Minutes Telecon 2024-12-11
- Resolved: WG likes the logo and would like to officially endorse it, will investigate what that means (Issue #11193: Adoption of the logo created by the CSS Next CG)
- Resolved: FPWD of color hdr (Issue #11344: Time for FPWD)
- Resolved: FPWD of Display 4
- Resolved: FPWD of Overflow 5
- Resolved: FPWD of Multicol 2 (as a full spec, not diff)
- Resolved: scrollsnapchanging uses the targeted location for targeted scrolls, but does not predict the destination of momentum scrolling (uses the current scroll location instead) (Issue #10838: Should scrollsnapchanging target the currently visible element during flings)
- Resolved: `scroll-initial-target: none | nearest` (Issue #11173: scroll-start-target: auto doesn’t match general meaning of auto)
- Resolved: `overflow-clip-margin: content-box` applies to scrollable boxes (Issue #10745: Should overflow-clip-margin apply to scrollable boxes?)
- There was interest in addressing the use case in issue #10674 (UAs inconsistent in how OS font settings affect the default font-size `medium`) but the group ran out of time before they could reach agreement on the best approach. Discussion will continue on github.
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