This is a page from the Cascading Style Sheets Working Group Blog. Some other places to find information are the “current work” page, the www-style mailing list, the Future of CSS syndicator, and the issue list on Github.
Do you want to know how the CSS WG works? Fantasai has written about:csswg, An Inside View of the CSS Working Group at W3C.
The CSS Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of CSS Lists Level 3. The Lists module covers list-styling options such as changing counter styles and marker position as well as automatic counters and numbering. Level 3 introduces:
counter, which allows referencing and manipulating the default list numbers
This is a significant and overdue redraft of Level 3: some experimental features were dropped and the whole draft has been streamlined and tightened up, shifting the draft from “please don’t try to implement this” to “pretty reliable”. However, there are still some open issues against Chapter 4 (Automatic Numbering with Counters), and we recommend continuing to use CSS2.1 as the definitive reference for those features until Level 3 has been fully synchronized with it. Changes since the last Working Draft are listed in the Changes section.
Please send feedback by either filing an issue in GitHub (preferable) or sending mail to the (archived) public mailing list with the spec code ([css-lists-3]
) and your comment topic in the subject line. (Alternatively, you can email one of the editors and ask them to forward your comment.)