A simple list of auto.schema.org terms – to make your review easier
Posted on:Dear All,
To help with the review we just launched, please find a simple indented list of all terms in auto.schema.org.
We use red color for types, turquoise for individua and default color for properties.
All terms are hyperlinks to respective auto.schema.org description.
Hope this helps !
- auto.schema.org/BusOrCoach; auto.schema.org/Car
- auto.schema.org/Vehicle ; auto.schema.org/Motorcycle; auto.schema.org/MotorizedBicycle
- accelerationTime
- bodyType
- cargoVolume
- dateVehicleFirstRegistered
- driveWheelConfiguration
- emmisionsCO2
- fuelCapacity
- fuelConsumption
- fuelEfficiency
- fuelType
- knownVehicleDamages
- meetsEmmisionStandard
- mileageFromOdometer
- modelDate
- numberOfAirbags
- numberOfAxles
- numberOfDoors
- numberOfForwardGears
- numberOfPreviousOwners
- payload
- productionDate
- purchaseDate
- seatingCapacity
- specialUsage
- speed
- steeringPosition
- tongueWeight
- trailerWeight
- vehicleConfiguration
- vehicleEngine
- vehicleIdentificationNumber
- vehicleInteriorColor
- vehicleInteriorType
- vehicleModelDate
- vehicleSeatingCapacity
- vehicleTransmission
- weightTotal
- wheelBase
vehicleConfiguration assists in handling what we call ‘trim’, in the U.S. (alongside bodyType). And the rest simply do a splendid job in supporting the delivery of key markup for vehicle attributes.
My gratitude as always, Mirek, and to all others involved.