ORTC W3C CG Meeting 7
Posted on:Minutes: ORTC CG 7
Slides: ORTC-CG-2015-01-27
22 January 2015 Editor’s draft:
Changes from the October 14 Editor’s Draft:
WebRTC 1.0 compatibility
- Statistics API Update (Issue 85)
- H.264 parameters update (Issue 158)
- Support for maxptime (Issue 160)
- RTCRtpUnhandledEvent update (Issue 163)
- Support for RTCIceGatherer.state (Issue 164)
Call for Implementations
Existing reference implementations:
– ORTC Library: http://www.slideshare.net/ErikLagerway/ortc-lib-introduction
– Call for help, there is plenty to do, some examples:
> Browsers: JS Shim work
> Servers: Node.js work eg. SIP to ORTC Gateway
UPDATE: ORTC CG Meeting 7 will be held on January 27 at 9am – Pacific Standard Time.
UPDATE Video Bridge (Chrome Required) https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/guhlgxwpkjvqvqq5nd7576zcc4a?hl=en
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14YFaZyXgyrHeKTCnSrDYQQvoSNw1SSfuzy0bAUKnnrc/edit#slide=id.p
As a follow-up to the recent email list posting, here are some proposed dates/times for ORTC CG Meeting 7. Please indicate your preference on dates/times here: http://doodle.com/mzxf4wucswqgc698
Note: I have kept the meeting times in the morning to aid in EU / Overseas member participation.
We would like to use Jitsi for this one again. Emil, would you be ok with that? If so is this the correct link?
Draft Agenda
Review of spec changes
Review of issues:
Issue 48 (Matching Rules)
Issue 165 (ICE re-gathering)
Issue 167 (DTLS role)
Issue 168 (DTLS interop)
Call for Implementations: Share what you are working on!
Existing reference implementations:
– ORTC Library (incomplete): http://www.slideshare.net/ErikLagerway/ortc-lib-introduction
There is plenty to do! Some examples:
– Browsers: JS shim work
– Servers: Node.js work eg. SIP to ORTC Gateway
See something missing? Please reply to the mail list posting with your comments.