Minutes Telecon 2023-06-21
- After last week’s resolution for issue #8636 (Should “Ready-made Counter Styles” be supported by UA?) there were additional concerns raised in Github about if the anchoring document is the appropriate reference. The group discussed further and decided to keep the resolution as is for now since it is better than the current state even if it’s not perfect.
- Resolved: Accept edits from the issue (Issue #8870: Korean counter styles fallback)
- Resolved: Accept edits (Issue #8186: Setting `CSSCounterStyleRule.name` should ignore symbolic counter styles)
- There was interest in solving for issue #7959 (Support automatically localized counters), but some concerns that with the hundreds of languages this would cause lots of problems as well. A more detailed proposal will be created to see if the concerns can be addressed.
- Issue #8596 (System for cjk-earthly-branch and cjk-heavenly-stem) is due to outdated tests and doesn’t need a fix.
- Resolved: Change fallback for cjk-earthly-branch and cjk-heavenly-stem to cjk-decimal instead of decimal (Issue #8975: Fallback for cjk-earthly-branch and cjk-heavenly-stem)
- Resolved: Republish CR of Counter Styles
- The group would like to do a joint meeting with WHATWG at TPAC.
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