Examples of sites with course information
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The Data Scientist’s Toolbox
MOOC, online course (part of the Data Science Specialization)
Simplified version with markup.
Fife College course HNC Accounting
currently, three offerings at different venues on variable dates
Simplified version with markup.
PTC Basic Proof Reading
Correspondence courses / paper-based distance learning
Simplified version with markup.
Edinburgh City Council Community Learning
Evening classes, adult education: (click on for detailed information about individual courses, e.g. Cake Decoration )
Simplified version with markup.
Physics BSc (Hons) at Bristol
University course (face to face enrolment) Many listed at UCAS for example
Simplified version with markup.
examples at Guardian courses
Day-long courses
MIT OCW Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry
University course (courseware) see also MIT 12.335/12.835 Exp Atmospheric Chemistry
Dental Assisting Certificate
U.S. Community College program of study and an associated course: Clinical Practice 1
Futurelearn course WW1 Heroism: Through Art and Film
One online course four offerings: 1 past, 1 ongoing, 2 future)
Lynda.com course Foundations of Programming: Fundamentals
Duration of videos but no start or end date or other events
Plus many many more in comment stream on github issue schemaorg/schemaorg #195