
From W3C Wiki

SWEO Community Project: Linking Open Data on the Semantic Web

Linked Data Applications

This page collects information about (Web) applications on top of linked data. We discuss issues and ideas here and report on already available LOD applications ranging from low-level tools (mainly for developer) to applications targeting end-users (that is, your Granny).

The page is part of the Linking Open Data community project.

Ideas and Issues

We are collecting ideas for good practices here and further gather issues around building Web applications that use linked data; for an overview see [1,2,3]. Please feel free to add your proposals or observation to this list:

  • assemble LOD datasets on-the-fly (maybe based on voiD, the 'Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets'?)
  • add quality of service (QoS) measures to LOD
  • offer a configurable, dedicated LOD/RDF crawler that can be used for certain domains/intranet/etc.
  • though not an entirely resolved issue, one can use voiD for the discovery and usage of linked datasets
  • as of the demise of lcsh.info, dchud had some very relevant thoughts on caching and proxying Linked Data


We have recently discussed (#swig on 2009-01-09) about categorising the LOD applications. Currently we have the following proposal on the table:

  1. LOD applications on the infrastructure level such as Virtuoso Sponger, etc.
  2. low-level access and manipulation LOD applications, mainly targeting developers, such as Tabulator
  3. end-user LOD applications such as or BBC Music beta

Examples in the Wild

URI infrastructure level low-level access and manipulation
BBC Programmes - -
BBC Music beta - -
Database Researchers Map - -
DBpedia Mobile - -
dbrec - Music Recommendations - -
Faviki - -
knowee - -
LinkedGeoData Browser - -
LODr - ?
OpenLink Data Explorer - -
OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS, omnibus) - Y
ODS-AddressBook - -
ODS-BookmarkManager - -
ODS-Briefcase - -
ODS-Calendar - -
ODS-Community - Y
ODS-Discussion - -
ODS-FeedManager - -
ODS-Framework Y Y
ODS-Gallery - -
ODS-Mail - -
ODS-Polls - -
ODS-Weblog - -
ODS-Wiki - -
OpenLink Virtuoso Y Y
paggr - -
Revyu - -
RKBExplorer Y Y
RKBGadgets - See the RKB through Google Gadgets - -
sameAs.org Y -
Semantic CrunchBase - ?
Sig.ma - Y
Tabulator - Y
Talis Aspire - -
uberblic Y Y
VisiNav - -
Virtuoso Sponger Y -

People Interested in the Area
