We, W3C Member KDDI CORPORATION, hereby submit to the Consortium the following specification, comprising the following document(s) attached hereto:
which collectively are referred to as "the Submission". We request the Submission be known as the SVGTL Submission.
This specification defines the features and syntax for a Tiling and Layering Module for SVG 1.2 Tiny. This specification focuses on Web Mapping based on hyper-documents.
No, this is an open-platform specification based on non-proprietary technology. Furthermore, this architecture respects the philosophy of Linked Open Data advocated by Mr. Tim Berners-Lee.
We suggest that the Consortium establish a Mapping Task Force and a W3C Recommendation based on this specification, within the SVG WG.
SVGTL may have some relationship with existing W3C groups. KDDI does not have an opinion about the details of cooperation with these activities.
SVGTL is related to the Linked Data-related projects of the W3C, as it may be considered to be a new application of Linked Data.
In addition, it may be related to the Government Linked Data WG, since maps are such an important source of information for government; this explains the interest shown by the Japanese Government in making SVGTL a de-jure standard.
Of course, it will be related with POI WG where one of the main application is Mapping.
To help with this work, we provide the following expectations and information to the Consortium.
The most important application of SVG in Japan is considered to be maps. And, the JIS de-jure standardization of this (SVGTL) specification is being promoted through the JIS standardization of SVG 1.2 Tiny. Initial JIS standardization completion is scheduled for 2012. This activity has the basic stance of cooperation with the standardization activity of W3C. By the way, Mr. Doug Schepers and KEIO staff have known of this circumstance for some time (see [SVG IG], [SVG IG JP]).
In addition, we are preparing the publication of an implementation of SVGTL as an open-source project based on WebKit. These activities may increase the possibility of a social contribution to SVG and this (SVGTL) specification.
Inquiries from the public or press about this Submission should be directed to: Satoru Takagi KDDI CORPORATION sa-takagi@kddi.com
this 7th day of June, 2011,
Satoru Takagi as AC rep of KDDI CORPORATION