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Community & Business Groups

Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture Community Group

The mission of the Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture Community Group is to determine the requirements, options, and use cases for an integration of interactive 3D graphics capabilities into the W3C technology stack. This group is aimed to extract core features out of the requirements as foundation to propose feasible technical solutions. These should cover the majority of 3D use cases for the Web - but not necessarily all of them. There are upcoming open (e.g., WebGL) and proprietary (e.g., Adobe) proposals for imperative graphics APIs in the Web context but we are missing an easy way to add interactive high-level declarative 3D objects to the HTML-DOM to allow anyone to easily create, share, and experience interactive 3D graphics - with possibly wide ranging effects similar to those caused by the broad availability of video on the Web. The goal of this CG is to evaluate the necessary requirements for a successful standardization of a declarative approach to interactive 3D graphics as part of HTML documents.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Image from the Declarative 3D “Kickoff” meeting in Paris

Declarative 3D kickoff meeting in paris
Declarative 3D kickoff meeting in paris

This picture shows the group of people which were at the declarative 3D “kickoff” meeting last week in paris during the Web3d 2011 Conference. This includes members from DFKI, Fraunhofer IGD and the Web3D Consortium, but also new faces and contributor like Neil Trevett from Khronos. This meeting was extremely inspiring and we look all forward to deliver a first progress at Siggraph and TPAC 2011.

Welcome to the Declarative 3D Community Group

The Community Group “Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture” is an initiative of DFKI, Fraunhofer IGD and the Web3D Consortium. Originally intended as an Incubator Group, we want to use this great new opportunity of W3C Community Groups and use it to build a community that is interested in describing highly interactive 3D scenes within HTML and the DOM.

We developed a very explicit charter and we would like to stick to this charter. This doesn’t say the charter is perfect and final, but we intend to focus on a lean and mean set of well defined topics. We will transform this charter to a Wiki entry i.e. to the group’s philosophy soon.

We invite you to join our initiative and we are looking forward for inputs and contributions from a wide range of different parties!