Group call agenda
Posted on:As announced via the mailing list, we will have our first group call on Wednesday, September 25, at 15:00 CET. We will be using Skype for the call; please add carsten-kessler
on Skype to participate.
Agenda for the call:
- Brainstorm about existing standards (both SemWeb-based and other
relevant to the field) - Brainstorm about use cases
- Options for face to face meetings:
- ICCM 2013 in Nairobi
- Organize a workshop at ISCRAM
- Virtual seminar
- Abstract for UNISDR 2015 Global Assessment Report
Talk to you on Wednesday!
Hi Carsten,
The agenda sounds very interesting. Unfortunately I’ll be giving a presentation at the time of the call. So I’ll drop my ideas here for the group to consider.
An interesting area for application could be humanitarian logistics, esp. regarding the cross-linking of information systems supporting assessments (Ushahidi, KoBoToolbox, …) and supply chain management (Sahana, Helios, …). If this seems relevant to the group, I would be glad to contribute my related work; perhaps eventually leading to an HXL extension for logistics.
Another option for face-to-face meetings would be (A) the ISCRAM summer school or (B) other conferences like the new ICT-DM.
Hope this provides some food for thought – Have a productive call, with my warmest greetings reaching out to Tomi and Minu as well.
Looking forward to reading the minutes!