Minutes Telecon 2021-03-17
- Resolved: Republish WD of Cascade 5 and move open feature requests to L6
- A request for wide review of Cascade 5 will be sent in preparation for a CR request
- Resolved: Republish Sizing 3 WD
- In 2 weeks there will be a CR request for Sizing 3 WD. Everyone is encouraged to review the spec in advance of that in case there are uncaught issues with intrinsic sizing.
- Resolved: Reverse the resolution and drop advance-override (Issue #5983: advance-override details)
- Resolved: Add a size-adjust descriptor to @fontface, accepting a percent. Applies a scale factor. Impacts all associated metrics of the font, including the outline. Because it does not affect a computed fonts size it does not affect em [it does affect normal] (Issue #6075: Add glyph scaling override descriptor to @font-face)
- A new question will be opened for if we should deprecate font-size-adjust based on the above resolution
- There is a new proposal for addressing issue #5624 (Higher level custom properties that control multiple declarations) which would create a new type of custom property which creates a new cascade pass to resolve. Anyone with interest in this problem is asked to participate on the GitHub issue to reach a solution.
- Resolved: Remove color() function fallback (Issue #5931: Concerns about color() function fallback)
- It remains undecided if the content-visibility: auto subtree elements should be visible in the accessibility tree (Issue #5857). Exposing the content could mean a performance hit only for those using the accessibility tree and therefore be considered discriminatory. On the other hand, not exposing the content could lead to them not getting to some content which should have been reachable. Conversation will continue on GitHub.
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