Main Page
This is the wiki for the Schema Course Extension W3C Community Group. The aim of the group is to develop an extension for concerning the discovery of any type of educational course (online/offline, long/short, scheduled/on-demand). The purpose of this wiki is to help the group to develop use cases into proposed changes to and to collaborate on examples showing how the proposal can be used to mark up examples from websites.
Scope and Definition of a Course
The extension will include markup for information relating to advertising and finding courses (course discovery). Information relating to running a course, e.g. information about student enrolment, is out of scope unless it is also useful for course discovery.
The extension must be applicable to wide range of course types, including online courses, face-to-face courses, day-long courses, correspondence courses, evening classes, workforce education/training/professional development courses.
An educational course is defined as a sequence of events and/or creative works which aims to build knowledge, competence or ability of learners.
Aggregations of courses, variously known as programs, tracks, courses, specializations etc., are also within scope.
Useful pages
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