Pseudo-classes ::before
The ::before pseudo-element can be used to describe generated content before an element's content.
selector::before{ preperties }
Point, Note
- When the ::first-letter and ::first-line pseudo-elements are applied to an element having content generated using ::before, it applies to the first letter or line of the element including the generated content.[Example B]
Example A
p::before{ content: "Note. "; display: inline; }
<body> <p>In CSS 2.1, it is not possible to refer to attribute values for other elements than the subject of the selector.</p> </body>
Example B
p.special::before{ content: "Special! " } p.special::first-letter{ color: #ffd800 }
<body> <p class="special">Christmas Party.</p> </body>
CSS defines the ::before pseudo-element in 7.4. The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements.