Minutes Telecon 2024-03-06
- Resolved: Make semicolons an optional upgrade to commas in CSS functions (Issue #9539: Better handling of arguments with commas)
- Resolved: No change, keep with the existing resolution [existing resolution] (Issue #6026: Use of 100vw is causing pointless horizontal scrollbars on some websites)
- Resolved: Custom properties don’t apply to the highlight pseudos. On highlight pseudos, the var() function takes from the originating element (Issue #9909: Revisit CSS Custom Properties in highlight pseudos)
- Resolved: If a content-visibility:auto element is skipping its contents but has not yet determined its visibility, don’t fire the `contentvisibilityautostatechange` event until you do know the visibility (Issue #9803: Should the first `contentvisibilityautostatechange` event be fired without knowing if the element is close to the viewport)
- Resolved: All of the text spacing properties don’t apply to the squished-together character of text-combine-upright; text-spacing-trim is treated as trim-all (Issue #9423: Spacing within text-combine-upright)
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