OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG meeting 2024-07-25
How to implement and shape API for `selectedoption` element for `select`
- Resolved: Move forward with the light dom cloning API shape and discuss timing in the issue
Popover Topics
- There was strong use cases to support the need to solve especially for the tooltip case, though also acknowledging this will be challenging on touch interfaces.
- Several people clarified that, though we’ve been just saying tooltip, they had both a rich and a basic tooltip in mind that would have somewhat different behaviors/needs.
- Concerns were also raised if this was the right ux to expose information. Some folks believed it was, but others will have conversations with design teams to form an opinion.
- Discussion will resume in a few weeks after folks have had a chance to think more with their internal teams.
- There was a brief introduction to the proposal to have pseudo elements to target the fallback element and the concern that we need to use something that doesn’t expose the shadow parts. Time ran out before the group could discuss further so conversation will continue on the issue. (Issue #10462: Pseudo-elements for stylable select)
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