CSS WG Blog Updated CSS Conditional Rules Level 3 Cand…

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Updated CSS Conditional Rules Level 3 Candidate Recommendation

By fantasai December 23, 2020 (Permalink)
Categories: publications

The CSS Working Group has published an updated Candidate Recommendation of CSS Conditional Rules Level 3. This module contains the features of CSS for conditional processing of parts of style sheets, such as @media and the (here-introduced) @supports.

This long-overdue publication changes requirements for spaces around conjunctions to match Media Queries and removes the requirement for parentheses in the simplest supports() queries. It also rewrites the grammar over CSS Syntax Level 3 (as opposed to the CSS2 Appendix G Flex/Yacc notation) and updates some details of the OM interfaces. A changes list and disposition of comments since the previous (2013) Candidate Recommendation are available. (We hope to keep this module more regularly up-to-date going forward.)

As this module is largely implemented and deployed, next steps will be focusing on ensuring test coverage and implementation correctness to prepare for a Recommendation.

Please send feedback by either filing an issue in GitHub (preferable) or sending mail to the (archived) public mailing list www-style@w3.org with the spec code ([css-conditional-3]) and your comment topic in the subject line. (Alternatively, you can email one of the editors and ask them to forward your comment.)

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[Photo: group photo of the CSS working group in San Francisco] Contact: Bert Bos
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Last updated 2020-12-23 10:27:06