Identifying when course events happen

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Requirement e) "must be able to identify the dates and times at which individual course events are offered" arises from use case 1.3 refining UC1 by the time of events, where the searcher is concerned about the dates and times at which course events are offered. In this case it is the individual component events of the course (classes, workshops, tutorials etc.) that are of concern. Such component events are often repeated at a regular slot (e.g. a course may have a lab class every Tuesday afternoon from 14:00 to 17:00). The times and dates will vary from one Course Instance to another.

See also: identifying the start and end of a course.


Use the subEvent property of a CourseInstance inherited from Event to identify the component events. The component events will typically be EducationEvents. Use the startDate and endDate of these component events to convey the required information.

Note: See also EventSeries issue for and illustrated concrete proposal.

See email discussion thread starting at dates of a course and previous thread on Dates and locations of a CourseInstance & the lessons it comprises.


Based on Edinburgh Community Learning example

  name: Cake Decoration
  hasCourseInstance: CourseInstance
    name: Spring 2016 Offering
    subEvent: EducationEvent
      startDate: 2016-04-19T19:00:00
      endDate:   2016-04-19T21:00:00
    subEvent: EducationEvent
      startDate: 2016-04-26T19:00:00
      endDate:   2016-04-26T21:00:00


<body  vocab="">
<!-- content -->
<div typeof="Course">
  <h1><span property="name">Cake Decoration</span> - Beginner - (19/4) - BHS36452</h1>
  <div property="hasCourseInstance" typeof="CourseInstance">
     <h2 property="name">Spring 2016 Offering</h2>
     <h3>Dates and times</h3>
          <tr property="subEvent" typeof="EducationEvent">
              <meta property="startDate" content="20160419T1900">
              <meta property="endDate" content="20160419T2100">
               19 Apr 2016</td>
            <td>07:00 pm - 09:00 pm</td>
          <tr property="subEvent" typeof="EducationEvent">
              <meta property="startDate" content="20160426T1900">
              <meta property="endDate" content="20160426T2100">
               26 Apr 2016</td>
            <td>07:00 pm - 09:00 pm</td>
  </div>  <!--end course instance info-->
</div>  <!--end course info-->
