Social Web WG Face to Face Meeting in Lisbon (F2F7)
The Social Web Working Group's seventh face-to-face meeting is in Lisbon, Portugal on and during W3C TPAC2016. Permalink:
The meeting will be held at:
- TPAC Venue: Centro de congressos de lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
- Room: 1.06, Hall 4, First Floor
Participation is limited to Working Group Members (including invited experts), and registered TPAC2016 Observers.
If you wish to attend please join the Social Web WG (per How to participate), or contact a chair on IRC #social for observer consideration.
TPAC2016 observers of the Social Web WG meeting, please add yourselves here (alphabetical)
- David Wood
- Hadley Beeman
- Tim Berners-Lee
- ...
- ... add yourself ^^^
Remote Participation
People who cannot attend the meeting should be able to participate via phone. The meeting room will have a phone and we will be using IRC like on any weekly calls (#social).
It would be useful to have a list of people who plan to participate in such a way so we can request an appropriate amount of telephone ports. Please, add your name to this list:
- Dmitri Zagidulin
- Ben Roberts - as much as possible given time difference.
We use:
Group members who don't plan to participate may note their regrets here:
- ...
Required Reading
- Micropub (changes since last CR)
- LDN (latest WD)
- ActivityPub (latest WD)
- SWP (latest WD)
Agenda items for the meeting. The chairs will determine a schedule for each day.
In addition to the below agenda times, we will have 15 minute mid-morning & mid-afternoon breaks that the chairs will call at a good stopping point (rather than being prescheduled).
September 21
W3C TPAC Plenary Day!
- All Social Web Working Group members are strongly encouraged to participate in the one-day plenary day before our f2f meeting.
There's a welcoming keynote by the CEO of W3C Jeff Jaffe, and then a bunch of breakout sessions (BarCamp style) which typically (i.e. recent years) have at least two sessions that are Social Working Group related.
See: TPAC 2016 Wednesday 21 September Plenary Day Schedule for details and updates!
- 11:00 Room 5A Redecentralization and Social Web breakout session
- IRC log / minutes of demos and discussion
- Summary - see section "Wednesday demos"
- Photos below!
September 22
Chair: Tantek
- 08:30-09:00 Coffee, snacks, network setup, introductions
- 09:00 Agenda item scheduling
- 09:30-10:25 Strategy for next 3 months, November f2f scheduling
- 10:25-10:45 Webmention next steps (issues, CR to PR status, test suite coverage, implementation reports/interop/coverage)
- 10:55-11:05 morning break
- 11:05-12:00 (cont'd) Webmention next steps (issues, CR to PR status, test suite coverage, implementation reports/interop/coverage)
- 12:00 LUNCH (TPAC)
- 13:20-14:35 Micropub next steps (issues, CR to PR status, test suite coverage, implementation reports/interop/coverage)
- 14:35-15:00 ActivityPub next steps (issues ...)
- 15:00-15:30 Break / AC Meeting (for Arnaud and Tantek)
- 15:30-16:30 Joint meeting with i18n (room 105)
- 16:30-18:00 Afternoon break, AC meeting (chairs, staff), and TPAC unstructured time
- 18:00 End of day 1
September 23
Chair(s): Tantek (and Arnaud during Post Type Discovery)
- 08:30-09:00 Coffee, snacks, network setup, introductions
- 09:00 Agenda item scheduling
- 09:15-10:00 (cont'd) ActivityPub next steps (issues, WD to CR status, prototypes/implementations, at-risk features)
- 10:08-10:30 morning break
- 10:30-12:15 LDN next steps (issues, WD to CR status, prototypes/implementations, at-risk features)
- 12:15-13:00 Post Type Discovery next steps (issues, WD to CR status, prototypes/implementations, at-risk features)
- 13:00 LUNCH (TPAC)
- 14:10 PHOTO!!!
- 14:20-15:45 AS2 next steps (issues...)
- 15:45-16:00 afternoon break
- 16:00-16:30 PubSubHubbub next steps (ED to FPWD status, issues)
- 16:30-17:00 AS2 next steps (issues, CR to PR status, test suite coverage, implementation reports/interop/coverage)
- 17:00-17:30 Group status and what's next (Recharter? CG?)
- 17:30 End of day 2
Details on specific topics in the agenda:
- PR transitions (AS2, Micropub, Webmention), for each:
- Test suite status (is complete, i.e. each feature has test(s)? if not, by when?)
- Implementation report status (how many? more than just editors? interop on all tests/features?)
- Outstanding non-editorial CR issues?
- CR transitions (ActivityPub, LDN, Post Type Discovery, ...?)
- WD updates (Social Web Protocols, JF2, ...)
- New WDs - only PubSubHubbub under consideration at this point (reflecting existing implementations)
- Group status and what's next?
- Recharter? (challenge with low W3C member participation) or alternatives:
- CG to incubate specs that need more / broader prototyping/implementing/interop
- ...
Social Web Breakout Photos
Social Web WG Photos
Related Events
IndieWebCamp Brighton
2016-09-24…25 IndieWebCamp Brighton (ENGLAND) is planned for the weekend after the F2F.
Premeeting Logistics
Please ASAP:
- officially register for TPAC 2016
- send the appropriate registration fee
- Note: registration fees DOUBLE after 2016-09-02. Please pay before then.
More information:
Book a hotel ASAP!
See: official TPAC 2016 hotel options (click on the bolded "online booking tool" link which goes to a non-W3C page)
- Note: many room blocks EXPIRE after 2016-09-02. Please book a room before then!
- Flights: Lisbon Aiport. Book your flights ASAP! (prices go up quickly for international flights)
- Transit: subway/bus/tram with one change (from airport to conference center)
- Or Taxi
More details on transportation options: