
From W3C Wiki

Technical conferences and meetings have a strong tradition of food/beer/wine/etc. But how about music? Lots of math and C.S. types are into music too, and it's a shame to waste an opportunity to jam when we're in the same place.

DanConnolly pitched an InstantGig November 9th as part of the HTML/F2F at the 2007 TPAC. He and Steven Pemberton opened the show by inviting people in from the lobby with With a Little help from my friends by the Beatles

ImageLink(,, alt=Dan on guitar) ImageLink(,, alt=sing-along)

Ian Jacobs introduced DanConnolly, co-chair of the new HTML Working Group, noting that the chair's job works best when everybody plays their part.

Dan dedicated the opening number to Sam Ruby for reminding him about Lawrence Lessig at OSCON 2002 (flash video) and to Aaron Swartz for great collaborations. Dan said this concert his answer to the sound of Lessig's voice echoing his head: what have you done about it?. Then he dedicated the next number, The Gambler to Mark Manasse for bringing Why Rights Management is Wrong (and What to Do Instead) to Sophia-Antipolis for the W3C DRM Workshp in 2000, saying we're going to be doing some of it today.

Then next number, Teach Your Children Well was dedicated to Brennan, Justin, Kyle, Michael, Andrew, and Ben. Voices broke as singers remembers their parents and children back home.

If you were there, free to continue editing the outline into story form...

Drop a little something in the W3C tip jar or under Dan's family tree if you'd like to help the band find time to do more gigs/podcasts.

We take requests; it's a wiki...

  • Foolin Yourself, Styxx
    • for Doug
  • saw her standing there, by the monkeys (The *Monkeys*? Alright, who put this here? (It's the Monkees; but I Saw Her Standing There was by a band from Liverpool))
  • yellow rose of texas
  • ...
  • I fought the Law from Janet
  • Only the Good die Young?

2004 in the South of France

DanConnolly and friends have used 802.11-happy laptops to google up song lyrics and chords for an InstantGig a few times. (favorites include: yellow brick road, house of the rising sun, Beatles. DanC is particularly fond of U2 songs like love rescue me and van dieman's land )

At the W3C tech plenary in France in March 2004,

borrowed an electric guitar.

What fun!


IanJacobs on keyboards, DanConnolly on guitar, JonathanRobie on pennywhistle, and JoseKahan on accordian at the Royal Casino hotel in France, March 2004. (among Jacek Kopecky's TP photos) see also: libby's photos of 2Mar.

Ian and Max did Complainte de la Butte, and DanConnolly joined them for Hallelujah Buckley/Cohen chords