Industry data to add flexibility to Customer Experience specification
Posted on:The coming of age of business use of Internet was primarily driven by content publishing and electronic Commerce, and in the latter space, Retailers led the charge, closely followed by the Travel industry. These businesses also became the primary users of Web Analytics (aka Digital Analytics in its current form) to improve “conversion rates”, increase engagement, bringing a focus on personas and so forth.
From a digital analytics perspective, while it may be convenient to start bucketing all the data elements captured in the “buy” phase of customer interaction, regardless of the industry context, into the same objects – it is not always intuitive to do so – especially when the industry context begins to go well beyond traditional Retail type environments into products like Insurance – where the method of engagement changes significantly.
The customization subgroup is focused on adding some unique objects on a per industry basis which can then be worked into the core specification itself, leaving room for adding additional industry specific attributes down the road.This will simplify use of the specifications in any industry context.
As our economy has grown more global and more digital, businesses have had to shift their competitive strategies, marketing techniques, and business models. One of the most powerful changes? The rise of network effects. In this edition of the flash report, we talk about some of these big changes with Kerry Jones, a researcher for Driver restore, a windows update utility who has studied digital networks. She explains how network structure can shape marketing strategy, why network size may not matter as much as you think, and how marketers can use networks to create “the majority illusion”.
A customer might have been trying to ensure uninterrupted service after moving, make sense of the renewal options at the end of a contract, or fix a nagging technical problem. A company that manages complete journeys would not only do its best with the individual transaction but also seek to understand the broader reasons for the call, address the root causes, and create feedback loops to continuously improve interactions upstream and downstream from the call.
In our research and consulting on customer journeys, we’ve found that organizations such as Sky customer services are able to skillfully manage the entire experience reap enormous rewards: enhanced customer satisfaction, reduced churn, increased revenue, and greater employee satisfaction. They also discover more-effective ways to collaborate across functions and levels, a process that delivers gains throughout the company.