options dictionary argument used to control which parts of the element are included in the bounding box, using the element's user space as the coordinate system to return the bounding box in.

An DOMRect object that defines the bounding box.
DOMMatrix? getCTM()
Returns the transformation matrix from current user units (i.e., after application of the ‘transform’ property) to the viewport coordinate system for the nearest viewport element (CTM). Note that null is returned if this element is not hooked into the document tree.

What is the expected result if you call getCTM on an svg element? See thread. Also see example. (ACTION-3724 on Dirk.)

An DOMMatrix object that defines the CTM.
DOMMatrix? getScreenCTM()
Returns the transformation matrix from current user units (i.e., after application of the ‘transform’ property) to the parent user agent's notice of a "pixel". For display devices, ideally this represents a physical screen pixel. For other devices or environments where physical pixel sizes are not known, then an algorithm similar to the CSS 2.1 definition of a "pixel" can be used instead. Note that null is returned if this element is not hooked into the document tree. This method would have been more aptly named as getClientCTM, but the name getScreenCTM is kept for historical reasons.

Should this take into account the 'transform' on the svg element itself? See example. Chrome/Opera/IE: returns the identity matrix for this example, Firefox: difference between transform style and attribute, and is not an identity matrix.

An DOMMatrix object that defines the given transformation matrix.
DOMMatrix getTransformToElement(SVGGraphicsElement element)
Returns the transformation matrix from the user coordinate system on the current element (after application of the ‘transform’ property) to the user coordinate system on parameter element (after application of its ‘transform’ property).

If the passed in element is in another document, what should happen? Measurements. Proposal to limit this to the same fragment if not removeable.

  1. SVGElement element
    The target element.
An DOMMatrix object that defines the transformation.
Raised if the currently defined transformation matrices make it impossible to compute the given matrix (e.g., because one of the transformations is singular).

3.3.20. Interface SVGGeometryElement

Interface SVGGeometryElement represents SVG elements whose rendering is defined by geometry and which can be filled and stroked. This includes paths, text and the basic shapes.

interface SVGGeometryElement : SVGGraphicsElement {
  bool isPointInFill(DOMPoint point);
  bool isPointInStroke(DOMPoint point);
bool isPointInFill(DOMPoint point)
Returns whether the specified point is within the fill of the element. Normal hit testing rules apply; the value of the ‘pointer-events’ property on the element determines whether a point is considered to be within the fill.
  1. DOMPoint point
    The point to check for intersection with the fill of this element. The DOMPoint is interpreted as a as a point in the user space of this element.
true if the point is within the fill of this shape, or false otherwise.
bool isPointInStroke(DOMPoint point)
Returns whether the specified point is within the stroke of the element. Normal hit testing rules apply; the value of the ‘pointer-events’ property on the element determines whether a point is considered to be within the stroke.
  1. DOMPoint point
    The point to check for intersection with the stroke of this element. The DOMPoint is interpreted as a as a point in the user space of this element.
true if the point is within the stroke of this shape, or false otherwise.

3.3.21. Interface SVGTests

Interface SVGTests defines an interface which applies to all elements which have attributes requiredFeatures, requiredExtensions and systemLanguage.

interface SVGTests {

  readonly attribute SVGStringList requiredFeatures;
  readonly attribute SVGStringList requiredExtensions;
  readonly attribute SVGStringList systemLanguage;
requiredFeatures (readonly SVGStringList)
Corresponds to attribute requiredFeatures on the given element.
requiredExtensions (readonly SVGStringList)
Corresponds to attribute requiredExtensions on the given element.
systemLanguage (readonly SVGStringList)
Corresponds to attribute systemLanguage on the given element.

3.3.22. Interface SVGFitToViewBox

Interface SVGFitToViewBox defines DOM attributes that apply to elements which have XML attributes viewBox and preserveAspectRatio.

interface SVGFitToViewBox {
  readonly attribute SVGAnimatedRect viewBox;
  readonly attribute SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio;
viewBox (readonly SVGAnimatedRect)
Corresponds to attribute viewBox on the given element.
preserveAspectRatio (readonly SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio)
Corresponds to attribute preserveAspectRatio on the given element.

3.3.23. Interface SVGZoomAndPan

The SVGZoomAndPan interface defines attribute zoomAndPan and associated constants.

interface SVGZoomAndPan {

  // Zoom and Pan Types
  const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_UNKNOWN = 0;
  const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_DISABLE = 1;
  const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_MAGNIFY = 2;

  attribute unsigned short zoomAndPan;
Constants in group “Zoom and Pan Types”:
The enumeration was set to a value that is not one of predefined types. It is invalid to attempt to define a new value of this type or to attempt to switch an existing value to this type.
Corresponds to value 'disable'.
Corresponds to value 'magnify'.
zoomAndPan (unsigned short)
Corresponds to attribute zoomAndPan on the given element. The value must be one of the SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_* constants defined on this interface.

3.3.24. Interface SVGViewSpec

The interface corresponds to an SVG View Specification.

The definitions below are repetitive, and also don't say how exactly the different aspects of the SVG View must be serialized.

interface SVGViewSpec {
  readonly attribute SVGTransformList transform;
  readonly attribute SVGElement viewTarget;
  readonly attribute DOMString viewBoxString;
  readonly attribute DOMString preserveAspectRatioString;
  readonly attribute DOMString transformString;
  readonly attribute DOMString viewTargetString;

SVGViewSpec implements SVGFitToViewBox;
SVGViewSpec implements SVGZoomAndPan;
transform (readonly SVGTransformList)
Corresponds to the transform setting on the SVG View Specification.
viewTarget (readonly SVGElement)
Corresponds to the viewTarget setting on the SVG View Specification.
viewBoxString (readonly DOMString)
Corresponds to the viewBox setting on the SVG View Specification.
preserveAspectRatioString (readonly DOMString)
Corresponds to the preserveAspectRatio setting on the SVG View Specification.
transformString (readonly DOMString)
Corresponds to the transform setting on the SVG View Specification.
viewTargetString (readonly DOMString)
Corresponds to the viewTarget setting on the SVG View Specification.

3.3.25. Interface SVGURIReference

Interface SVGURIReference defines an interface which applies to all elements which have an ‘xlink:href’ attribute.

interface SVGURIReference {
  readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString href;
href (readonly SVGAnimatedString)
Corresponds to the ‘xlink:href’ attribute.
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