Minutes Telecon 2023-12-20
- Resolved: CSS WG adopts the CSS Color HDR draft as a work item (Issue #9306: Add mechanism to query HDR headroom)
- Resolved: Remap property value space for text-spacing (Issue #9511: Visual regressions of line-start at portals and news sites)
- Resolved: Accept Murakami’s proposal to simplify to text-spacing: normal | trim-start | space-first | trim-auto | space-all | trim-all | auto (Issue #9511)
- Resolved: Disallow auto for view-transitions-name/view-transitions (Issue #9639: Disallow the name `auto` as `view-transition-name`)
- Resolved: Serialize implicit scope pseudoclass in rule selectors (Issue #9621: Always serialize the implicit `:scope` ?)
- Resolved: Add calc-size() to css-values-5 and work out details there (Issue #626: Transition to height (or width) “auto”)
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