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The Class of a Node is its rdf:type Property

When you read RDF- say, a FOAF file, the RdfXmlSyntax code looks like...

  <foaf:name>Your Name Here</foaf:name>

The outermost foaf:Person is called the class of the node produced.

That is, there is a node produced, and it's "class" is foaf:Person.

But we know that RDF is all about graphs of nodes, and there are only subject, predicate, and object (SubjectPredicateObject.)

  • subjects: (nodes)
  • predicates: (paths from subjects to objects)
  • objects: (nodes, or literals)

Where then is the notion of a "Class?"

The answer is that it is actually a property (aka "predicate.")

That is, when you say:


...then you are actually saying: "There is a node, and an RdfStatement attached to this node, automatically."

That statement is:

(node) rdf:type foaf:Person


CharlesNepote asks a good question on his page:


<Prohibition rdf:about="">
  <dc:title>Commercial Use</dc:title>
  <dc:description>rights may be exercised for commercial purposes</dc:description>

...the same as...

  <rdf:type rdf:resource="cc:Prohibition">
  <dc:title>Commercial Use</dc:title>
  <dc:description>rights may be exercised for commercial purposes</dc:description>


I would think not, because cc:[[CommercialUse]] would seem to be itself interpreted as a Class here.

I have additional questions:

  • Is it possible for a node to belong to two classes?
  • How do you make a class-less node? Or is that even possible?

-- LionKimbro DateTime(2004-06-14T02:22:08)

As far as RDF is concerned, rdf:type is no different from any other property, so a given resource can have any number of values for rdf:type. The RdfXmlSyntax has some shortcuts for declaring rdf:type, which is probably what is confusing people.


  <rdf:Description rdf:about=''>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=''/>
    <dc:title>Example thing</dc:title>

can be abbreviated as:

  <rdf:Description rdf:about='' rdf:type=''>
    <dc:title>Example thing</dc:title>


  <ex:Thing rdf:about='' xmlns:ex=''>
    <dc:title>Example thing</dc:title>

All three will produce the same graph:


   "Example thing".

Using the RdfXmlSyntax, one can use rdf:Description to describe a resource without specifying its type. To give a resource multiple types, you can declare the rdf:type properties explicitly or use use the abbreviated form multiple times:

  <Class1 rdf:about=''>
    <rdf:type resource=''/>
    <rdf:type resource=''/>


  <Class1 rdf:about=''/>
  <Class2 rdf:about=''/>
  <Class3 rdf:about=''/>

-- David Menendez DateTime