
From W3C Wiki

Raleigh Linked Data Community Gathering

Date, Time, Venue

What: The latest in the ongoing tradition of Linked Data gatherings, combined with workshop dinner for LDOW2010. All welcome, but please add your name to the list below so we can confirm numbers to the restaurant.

Where: 101 Lounge

444 S. Blount Street, Raleigh‎ NC

Directions from Convention Center

When: 27th April 2010, 7pm (after LDOW2010).


  1. OlafHartig
  2. JuanSequeda
  3. DanielSchwabe
  4. RaphaelTroncy
  5. ChrisBizer
  6. AlexandrePassant
  7. MatthewRowe
  8. TomHeath
  9. RobVesse
  10. EmanueleDellaValle
  11. BernhardHaslhofer
  12. NikoPopitsch
  13. HughGlaser
  14. JohnSheridan
  15. JeniTennison
  16. DavyVanDeursen
  17. SamCoppens
  18. PaulGroth
  19. RichardCyganiak
  20. SeanBechhofer
  21. MarcoNeumann
  22. ManuelSalvadores
  23. IanMillard
  24. DaveChallis
  25. IgorPopov
  26. ChristosKoumenides
  27. AlessandroBozzon
  28. MarcoBrambilla
  29. DennyVrandecic
  30. Katrin Weller
  31. EdwardThomas
  32. PeterMika
  33. KnudMöller
  34. ClareHooper
  35. DaveDeRoure
  36. Sandro Hawke
  37. CoryCasanave
  38. Jim Amsden
  39. William Sanchez