Minutes Telecon 2024-10-30
- Resolved: Accept the PR (Issue #10271: Add interpolation between multiple values of dynamic-range-limit)
- smfr will research if webkit is able to change to the chromium behavior for issue #4165 (Should CSS decorative images respect EXIF-orientation by default) which the group will use to guide the resolution.
- Resolved: Change the spec to match reality around child-of-root BODY elements (Issue #10549: Spec for offsetTop/Left does not match impls when offsetParent is `position:static` `body` element)
- Resolved: Plain text copy must ignore text replaced autospace. open to other feedback (Issue #8511: text-autospace: what gets copied?)
- Comments are requested in issue #3434 (Prevent line breaking after explicit hyphens) to help move the conversation toward a resolution.
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