Minutes Telecon 2024-01-17
- Resolved: Create & publish FPWD for css-viewport-1
- Resolved: Adopt picture-in-picture media query (Issue #9260: Add display-mode for document picture-in-picture)
- Resolved: Remove requirement for the ua stylesheet rule for inverted-colors (Issue #9674: Inverted-colors media feature can cause problems on semi-transparent images)
- Resolved: No change to :has() behavior (Issue #9422: Is it intentional that :has(:is()) is different from :has()?)
- Resolved: Close issue #5684 (What is the reasoning for ignoring default namespaces only on the subject for :is() / :where() / :not()?) with no change
- Resolved: Contextually-invalid selectors have a specificity of zero (Issue #9600: Specificity of contextually-invalid selectors)
- Resolved: Add ScrollIntoView to the definition of relevant to the user, should also affect ancestors (Issue #9337: ScrollIntoView a descendant of element with content-visibility:auto)
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